Spare parts for cars

Parts, individual components and mechanisms, components of various vehicle systems are subject to mandatory conformity assessment. According to the requirements of the legislation, which applies to the entire territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, it is required to issue a certificate for auto parts for car parts.The conformity assessment procedure is carried out in the form of certification in order to confirm the quality of products put into circulation on the territory of the EAEU.

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Spare parts for cars

Parts, individual components and mechanisms, components of various vehicle systems are subject to mandatory conformity assessment. According to the requirements of the legislation, which applies to the entire territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, it is required to issue a certificate for auto parts for car parts.The conformity assessment procedure is carried out in the form of certification in order to confirm the quality of products put into circulation on the territory of the EAEU.

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Regulatory framework

Components and spare parts for various vehicles are subject to certification, which is carried out in the TR CU system. Certification of auto parts is carried out in accordance with the requirements and provisions of TR CU 018/2011. The conformity assessment procedure can only be carried out in a certification body that has the appropriate level of accreditation. The certificate for spare parts is issued on the basis of the acts of inspections carried out and the results specified in the test reports.

The TR CU establishes safety requirements for various wheeled vehicles. The certificate of conformity for auto parts is valid throughout the territory of the Single Economic Space for 5 years (maximum validity period).

Note that it is not required to issue a certificate for certain types of components, but a declaration (check with our specialists).

In the case when spare parts are supplied to assembly production, then it is required to obtain an OTTS for controlled products.

What does the document contain?

The certificate for spare parts is filled in on an approved sample form with several degrees of protection. This allows you to minimize the likelihood of a fake permit. The document contains information about the manufacturer (details of the company, its name, OGRN, TIN) and a list of regulations (technical specifications and / or GOST), the requirements of which the manufacturer complied with in the manufacture of manufactured products.

The permit provides a list of documents confirming the quality and safety of controlled products (test reports). It is mandatory to indicate the validity period of the document, as well as the signatures of the expert who carried out the certification of automotive parts and the head of the certification body.

The order of registration

To obtain a certificate, the applicant must apply to a specialized certification company with an application, a package of primary documentation and product samples. The whole certification procedure consists of the following stages:

  • examination of the application by a specialist, verification of the submitted data, approval of the scheme, conclusion of the contract;
  • transfer of samples of goods to a testing center or laboratory for examination, during which the products are checked by various methods for compliance with the normalized quality and safety indicators established in the TR;
  • if necessary, an expert visits the enterprise to assess the production conditions;
  • as a result of the data received, a decision is made on the possibility of issuing and issuing a certificate;
  • filling out the document form and registering it in the unified register of the EAEU;
  • issuance of a certificate for auto parts to the applicant.

Further, as part of the certification procedures, the applicant is obliged to put the "EAC" mark on the goods. During the certification of serial production, in the future, an inspection control of the immutability of the conditions for the release of goods is carried out annually. After the registration of the TR CU certificate, the applicant, on his own initiative, can additionally conduct a quality assessment, for example, in the GOST R system – the most famous and popular voluntary certification system. The presence of a voluntary certificate allows the company to significantly increase the competitiveness of products and participate more effectively in state tenders.

What documents do I need to prepare?

The applicant must collect and submit to the specialist the following documentation:

  • a written application of a standard sample;
  • copies of registration certificates and other documents characterizing the activity (OGRN, TIN, charter, extracts from various state registers);
  • an arbitrary description of the certification object indicating the main properties, design features, purpose and other important data for correct identification;
  • for imported goods - a supply contract, catalog, specification or invoice, an authorized person's contract for the applicant;
  • own evidence of conformity of products –if available) - QMS certificate, independent research protocols, expert opinions, etc.

In our certification center "EAC" you can get comprehensive advice for free on any additional issue related to the conformity assessment of automotive parts.

Our specialists carry out a full range of work on certification of spare parts for passenger cars. Here you can issue mandatory certificates, register declarations of conformity of products.

We work efficiently, saving you time and money. Each client is served by a personal manager who will determine the necessary certificates and calculate their cost completely free of charge. Our specialists will answer all the questions that arise, tell you what kind of document you need to issue in your case, and will qualitatively certify the required products.

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