TR CU 012/2011

About the safety of equipment for working in explosive environments


1. This technical regulation of the Customs Union has been developed in accordance with the Agreement on Common Principles and Rules of Technical Regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010.

2. This technical regulation of the Customs Union establishes in the single customs territory of the Customs Union uniform mandatory requirements for equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres in order to ensure the free movement of the specified equipment put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

3. If other technical regulations of the Customs Union and (or) technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the EurAsEC) are adopted with respect to equipment for working in explosive atmospheres that establish requirements for the specified equipment other than explosion safety requirements, then it must comply with the requirements of these technical regulations of the Customs Union and (or) the technical regulations of the EurAsEC, which apply to them.

Article 1. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation of the Customs Union establishes requirements for equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres, the implementation of which ensures the safety of its use in explosive atmospheres.

2. This technical regulation of the Customs Union has been adopted in order to protect human life and health, property, and prevent actions that mislead consumers.

3. This technical regulation of the Customs Union applies to electrical (electrical equipment), including Ex-components, and non-electrical equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres.

The identification feature of the equipment for working in explosive atmospheres and Ex-components is the presence of explosion protection means specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation and the explosion protection marking applied to the equipment and Ex-component.

4. This technical regulation of the Customs Union does not apply to:

- medical devices;

- equipment, during the operation of which the risk of explosion arises only due to the presence of explosive substances and unstable chemical compounds;

- equipment for domestic and non-industrial use in conditions where an explosive environment is formed due to an unexpected leakage of combustible gas;

- personal protective equipment;

- sea vessels, vessels of internal and mixed (river-sea) navigation, mobile offshore platforms and drilling platforms for working in sea and inland waters, other floating means, as well as machinery and equipment used on them;

- public transport vehicles intended for the transportation of passengers and cargo by air, land, rail or water transport;

- nuclear weapons, research facilities of organizations of the nuclear defense complex, except for the equipment included in them, located in explosive zones.

Article 2. Definitions

In this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the following terms and their definitions are used:

"emergency mode" - a mode in which the characteristics of equipment for operation in explosive environments go beyond the limits specified by the manufacturer in the technical documentation;

"analysis of the manufacturer's production status" - assessment of the manufacturer's availability of the necessary conditions to ensure that the manufactured equipment meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

"commissioning" is a documented event that records the readiness of the equipment for its intended use;

"type of explosion protection" - special measures provided for in equipment for working in explosive environments in order to prevent the ignition of the surrounding explosive environment;

"explosion safety" - the absence of an unacceptable risk of ignition of the surrounding explosive environment associated with the possibility of causing harm and (or) causing damage;

"explosion protection" - measures that ensure the explosion safety of equipment for operation in explosive environments;

"explosive zone" - a part of an enclosed or open space in which an explosive environment is present or may form in an amount that requires special protection measures during the design, manufacture, installation and operation of equipment;

"explosive environment" - a mixture with air under atmospheric conditions of combustible substances in the form of gas, steam, fog, dust, fibers or volatile particles, in which a self-sustaining flame propagation occurs after ignition;

"equipment identification" - establishing the identity of the characteristics of the equipment to its essential features;

"manufacturer" - a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur who, on their own behalf, produces and (or) sells equipment for working in explosive atmospheres and is responsible for its compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

"importer" - a resident of a member state of the Customs Union who has concluded a foreign trade agreement with a non-resident of the member states of the Customs Union for the transfer of equipment for working in explosive atmospheres, implements this equipment and is responsible for its compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

"Ex-component" - an explosion-proof technical device installed on (b) equipment, necessary for the safe operation of the equipment in explosive environments, but not intended for independent use;

"maximum surface temperature" - the highest temperature that occurs during operation on one of the parts or surfaces of the equipment in case of violation of the established operating modes provided for in the manufacturer's technical documentation, or damage, but within the limits of deviations established for explosion protection of a specific type;

"explosion protection marking" - a special explosion safety mark and identification symbols of indicators that determine the explosion safety of equipment and Ex-components for working in explosive environments and specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation;

"normal operation mode" - the operating mode of the equipment, in which its electrical and mechanical characteristics do not exceed the limits specified by the manufacturer in the technical documentation;

"equipment for work in explosive environments" - a technical device (a machine, apparatus, stationary or mobile installation, an element of their control systems, protection, a device providing protection, a control and measuring device) that is designed to work in explosive environments and may contain its own potential sources of ignition of the surrounding explosive environment, but its design provides for measures to exclude an unacceptable risk of ignition of this environment;

"failure" - an event consisting in a violation of the functional state of the equipment;

"certificate of conformity of the quality management system" is a document by which the quality management system certification body certifies that the quality of the manufacturer's works and services meets the requirements of ISO 9000 standards;

"special explosion safety sign" - a sign applied to the equipment and Ex-components, and indicating that the equipment and Ex-components are made in an explosion-proof design;

"the self-ignition temperature of an explosive gas medium" is the lowest temperature of a heated surface that, under specified conditions, ignites flammable substances in the form of a gas-or vapor-air mixture;

"the self-ignition temperature of the dust layer" is the lowest temperature of the heated surface at which the self-ignition of a dust layer of a given thickness occurs on this surface;

"manufacturer's technical documentation" is a system of graphic and text documents used in the design, manufacture and operation of equipment for working in explosive environments (parts, assembly units, complexes and kits), as well as in the design, construction and operation of protection systems;

"explosion protection level" - the level of explosion protection assigned to the equipment depending on the danger of becoming a source of ignition and the conditions of use in explosive environments.

Article 3. Rules of circulation on the market

1. Equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres is put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, provided that it has passed the necessary conformity assessment (confirmation) procedures established by this technical regulation of the Customs Union, as well as other technical regulations of the Customs Union and technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the EurAsEC), which apply to this equipment.

2. Equipment for working in explosive environments, the compliance of which with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union is not confirmed, should not be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union and is not allowed to be put into circulation on the market.

Article 4. Explosion safety requirements

1. Equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres (hereinafter referred to as equipment) must meet the requirements necessary for safe operation and operation in relation to the risk of explosion:

to prevent the formation of an explosive environment that can be created by the release of flammable substances by the equipment;

to prevent the ignition of an explosive environment, taking into account the nature of each source of explosion initiation;

in accordance with the scope of application of the equipment, levels and types of explosion protection according to Annex 1.

2. The explosion safety of the equipment must be ensured in normal operating modes and within the limits of deviations established by the manufacturer's technical documentation, taking into account the conditions of its use.

3. Equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used for its intended purpose and meeting the requirements for installation, operation (use), transportation (transportation), maintenance and repair, the following safety requirements are met:

1) the equipment must ensure explosion safety during operation during the entire estimated (estimated) service life;

2) the equipment must operate under actual or predicted environmental conditions;

3) the equipment must maintain explosion safety in changing environmental conditions and in the presence of external influences (humidity, vibration, pollution, lightning and switching overvoltages, etc.), taking into account the limitations of the operating conditions established by the manufacturer.

The parts of the equipment must be designed for appropriate mechanical and thermal effects and must withstand the effects of existing or suspected aggressive substances;

4) if the equipment contains parts that can be sources of ignition, it must be opened in the off state or contain only intrinsically safe circuits, or have protection from touching personnel and warning labels;

5) if there are electric charge accumulators (capacitors) and heated elements in the shells that can be sources of ignition, the shells must be opened with a time delay sufficient to discharge the built-in capacitors to the value of safe residual energy or to reduce the temperature of the heated elements below the maximum surface temperature or temperature class specified on the equipment;

If during the explosion protection of the equipment by purging with protective gas after the power supply is turned off, it is planned to continue purging with protective gas until the built-in capacitors are discharged or the temperature of the heated elements is reduced to the above values, the manufacturer must put a warning label on the opening parts of the equipment.

6) the surface temperature of the equipment with the explosion protection level "especially explosion-proof" ("very high") and "explosion-proof" ("high") and (or) its parts must be lower than the self-ignition temperature of the surrounding explosive gas environment and the self-ignition temperature of the dust layer during operation (within the deviations specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation) in the specified emergency modes and when environmental conditions change.

A temperature higher than the spontaneous ignition temperature of the surrounding explosive environment during operation (within the deviations specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation) is allowed only if the manufacturer takes additional measures to protect the specified equipment.

It is necessary to take into account the temperature increase caused by external heating sources and chemical reactions;

7) the surface temperature of the equipment with the level of explosion protection "increased reliability against explosion" ("increased") should not be higher than the maximum surface temperature in normal operation.

The design of such equipment should not have parts capable of sparking, igniting the surrounding explosive environment;

8) the equipment of group I must be dust-proof and prevent the risk of ignition of coal dust;

9) in the equipment of group III, including cable entries and connections, dust (taking into account the size of its particles) should not form explosive mixtures with air or dangerous accumulations inside the equipment;

10) equipment that can emit flammable gases or dust must have closed structures. Holes or leaky connections in the equipment must be designed so that the resulting gases or dust do not lead to an explosive environment on the outside of the equipment. The openings through which materials are introduced or removed must be designed and equipped in such a way as to limit the exit of combustible materials during filling or draining;

11) equipment intended for use on objects and (or) their areas with the presence of dust should be designed so that the dust that has settled on its surface does not ignite. Dust deposits should be limited by cleaning the surfaces, the frequency of which is indicated in the manual (instructions) for operation (application). The surface temperature of the equipment parts must be lower than the self-ignition temperature of the dust layer. At the same time, means should be provided for limiting the surface temperature of equipment parts in order to prevent dangerous heat generation, depending on the thickness of the settled dust layer;

12) it should be provided for safe manual shutdown of equipment included in automatic processes, in case of violation of the established modes of its operation provided for in the manufacturer's technical documentation, if this does not adversely affect safety;

13) in case of an emergency shutdown of the equipment, the accumulated energy must be dissipated to a safe value within the time indicated on the warning signs placed on the opened covers;

14) the equipment must be equipped with appropriate input devices, and if the equipment is intended to be used in combination with other equipment, their connection must be secure;

15) if the equipment has detection or warning alarm devices for monitoring an explosive environment, the places and conditions for their placement should be provided in the manufacturer's technical documentation;

16) the equipment must not contain materials capable of releasing flammable substances that create an explosive environment;

17) within the operating conditions specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a chemical reaction between the materials used and substances that make up a potentially explosive environment that can negatively affect explosion protection;

18) the equipment must not contain materials that, when changing their characteristics under the influence of ambient temperature and operating conditions, as well as in combination with other materials, reduce the level of explosion protection of the equipment;

19) Ex-components installed in the equipment or used to replace parts of equipment and protection systems must function safely in accordance with the requirements of ensuring explosion safety when they are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions (instructions) ;

20) equipment that may be exposed to external influences must be provided with additional means of protection. The equipment must withstand external influences without violating its explosion protection;

21) if the equipment is located in a case or a closed container, which are part of the type of explosion protection, such a case or container should be opened only with the help of a special tool or with the application of appropriate protective measures;

22) to prevent dangerous overload of the equipment, the use of measuring, regulating and control devices (maximum switches, temperature limiters, differential pressure switches, flow meters, time-delayed relays, speed indicators and (or) similar types of devices) should be provided.

4. The design of the equipment must provide protection against the following potential sources of ignition:

1) sparks (electric and frictional), flames, high temperatures of heated surfaces, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, optical and ionizing radiation;

2) static electricity (electrostatic charges that can cause dangerous discharges);

3) stray currents and leakage currents that can lead to dangerous corrosion, sparks or overheating of surfaces and thus create the possibility of ignition;

4) overheating as a result of friction or impact, which can occur between materials and parts that come into contact with each other during rotation or penetration of foreign objects;

5) pressure compensation, which is carried out by regulating devices and can cause shock waves or compressions that lead to ignition.

6) lightning strikes;

7) exothermic reactions, including self-ignition of the dust layer.

At the same time, all the risk factors of an explosion should be taken into account and the sources of initiation of ignition of explosive media should be identified. Taking into account the conducted assessment of hazard factors, methods of ensuring explosion protection (types of explosion protection) of equipment for its use in explosive environments should be selected.

5. Devices that ensure the protection of equipment in emergency conditions must meet the following requirements:

1) protective devices must function independently of any measuring or monitoring device necessary for operation. The failure of the protective device must be detected using the technical means provided for in the technical documentation;

2) the emergency shutdown must directly activate the corresponding control devices without an intermediate software command;

3) emergency controls of protective devices must be equipped with mechanisms or other devices for blocking the restart. A new startup command can be executed, and normal operation can be resumed only after a special reset of the restart locks;

4) the control devices and indicators used should be designed to ensure the highest possible level of operational safety in relation to the risk of explosion;

5) devices with a measuring function must be designed and manufactured taking into account the operational requirements and conditions of their use in an explosive environment and meet the requirements for ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

6) it should be possible to check the accuracy of the readings and the functioning of devices with a measuring function;

7) the emergency threshold of a potential source of ignition of devices with a measuring function must be below the limit conditions for the occurrence of an explosion and (or) ignition of the recorded explosive media, taking into account the safety coefficient established in the technical documentation, operating conditions and errors of the measuring system;

8) the software of the equipment managed by it must take into account the risks associated with errors in the program.

6. When delivering the equipment to the consumer, the manufacturer's technical documentation must be attached to it, which must include:

1) the name and (or) designation of the equipment (type, brand, model), its parameters and characteristics affecting safety, the name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer;

2) information about its purpose;

3) instructions for installation, assembly, adjustment or adjustment;

4) instructions on the use of equipment and safety measures that must be observed during operation (including commissioning, use for its intended purpose, maintenance, all types of repairs and technical inspections, protective equipment aimed at reducing the intensity and localization of harmful production factors, transportation and storage conditions);

5) assigned service life indicators and (or) assigned resource;

6) a list of critical failures, possible errors of personnel (user) that lead to emergency modes of equipment, and actions that prevent these errors;

7) parameters of limit states;

8) information about the measures to be taken when a malfunction of this equipment is detected;

9) information about the need to complete additional elements (cable entries, etc.);

10) requirements for ensuring the preservation of the technical characteristics of the equipment that cause its explosion safety;

11) requirements for packaging, preservation, transportation and storage conditions, designated storage periods, instructions on the regulatory deadlines for re-examination of the condition, replacement of individual elements, parts, assemblies with an expired storage period;

12) requirements for the disposal of equipment;

13) rules and conditions of storage, transportation and disposal (if necessary, the establishment of requirements for them);

14) personnel requirements;

15) the location of the manufacturer, information for contacting him;

16) the name and location of the person authorized by the manufacturer, the importer, information for contacting him;

17) the date of manufacture.

Technical documentation is made on paper. A set of technical documentation on electronic media can be attached to it.

7. The equipment must be marked, which includes:

1) the name of the manufacturer or its registered trademark;

2) designation of the type of equipment;

3) factory number;

4) the number of the certificate of conformity;

5) marking of explosion protection. The image of the special explosion safety sign is set in Appendix 2.

8. The manufacturer's marking and technical documentation are carried out in Russian and in the state language(s) of the member state of the Customs Union, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation(s) of the member state of the Customs Union.

9. The marking must be applied to the surface of this equipment or a plate that is accessible for inspection without disassembly or the use of tools, and be preserved throughout the entire service life of the equipment.

10. By the decision of the manufacturer or in accordance with the supply contract (contract), the marking of the equipment may include additional information that is important for its safe use, including:

1) rated voltage or rated voltage range;

2) long-term permissible operating voltage;

3) conditional designation of the type of current (if the nominal frequency is not specified);

4) symbol of the class of protection against human electric shock;

5) the degree of protection provided by the shell;

6) rated consumed or useful power or rated current;

7) mass;

8) overall dimensions;

9) the date of manufacture.

Article 5. Ensuring compliance with security requirements

1. The compliance of the equipment with the present technical regulations of the Customs Union is ensured by the fulfillment of its safety requirements directly, or by the fulfillment on a voluntary basis of the requirements of interstate standards, and in case of their absence-national (state) standards of the states - members of the Customs Union, as a result of their application on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, and standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling, necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and the assessment (confirmation) of compliance of equipment for work in explosive environments (hereinafter - standards).

2. The lists of standards specified in paragraph 1 of this Article are approved by the Commission of the Customs Union (hereinafter-the Commission).

Article 6. Confirmation of conformity

1. Before being put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, the equipment must be subjected to the procedure for confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

Confirmation of the conformity of the equipment is mandatory and is carried out in the form of certification.

2. The procedures for confirming the compliance of equipment with the requirements established in this technical regulation of the Customs Union are carried out by accredited certification bodies (conformity assessment (confirmation)) and accredited testing laboratories (centers) included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union.

3. Conformity assessment of equipment is carried out according to the schemes in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for applying standard conformity assessment (confirmation) schemes in the technical regulations of the Customs Union, approved by the Customs Union Commission:

1) in relation to mass-produced equipment:

certification of equipment based on testing of a standard sample in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and analysis of the state of production with subsequent inspection control (scheme 1c);

2) in respect of a limited batch of equipment:

certification of a batch of equipment based on testing of equipment samples from this batch (scheme 3c) in an accredited testing laboratory (center);

certification of equipment units based on testing of a unit of equipment in an accredited testing laboratory (scheme 4c).

4. The applicant for certification under the 1c scheme can be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union on its territory, a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur, or who is a manufacturer, or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation and in terms of responsibility for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

5. The applicant for certification under the scheme 3c, 4c can be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union on its territory, a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur, or who is a manufacturer or seller, or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, in terms of ensuring that the supplied products comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and in terms of responsibility for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

6. During the certification of equipment:

1) the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer), the importer provides the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) with a set of documents for the equipment confirming the compliance of the equipment with the explosion safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, which includes:

technical specifications (if available);

operational documents;

the list of standards, the requirements of which this equipment meets, from the List of standards specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (when they are applied by the manufacturer);

an explanatory note containing a description of the technical solutions adopted and a risk assessment confirming compliance with the explosion safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, if there are no standards or have not been applied;

certificate of conformity of the manufacturer's quality management system (if available).

a contract (a supply contract) or shipping documentation (for a batch of equipment).

2) certification body (conformity assessment (confirmation)):

carries out identification of the presented equipment by establishing the identity of its characteristics to the signs established in Article 1 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, as well as the provisions established by paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article 4 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

organizes testing of a sample (samples) of equipment in an accredited testing laboratory (center) for compliance with the requirements of standards from the List of standards specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, and analyzes the test protocol (protocols). The test report specifies a list of technical documentation (drawings of explosion protection equipment) confirming the compliance of the equipment and the Ex-component with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

If necessary, caused by the specifics of manufacturing and installation, specified by the manufacturer of the technical documentation for manufacturing or installation, it is allowed to test the equipment at the place of its manufacture and (or) installation.

If the standards have not been applied by the manufacturer or are absent, the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of compliance) shall confirm the compliance of the equipment directly with the explosion safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union. For this purpose, the certification body:

- with the use of technical documentation and a description of the adopted technical solutions and risk assessments confirming compliance with the explosion safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, contained in the manufacturer's explanatory note, determines the specific safety requirements for the certified equipment;

- determines the standards that establish measurement and testing methods from the List of standards specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, or in their absence determines the methods of control, measurement and testing of equipment to confirm its compliance with the specified specific requirements;

organizes the testing of equipment in an accredited testing laboratory (center);

analyzes the state of production of the manufacturer. If the manufacturer has a certified quality management system for the production or development and production of equipment, assesses the ability of this system to ensure the stable production of certified equipment that meets the requirements of this technical regulation;

When confirming the conformity of a batch of equipment (single equipment), an analysis of the state of production is not carried out;

conducts inspection control (if it is provided for by the certification scheme) for certified equipment during the entire validity period of the certificate of conformity by testing samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and (or) analyzing the state of production (scheme 1c);

issues a certificate of conformity according to a single form approved by the decision of the Commission:

- for mass-produced equipment with a validity period of no more than 5 years;

- the term is not set for a batch of equipment (single equipment).

The certificate of compliance of Ex-components with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union is issued after the implementation of the procedures specified in this subparagraph, in the same form.

The certificate of conformity must contain, among other things, the following information in the application:

description of the design and means of ensuring explosion protection;

special conditions of use (if the "X" sign is indicated in the explosion protection marking);

3) the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), the importer:

upon receipt of the certificate of conformity, it applies a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union and the registration number of the certification body (conformity assessment (confirmation));

generates a set of documents for the equipment, which includes:

- documents for the equipment specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph;

- test report (s) ;

- certificate of conformity;

takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures that the manufactured equipment meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (scheme 1c).

7. If the manufacturer makes changes to the design and (or) technical documentation confirming the compliance of the equipment and (or) the Ex-component with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, affecting the explosion safety indicators of the equipment, he submits to the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of compliance) that issued the certificate of conformity, a description of the changes, technical documentation (drawings of explosion protection equipment) with the changes and a sample for additional tests, if the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) considers it insufficient to conduct only an examination of the technical documentation with the changes made to make a decision on the compliance of the equipment and (or) the Ex-component with this technical regulation of the Customs Union with the changes made.

In this case, the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) conducts an examination of technical documentation (drawings of explosion protection equipment) with the changes made, and if it considers this insufficient, additional tests of the sample. If the results are positive, the certification body (conformity assessment (confirmation)) makes a decision to confirm the validity of the certificate of conformity, taking into account the changes made, or draws up a new certificate of compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, if the changes made require consideration of the equipment and (or) the Ex-component as a new product.

8. On the territory of the member states of the Customs Union, a set of documents, including documents confirming compliance, must be stored:

for the equipment-from the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) for at least 10 years from the date of removal (termination) from the production of this equipment;

for a batch of equipment (a single product) - from the importer, manufacturer or a person authorized by the manufacturer for at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last product from the batch.

Documents and materials confirming the results of certification are stored in the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity for at least 5 years after the expiration of the certificate of conformity.

The set of documents must be provided to the state supervisory authorities at their request.*6.8.3)

Article 7. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union

1. Equipment that meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and has passed the conformity assessment procedure in accordance with Article 6 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union must be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

The equipment is marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union if it meets the requirements of all technical regulations of the Customs Union and the technical regulations of the EurAsEC that apply to it and provide for the application of a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

2. Marking with a single sign of circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is carried out before the equipment is put into circulation on the market.

3. A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to each piece of equipment (product) in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire service life of the equipment.

A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to the product itself, and is also given in the manufacturer's technical documentation attached to it.

4. It is allowed to apply a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union only on the packaging and indication in the manufacturer's technical documentation attached to it, if this mark cannot be applied directly to the equipment due to design features.

Article 8. Protective clause

1. The member States of the Customs Union are obliged to take all measures to restrict, prohibit the release into circulation of equipment for working in explosive atmospheres in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, as well as the withdrawal from the market of such equipment that does not meet the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.*8.1)

Classification of indicators that determine the explosion safety of equipment

Appendix 1

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

equipment for work in

explosive environments"

(TR CU 012/2011)

I. Classification of explosive zones

1. The classification of explosive zones is used for the purpose of selecting equipment, according to its level of explosion protection, which ensures the safe operation of such equipment in the corresponding explosive zone.

2. Depending on the frequency and duration of the presence of an explosive gas or dust environment, explosive zones are divided into the following classes:

1) for explosive gas environments-classes 0, 1 and 2;

2) for explosive dust environments - classes 20, 21 and 22.

II. Classification of equipment by groups

Depending on the application area, the equipment is divided into the following groups:

1) equipment of group I - equipment intended for use in underground mine workings and their ground structures that are dangerous for mine gas and (or) combustible dust. Depending on the design, Group I equipment can have one of three levels of explosion protection;

2) equipment of group II - equipment intended for use in places (except for underground mine workings and their ground structures) that are dangerous for explosive gas environments. Depending on the design, Group II equipment can have one of three levels of explosion protection. Group II equipment can be divided into subgroups IIA, IIB, IIC, depending on the category of explosive mixture for which it is intended;

3) group III equipment - equipment intended for use in places (except for underground mine workings and their ground structures) that are dangerous due to explosive dust environments. Depending on the design, it can have one of three levels of explosion protection. Group III equipment can be divided into subgroups IIIA, IIIB, IIIC, depending on the characteristics of the explosive environment for which it is intended.

III. Classification of equipment by explosion protection levels

1. The equipment, depending on the danger of becoming a source of ignition and the conditions of its use in explosive environments, is classified by explosion protection levels:

1) "especially explosion-proof" ("very high");

2) "explosion-proof" ("high");

3) "increased reliability against explosion" ("increased").

2. The level of explosion protection "especially explosion-proof" ("very high") applies to equipment that is designed to function in accordance with the operating parameters established by the manufacturer, provides the necessary level of explosion protection even in case of unlikely failures, remains functioning in the presence of an explosive environment and in which, if one means of protection fails, the necessary level of explosion protection is provided by a second independent means of protection or the necessary level of explosion protection is provided with two failures of means of protection, occurring independently of each other.

The equipment of this level of explosion protection is intended for use in underground mine workings and their ground structures, in which there is a danger of the presence of mine gas and (or) combustible dust (equipment of group I) or on objects and (or) their sections (equipment of groups II and III), where the explosive environment created by mixtures with air of combustible substances in the form of gas, steam, fog or dust, fibers, volatile substances is constantly present for long periods or often.

3. The level of explosion protection "explosion-proof" ("high") applies to equipment designed to function in accordance with the operating parameters established by the manufacturer and providing the necessary level of explosion protection and functioning in normal operation with one recognized probable damage.

The equipment of group I of this level of explosion protection must be able to safely switch off when the regulated concentration of mine gas in the environment is reached.

The equipment of this level of explosion protection is intended for use in underground mine workings and their ground structures, in which there is a possibility of the presence of mine gas and (or) combustible dust (equipment of group I) or on objects and (or) their sections (equipment of groups II and III), where the occurrence of an explosive environment in the form of gas, steam, fog, dust, fibers or volatile particles is likely.

4. The level of explosion protection "increased reliability against explosion" ("increased") applies to equipment intended for operation in accordance with the operating parameters established by the manufacturer and ensuring operation only in the normal operating mode specified by the manufacturer.

The equipment of group I of this level of explosion protection should be able to safely switch off when the regulated concentration of mine gas in the environment is reached.

The equipment of this level of explosion protection is intended for use in underground mine workings and their ground structures (equipment of group I) or on objects and (or) their sections (equipment of groups II and III), where, under normal operating conditions, the presence of mine gas and (or) combustible dust or explosive environment created by mixtures of combustible substances with air in the form of gas, steam, fog or dust, fibers, volatile substances is unlikely, and if an explosive environment exists, then only for a short period of time.

IV. Types of explosion protection of equipment

1. Depending on the special measures provided to prevent the ignition of the explosive environment, the equipment may have one type or a combination of several types of explosion protection:

1) with respect to electrical equipment intended for operation in explosive gas environments:

"d" - explosion-proof shell;

"e" - increased protection;

"i "("ia"," ib"," ic") - intrinsically safe (intrinsically safe electrical circuit);

"m "("ma"," mb"," mc") - sealing with a compound;

"nA" - non-sparking equipment;

"nC" - a contact device in an explosion-proof shell, or a hermetically sealed device, or a non-igniting component, or a sealed device;

"nR" - a shell with a limited gas flow;

"nL" - equipment containing electrical circuits with limited energy;

"nZ" - shell under excessive pressure;

"o" - oil filling of the shell;

"p" ("px"," py"," pz") - filling or purging of the shell under excessive pressure;

"q" - quartz filling of the shell;

"s" - a special type of explosion protection;

2) with respect to electrical equipment intended for operation in explosive dust environments:

"t "("ta"," tb"," tc") - shell protection;

"i "("ia"," ib") - intrinsically safe (intrinsically safe electrical circuit);

"m "("ma"," mb"," mc") - sealing with a compound;

"p" - filling or purging of the shell under excessive pressure;

"s" - a special type of explosion protection;

3) with respect to non-electrical equipment intended for operation in explosive atmospheres:

"c" - structural safety;

"b" - control of the ignition source;

"k" - liquid immersion protection;

"d" - explosion-proof shell protection;

"fr" - protection by a shell with a limited gas flow;

"p" - high-pressure protection;

4) other recognized types of explosion protection.

2. The types of explosion protection of equipment are determined by the following special measures provided for in equipment of various levels of explosion protection in order to prevent ignition of the surrounding explosive environment:

1) explosion-proof shell " d " - a type of explosion protection of equipment, in which its parts capable of igniting an explosive gas environment are enclosed in a shell capable of withstanding the explosion pressure of an explosive mixture inside it and preventing the spread of the explosion into the surrounding explosive environment;

2) shell protection "t" - a type of explosion protection, in which the equipment is protected by a shell that provides protection from dust penetration, and means to limit the surface temperature;

3) increased protection of the type "e" - a type of explosion protection, in which additional measures are used against possible excess of the permissible temperature, as well as the occurrence of sparking in normal or in the specified (emergency) operating mode;

4) intrinsic safety (intrinsically safe electrical circuit) "i" - a type of explosion protection based on limiting the electrical energy (power) in an electric discharge and the temperature of electrical equipment elements to a value below the level that causes ignition from sparking or thermal exposure;

5) sealing with compound " m " - a type of explosion protection, in which parts of the equipment capable of igniting an explosive environment due to sparking or heating are enclosed in a compound to prevent the ignition of an explosive environment during operation or installation;

6) protection of the type "n" - a type of explosion protection, in which additional protective measures are taken to exclude the ignition of the surrounding explosive gas environment in the normal and specified (emergency) modes of operation of electrical equipment;

7) oil filling of the shell "o" - a type of explosion protection, in which the equipment or parts of the equipment are immersed in a protective liquid that excludes the possibility of ignition of an explosive gas environment that may be present above the liquid or outside the shell;

8) filling or purging of the shell under excessive pressure "p" - a type of explosion protection that excludes the ingress of the external environment into the shell or room due to the presence of protective gas in them under pressure exceeding the pressure of the external environment;

9) quartz filling of the shell "q" is a type of explosion protection, in which the parts capable of igniting an explosive environment are fixed in a certain position and completely surrounded by a filler that prevents the ignition of the external environment of an explosive environment;

10) special type of explosion protection " s " - a type of explosion protection based on protection measures other than those provided for in subparagraphs 1-9 of this paragraph, but recognized as sufficient to provide explosion protection during evaluation or testing;

11) structural safety "c" - a type of explosion protection, in which additional protective measures are taken to exclude the possibility of ignition of the surrounding explosive environment from heated surfaces, sparks and adiabatic compression created by moving parts of the equipment;

12) control of the ignition source "b" - a type of explosion protection that provides for the installation of a device in non-electrical equipment that excludes the formation of an ignition source and through which internal built-in sensors monitor the parameters of equipment elements and trigger automatic protective devices or alarms;

13) liquid immersion protection "k" is a type of explosion protection in which potential sources of ignition are safe or separated from the explosive environment by complete or partial immersion in a protective liquid, when dangerous surfaces are constantly covered with a protective liquid so that the explosive environment, which may be above the liquid level or outside the equipment shell, cannot be ignited.

14) protection by a shell with a limited passage of gases " fr " - a type of explosion protection in which the flow of the surrounding explosive environment into the shell is limited by means of the shell to an acceptable low level, at which the concentration of the explosive environment in the shell is below the lower concentration limit of flame propagation.

V. Classification of equipment by temperature classes

Depending on the maximum permissible surface temperature, the equipment of group II is divided into the following temperature classes:

1) T1 - 450 degrees Celsius;

2) T2 - 300 degrees Celsius;

3) T3 - 200 degrees Celsius;

4) T4 - 135 degrees Celsius;

5) T5 - 100 degrees Celsius;

6) T6 - 85 degrees Celsius.

Appendix 2

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

equipment for work in

explosive environments"

(TR CU 012/2011)

Image of a special explosion safety sign

Image of a special explosion-proof sign><meta itemprop=

Description of the image of a special explosion safety sign

The image of a special explosion safety sign is a combination of two stylized letters of the Latin alphabet " E " and "x", the height of the letter " x "is 5/9 of the height of the letter" E", inscribed in a rectangle on a light (Fig.1) or on a contrasting background (Fig.2), with a height-to-width ratio of 11/8.

Ex stands for explosion protection (Explosion-proof).

The dimensions of the special explosion safety sign are determined by the manufacturer of equipment for working in explosive environments. The base size of the rectangle height must be at least 10 mm. The dimensions of the special explosion-proof sign must guarantee the clarity of its elements and their distinguishability with the naked eye against the general color background of the equipment or Ex-component.

The text of the List of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of equipment for working in explosive atmospheres" (TR CU 012/2011) is provided on a voluntary basis, see the link.

The text of the List of Standards containing the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling, necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of equipment for work in explosive atmospheres" (TR CU 012/2011) and the assessment (confirmation) of product conformity, see the link.

Electronic text of the document

prepared by JSC "Codex" and verified by:

official website

Customs Union Commissions

as of 24.10.2011