
If you are engaged in the production and sale, as well as the supply of packaging products, then you need to carry out such a procedure as assessing the quality of these products. A declaration must be received for the packaging, without it legal activity will be impossible.

You can also issue a certificate for packaging in the GOST R system – this document is not mandatory, but it will help you to develop your business more effectively, strengthen your position in the market.

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If you are engaged in the production and sale, as well as the supply of packaging products, then you need to carry out such a procedure as assessing the quality of these products. A declaration must be received for the packaging, without it legal activity will be impossible.

You can also issue a certificate for packaging in the GOST R system – this document is not mandatory, but it will help you to develop your business more effectively, strengthen your position in the market.

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Don't break the law

Receipt of the declaration is carried out in accordance with TR CU 005/2011 – this document establishes requirements for the production, turnover, sale of packaging goods. The received declaration can be applied throughout the territory of the Customs Union If the company produces packaging from plant materials (for example, wooden pallets), it is necessary to fumigate and obtain a certificate of fumigation. If the company plans to transport such packaging across the border, then it will also be necessary to issue a phytosanitary certificate for packaging – this document will confirm the phytosanitary safety of products (such a document is valid for only two to four weeks, therefore it is required to issue it immediately before the goods cross the state border).

Scope of application TR CU 005/2011

The regulation applies to all types of packaging, including closures, which are finished products put into circulation on the territory of the Customs Union, regardless of the country of origin. The Regulation does not apply to packaging (closures) for medical devices, medicines, pharmaceutical products, tobacco products and dangerous goods, as well as cargo containers and pallets for the transportation of goods by road, rail, sea and air transport, as well as used. (Decision of the EEC Council No. 96 of 18.10.2016).

The list of packaging and closures covered by the technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Packaging Safety" (TR CU 005/2011) is given in Annex No. 5 to this regulation (Approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 17, 2012 No. 116). It should be added that packaging (closures), which are manufactured by the manufacturer of products packaged during the production of such products put into circulation in the customs territory of the Customs Union, are subject only to the requirements of Articles 2, 4, 5, paragraphs 1,2 of Article 6, Article 9 of this technical regulation. Declaration is Article 7, so there is no need to issue a DS for such products.

Declaration or certificate of packaging?

According to TR CU 005/2011, confirmation of conformity of packaging (closures) is carried out only in the form of declaration. To date, there are 3 types of packaging that require a declaration of conformity: Production packaging (pallets and trays). Used in factories and factories; Consumer packaging (bags, bags, cans, bottles, cans, etc.). Designed to ensure the safety of goods; Transport packaging. It is used during the transportation of different groups of products. The declaration is issued for a specific name of the packaging (closures) or for a group of packaging (closures) made of the same materials and having the same design, and meeting the same safety requirements.

Declaration schemes for TR CU 005/2011

3D, 4D, 6D – with respect to packaging (closures) intended for packaging food products, baby food, perfumes and cosmetics that have direct contact with packaged products, toys and products for children that have direct contact with the child's mouth. (Decision of the EEC Council No. 96 of 18.10.2016); 1D and 2D – with respect to other packaging (closures). At the request of the applicant, declaration of conformity according to schemes 1d and 2d can be replaced by declaration of conformity according to schemes 3d, 4d, 6d. (Decision of the EEC Council No. 96 of 18.10.2016).

What documents are needed to obtain the declaration TR CU 005/2011

Technical description, including; the name of the package; information about the purpose of the package; drawings /a brief description of the design and composition of the product; label/marking; test reports confirming the compliance of the packaging (capping cp-b) with the declared requirements (provided that no more than one year has passed since their registration); a list of standards that the packaging (capping agents) must meet; description of the technical solutions adopted confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, if the standards specified in Article 4 are absent or have not been applied; certificate for the management system (copy of the certificate) (scheme 6d); supply contract (contract) - for the batch, single product and accompanying documentation (on the quantity of products) - for the batch, single product (schemes 2d, 4d); (Decision of the EEC Council No. 96 of 18.10.2016); other documents, including a certificate of conformity for a specific type of packaging (if available), certificates of conformity or test reports for materials (if available).

The validity period of the declaration TR CU 005/2011

The declaration of conformity of packaging (closures) is accepted for a period of no more than 5 years for mass-produced products. The declaration of conformity for a batch of packaging (closures) is accepted without specifying its validity period.

Packaging marking

The requirements for packaging labeling are set out in Article 6 of TR CU 005/2011 (as amended by the Decision of the EEC Council No. 96 of 18.10.2016). The marking must contain the information necessary to identify the material from which the packaging is made (closures): digital code and (or) letter designation (abbreviation) the material from which it is made in accordance with Annex 3, contain symbols in accordance with Annex 4: Packaging (closures) intended for contact with food products The symbol indicating that the packaging is intended for contact with food products may be applied both without a frame and in a frame (round, square, etc.).

The possibility of disposal of used packaging (closures) - Mobius loop Information about packaging (closures) should be given in the accompanying documents and contain: name, information about the purpose, storage and transportation conditions, name and location of the manufacturer, the person authorized by the manufacturer, the importer, information to contact them; date of manufacture (month, year), shelf life (if established), the possibility of disposal. The information must be in Russian and in the state language(s) of the member State of the Customs Union, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member State(s) of the Customs Union. The packaging is divided into different types. There is a certain list, according to which it is established which type of packaging a particular product belongs to, and according to this list, a quality certificate or a declaration of conformity is issued.

Our specialists carry out a full range of work on certification of packaging products. Here you can issue mandatory certificates, register declarations of conformity of products.

We work efficiently, saving you time and money. Each client is served by a personal manager who will determine the necessary certificates and calculate their cost completely free of charge. Our specialists will answer all the questions that arise, tell you what kind of document you need to issue in your case, and will qualitatively certify the required products.

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