
For the smooth functioning of transport, it is necessary to refuel it with diesel fuel (diesel fuel), gas or gasoline. Before the release of goods into circulation, it is necessary to undergo a mandatory conformity assessment in accordance with the current TR CU (EAEU).

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For the smooth functioning of transport, it is necessary to refuel it with diesel fuel (diesel fuel), gas or gasoline. Before the release of goods into circulation, it is necessary to undergo a mandatory conformity assessment in accordance with the current TR CU (EAEU).

Do you need a certificate or declaration of conformity? Don't know where to start?

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Fuel declaration

All varieties (brands) of DT fall under the TR CU 013/2011. The Regulations establish requirements for mandatory declaration of fuel according to one of the following schemes:

  • 2d - for pilot batches;
  • 6d or 3d - for serial production;
  • 4d - for a batch of fuel.

Thus, a declaration is a mandatory authorization document, and a certificate for diesel fuel can be obtained voluntarily - after a mandatory conformity assessment.

For the declaration, the form established by the Decision of the EEC Board No. 293 is used, and the document is printed on a regular A4 sheet.

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The declaration contains the following data:

  • the name of the applicant's company/manufacturer, address and contacts;
  • date and registration number;
  • number and name of technical regulations (for DT - TR CU 013/2011);
  • brief information about the product;
  • NTD (for goods whose production is located on the territory of the EAEU);
  • data on the test report;
  • additional information about the rules of transportation, disposal, etc.
  • The declaration can be registered only on the basis of the test report.

The validity period of the declaration is from 1 to 5 years.

Laboratory test report

In the process of testing, parameters such as the composition, density, temperature of diesel fuel (flash), the level of toxicity, the presence of additives and other parameters are determined according to the TR CU. The protocol specifies the established indicators (in the form of a table), provides a conclusion on their compliance with the requirements of the regulations, and also describes the research methods used, the conditions created and the laboratory equipment used.

Voluntary certification

Diesel fuel certification is carried out after a mandatory assessment within the framework of any VTS.

The document is issued both for a specific product – for this purpose, compliance with the GOST and technical specifications used in production is confirmed, and for production as a whole - according to the standards of the ISO group (ISO):

  • quality control at all stages of production (ISO 9001);
  • Occupational Safety and Health (OHSAS 18001);
  • eco-management (14001);
  • integrated management systems (IMS).

The advantages that the diesel fuel quality certificate provides are the possibility of increasing the chances of winning tenders, the use of special quality markings on the product and in shipping documentation, attracting investments and others.

The applicant can obtain a voluntary certificate of conformity for diesel fuel and its production processes for a period of 1 or 3 years.

List of required documents

The set of documentation for the evaluation procedure includes:

  • a written application for the provision of services;
  • scanned copies of OGRN and INN certificates;
  • excerpts from unified registers of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/EGRIP;
  • product description (name, composition, purpose, brand and other data are indicated);
  • passport and instructions, as well as marking media;
  • technical norms that were used in production - GOST standards, technical conditions, SRT;
  • if available – research protocols;
  • ISO certificates - if available;
  • customs documentation for imported DT is a foreign trade agreement or contract with appendices (specification or invoice).

Registration procedure

Provide the Center's specialists with the necessary documents, as well as samples for laboratory testing. After the documentary verification, laboratory tests are carried out, a protocol is issued. A declaration is registered on the basis of the protocol. In some cases, it is necessary to analyze the state of production, for which specialists go to the facility to draw up an act.

We will assist in the preparation of declarations and certificates of conformity for any type of products. Contact the specialists of the Center by phone or online on the website.

Consultations are free of charge.

Our specialists carry out a full range of work on fuel certification. Here you can issue mandatory certificates, register declarations of conformity of products.

We work efficiently, saving you time and money. Each client is served by a personal manager who will determine the necessary certificates and calculate their cost completely free of charge. Our specialists will answer all the questions that arise, tell you what kind of document you need to issue in your case, and will qualitatively certify the required products.

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