Children's clothing

Certification of clothing for children and newborns is a guarantee of product quality and safety. At the same time, the quality control of children's clothing takes place in two stages: first, state registration, then declaration.

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Children's clothing

Certification of clothing for children and newborns is a guarantee of product quality and safety. At the same time, the quality control of children's clothing takes place in two stages: first, state registration, then declaration.

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Don't break the law

Certification of children's clothing is mandatory for suppliers and manufacturers. The process is regulated by the rules of certification of goods of the light and textile industry. The requirements are described in the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 007/2011 "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents". Please note that the rules of the Customs Union may change. Therefore, you need to monitor the relevance of the requirements.

Groups of goods subject to mandatory state registration:

  • disposable sanitary and hygienic products (diapers, panties, diapers)
  • clothes and underwear for newborns;
  • baby bedding.

The certificate of state registration is issued for an indefinite period.

Groups of products subject to mandatory certification:

  • baby blankets;
  • clothes and underwear for preschool and school-age children;
  • children's bathing suits;
  • children's gloves, stockings and socks;
  • hats;
  • children's outerwear for children under 1 year old.

The certificate of conformity is issued for a period of up to 3 years.

Groups of goods subject to mandatory declaration:

  • children's outerwear for children over 1 year old;
  • hats of the winter assortment;
  • on clothes for children for which a certificate of state registration is issued.

The declaration of conformity is issued for a period of up to 5 years.

Requirements for children's clothing

The assessment of compliance with the requirements is carried out according to the developed scheme, the choice of which depends on the products produced (serial production or a single batch), and also depends on the applicant's reputation in global markets (stability, the presence of a QMS certificate). To ensure that the confirmation of security according to the TR CU does not cause questions, you first need to figure out which documents should be prepared for you. It is necessary to check both with national legislation and with the rules of the Customs Union.

Clothing for children should meet more stringent requirements in comparison with those imposed on products for adults. These requirements include:

  • The composition of the feedstock. It must meet the accepted requirements.
  • Hygroscopicity.
  • Resistance of the dyed fabric to friction and washing.
  • Breathability.

The results obtained are recorded, they are the basis for issuing a certificate. Artificial fibers should be absent in products for newborns. The products must be made of natural materials, without internal seams. Keep in mind that sometimes products of this kind do not consist of a single layer. And these requirements will be relevant for everyone. Children's clothes are checked very carefully. Therefore, it's not only about the presence of an additional layer of material, but also in accessories, accessories, etc.

Documents for certification

Certification of children's clothing implies the provision of a package of documents to the authorized body. The list may vary depending on who is considered the applicant (it may be a seller or a manufacturer), on the type of products (products for newborns or dresses, blouses for girls), as well as on the country in which the product is produced.

In any case, in order to carry out certification, it is necessary to provide an application, a questionnaire that is filled in according to a specially established form, a technical description. In the latter, it is worth specifying all the basic characteristics of such a product. Also, we must not forget that we need a package of documents for the applicant himself. But what kind of official papers to submit depends on who applies to the registration authority. Both the manufacturer himself and his representative or the seller in general can be certified.

The package of documents may differ depending on whether the manufacturer is a foreign company or a domestic one. In the second case, the company has data in domestic databases. Therefore, less information will need to be provided. But a foreign corporation will need a full amount of information, especially if it has not previously submitted such information about itself in principle.

Product certification is a difficult task. Therefore, if you do not want to get confused in everything, we offer to help you figure out the details. Contact us: we act strictly in your interests. With us, everything will be easier and faster, and by an order of magnitude.

Our specialists carry out a full range of work on the certification of children's clothing products. Here you can issue mandatory certificates, register declarations of conformity of products.

We work efficiently, saving you time and money. Each client is served by a personal manager who will determine the necessary certificates and calculate their cost completely free of charge. Our specialists will answer all the questions that arise, tell you what kind of document you need to issue in your case, and will qualitatively certify the required products.

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