Chemistry, reagents

The concept of chemical products includes all chemicals and their mixtures that are subject to circulation on the territory of the countries that are part of the Eurasian Economic Union. If you plan to produce, sell or import goods of this category, then at the initial stage of activity you need to issue the necessary permits for them.

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Chemistry, reagents

The concept of chemical products includes all chemicals and their mixtures that are subject to circulation on the territory of the countries that are part of the Eurasian Economic Union. If you plan to produce, sell or import goods of this category, then at the initial stage of activity you need to issue the necessary permits for them.

Do you need a certificate or declaration of conformity? Don't know where to start?

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Don't break the law

Our specialists will assist in obtaining a full set of permits for a certain type of chemical products in a short time. This will allow you to avoid conflict situations with regulatory authorities and administrative penalties in the form of fines and confiscation of goods from circulation.

The main nuances of certification of chemical products

Certification of chemical products is currently mandatory. This is due to the fact that goods of this type, if used incorrectly, stored, transported, can pose a significant danger to human health, their lives, property, as well as the environmental situation.

The purpose of this procedure is to confirm the compliance of substances and mixtures with the established requirements for their safety, as well as quality characteristics.

To date, the EAEU TR 041/2017 has been developed and adopted, defining the safety of chemical products (has not yet entered into force). Certification of goods according to the specified regulatory act will be carried out only from June 2021. And until then, the conformity assessment of substances, mixtures of materials is carried out in accordance with the norms of Russian legislation.

A significant list of household chemicals, fertilizers, as well as paint and varnish materials, which is contained in Government Decree No. 982 of 01.12.2009, is subject to mandatory declaration. This means that manufacturers and importers of the specified variety of products must receive a declaration of compliance with GOST R. For substances that are not included in this list, you will be able to issue a voluntary certificate.

The norms of the current legislation stipulate the need for the manufacturer to develop and register a safety data sheet for all types of chemical products (at the international level, the MSDS passport is used). It is included in the shipping documentation and has no expiration date. It is not necessary to develop this document in relation to food products and additives, medicines, perfumes and cosmetics, nuclear and radioactive substances.

Additionally, you can also order an environmental certificate, which is issued for various types of products in this category.

List of documents for certification

To obtain permits for this type of goods, you need to prepare:

  • a completed application;
  • copies of the constituent and statutory documents of the entrepreneur;
  • full information about the products - indicating the name, composition, technical characteristics, properties, precautions and other information;
  • technical documentation;
  • safety data sheet;
  • agreement on the lease of production facilities;
  • a delivery contract with a package of shipping documents to it - for products imported to the Russian Federation from other countries;
  • previously issued permits.

Certification stages

The certification procedure for chemical products includes the following stages:

  • the appeal of the business entity to the certification center to clarify the existing nuances of the procedure;
  • preparation of a set of documents;
  • conducting expert studies of samples of goods;
  • drawing up a test report or an expert opinion;
  • issuance of a ready-made document to the applicant;

Are there any difficulties in preparing documents? Contact the experts of our certification authority for help! You can get advice online or by phone.

Our specialists carry out a full range of works on certification of chemical products. Here you can issue mandatory certificates, register declarations of conformity of products.

We work efficiently, saving you time and money. Each client is served by a personal manager who will determine the necessary certificates and calculate their cost completely free of charge. Our specialists will answer all the questions that arise, tell you what kind of document you need to issue in your case, and will qualitatively certify the required products.

Do you need chemical product certification?
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