Technical Regulations of the Customs Union

TR CU 016/2011

About the safety of devices running
on gaseous fuel


1. This technical regulation has been developed in accordance with the Agreement on Common Principles and Rules of Technical Regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010.

2. This technical regulation establishes in the single customs territory of the Customs Union uniform mandatory requirements for the use and execution of devices running on gaseous fuel (hereinafter-gas-using equipment) in order to ensure the free movement of gas-using equipment put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

3. If other technical regulations of the Customs Union are adopted with respect to gas-using equipment that establish requirements for gas-using equipment that differ from the requirements of this technical regulation, then the gas-using equipment must comply with the requirements of these technical regulations of the Customs Union, which apply to it.

Article 1. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation applies to gas-using equipment put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

2. In this technical regulation, gas-using equipment means:

a) the equipment intended for cooking, heating and hot water supply, including the equipment as a part of the combined devices;

b) block automatic burners and gas-using equipment with block automatic burners specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph;

c) devices intended for embedding in the equipment and being in circulation separately from the equipment specified in subparagraphs " a "and" b " of this paragraph, including control, regulation and safety devices.

3. The requirements of this technical regulation are established in respect of gas-using equipment provided for in the list according to Annex 1.

4. This technical regulation does not apply to the following types of gas-using equipment:

a) steam boilers with a steam pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and hot water boilers with a water temperature of more than 115°C;

b) equipment intended for use in technological processes at industrial enterprises, with the exception of gas-using equipment included in the List given in Annex 1;

c) equipment that uses gas as a motor fuel.

5. The essential features that characterize the gas-using equipment are:

a) the name, model (type) and purpose of the gas-using equipment;

b) the type and nominal pressure of the gas used;

c) rated thermal power;

d) the voltage and frequency of the electric current (for gas-using equipment connected to the electrical network).

6. Identification of gas-using equipment is carried out taking into account the signs specified in paragraph 5 of Article 1 of this technical regulation, by comparing with them the characteristics of gas-using equipment indicated on the packaging, labeling and in the operational documentation.

7. This technical regulation establishes requirements for gas-using equipment in order to protect human life and (or) health, property, the environment, life and (or) health of animals and plants, to prevent actions misleading consumers (users) regarding its purpose and safety, as well as to ensure energy efficiency and resource conservation.

Article 2. Definitions

The following terms and definitions are used in this technical regulation:

"combustion chamber ventilation" is the process of air displacement of unburned gas located in the combustion chamber of gas-using equipment and in chimneys in the absence of gas supply to the burner;

"ignition time of the gas burner device" - the time interval from the moment of gas supply to the burner to ignition and flame propagation over the entire surface of the gas burner device;

"gas path" - the parts of the equipment between the main shut-off body and the burner (s) through which the gas is supplied or in which it is located;

"gaseous fuel" - fuel that is in a gaseous state at a temperature of 15°With and an atmospheric pressure of 101.325 kPa;

"burner with full pre-mixing" - a burner in which gas is mixed with gorenje air before the outlet openings of the burner or into which the finished combustible mixture is fed;

"ignition" is a process in which the ignition of the gas-air mixture of the ignition and (or) the main burner occurs with the registration of the presence of a flame;

"combined burner" - a burner designed for separate combustion of gaseous or liquid fuels;

"gas leakage rate" - the permissible amount of gas leakage through the gas path when gas is supplied to the inlet pipe and when the control, regulation and safety devices are closed;

"circulation of gas-using equipment on the market" - the processes of transition of gas-using equipment from the manufacturer to the consumer (user), which the gas-using equipment passes after its manufacture is completed;

"batch of gas-using equipment" - a certain number of units of gas-using equipment manufactured under the same conditions of the technological process identified in a certain way;

"re-ignition" - ignition in which the design of the equipment provides that after the flame goes out during the operation of the equipment, the gas supply to the burner stops and the execution of the specified program of automatic start of the burner begins;

"starting power" - the average power of the gas-using equipment during the time interval from the moment of gas supply to the burner to the registration of the presence of a flame;

"technical documentation" - a system of graphic and text documents used in the design, manufacture and operation of gas-using equipment (parts, assembly units, complexes and kits);

"standard sample" - a sample of gas-using equipment identified by its functional purpose and design, manufactured under the same conditions of the technological process, selected for conformity assessment;

"safety device" - a device that automatically turns off the gas supply to the main burner when the controlled parameters deviate beyond the permissible limits.

Article 3. Rules of circulation on the market

1. Gas-using equipment is put into circulation on the market if it complies with this technical regulation, as well as other technical regulations of the Customs Union, the effect of which applies to it, and provided that it has passed the confirmation of compliance in accordance with Article 6 of this technical regulation, as well as in accordance with other technical regulations of the Customs Union, the effect of which applies to it.

Article 4. Safety requirements

1. Gas-using equipment must exclude the risk of explosion from an external ignition source.

2. The burner with full pre-mixing must exclude the risk of explosion in all the modes of combustion of gaseous fuel provided by the manufacturer.

3. The combined burner must ensure the safety of gas-using equipment when burning gaseous and liquid fuels separately.

4. The design of the gas path of the gas-using equipment must exclude exceeding the maximum permissible gas leakage rate established by the manufacturer.

5. The connections of the gas path must be sealed.

6. The gas-using equipment must provide ventilation of the combustion chamber due to natural draft or forced air supply before ignition and re-ignition of the burner.

7. The starting power and ignition time of the burner of gas-using equipment during ignition and re-ignition, the number of re-ignition attempts, the time of switching off the gas supply when the flame is extinguished should be limited to prevent dangerous accumulation of unburned gas.

8. The burner must ensure smooth ignition with uniform ignition over the entire surface of the burner.

9. Gas-using equipment intended for use in internal spaces and premises must have a device that prevents the accumulation of unburned gas. It is allowed to use gas-using equipment without such a device in the premises, in accordance with the requirements for ventilation of the room established in the instructions for installation, maintenance and repair of gas-using equipment.

10. The design of the gas-using equipment must not create a risk of fire of the support surfaces and those adjacent to the gas-using equipment.

11. The gas-using equipment must ensure the stability of the flame and the absence of unacceptable concentrations of carbon and nitrogen oxides in the combustion products.

12. The gas-using equipment connected to the chimney must exclude accidental release of combustion products into the room.

13. The gas-using equipment connected to the chimney must ensure that the gas supply to the burner is stopped in case of violations in the combustion product discharge system.

14. The safety device of heating and water-heating gas-using equipment that is not connected to the chimney and is not equipped with an exhaust device for removing combustion products must ensure monitoring of the state of atmospheric air and stopping the gas supply to the burners when the concentration of carbon monoxide in the room air exceeds the maximum permissible concentration.

15. The condensate formed during start-up should not affect the safety of gas-using equipment.

16. Gas-using equipment must exclude the formation of condensate during the combustion of gaseous fuel (except for gas-using equipment operating in the condensation mode).

17. Materials used in the manufacture of gas-using equipment that may come into contact with food or water used for sanitary purposes should not lead to deterioration of their quality.

18. Gas-using equipment must exclude the occurrence of unstable positions, deformations, breakdowns or wear that can reduce its safety during its service life.

19. All parts under pressure must withstand mechanical and thermal operating loads in order to avoid the occurrence of deformations affecting the safety of gas-using equipment.

20. The materials used in the manufacture of gas-using equipment must meet their intended purpose and be resistant to mechanical, thermal and chemical influences to which they will be subjected during the service life of the equipment.

21. Heating of the surface of the manual control devices and the external surfaces of the gas-using equipment with which the user can contact, with the exception of surfaces that perform the function of heat transfer or are heated by an open flame, should not lead to thermal burns.

22. The design of gas-using equipment intended for hot water supply should provide for a device that excludes thermal burn of the user with water used in this water supply system.

23. Fluctuations in the electrical voltage or changes in the characteristics of auxiliary energy, as well as disconnection of energy and its subsequent restoration should not violate the safety of gas-using equipment.

24. Gas-using equipment connected to the electrical network must provide protection against electric shock.

25. If the gas-using equipment is equipped with control devices, their operation should not interfere with the functioning of safety devices.

26. Gas-using equipment must ensure safety in case of failure of any of the control, control or safety devices.

27. The control, regulation devices and shut-off valves of gas-using equipment must have designations and appropriate instructions that prevent erroneous actions on the part of the user.

28. Safety, control and regulation devices of gas-using equipment installed and regulated by the manufacturer and not requiring adjustment by the installer or the user must be adequately protected.

29. In the operational documentation, information is indicated that restricts the conditions of use of gas-using equipment or warns about the need to take safety measures. The requirements for the information contained in the operational documentation are set out in Annex 2 to this technical regulation.

30. The requirements for the information contained in the marking of gas-using equipment are set out in Annex 3 to this technical regulation.

Article 5. Ensuring compliance with security requirements

1. Compliance of gas-using equipment with the requirements established by this technical regulation is ensured by meeting its requirements directly, or by meeting the requirements of interstate standards, and in case of their absence (before the adoption of interstate standards) - national (state) standards of states - members of the Customs Union, as a result of the application of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling, necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the assessment (confirmation) of conformity of products (hereinafter - standards) is ensured.

Compliance with the requirements of these standards on a voluntary basis indicates compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation.

2. The lists of standards specified in paragraph 1 of this Article are approved by the Commission of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

Article 6. Confirmation of conformity

1. Confirmation of compliance of gas-using equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation is mandatory and is carried out in the forms of declaration of conformity or certification.

2. The forms of conformity assessment provided for certain types (types) of gas-using equipment are specified in Annex 1 to this technical regulation.

3. Confirmation of compliance of gas-using equipment is carried out according to the schemes established in the technical regulations in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for applying standard schemes for assessing (confirming) compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union approved by the Commission.

4. At the request of the applicant, the declaration of conformity may be replaced by certification according to certification schemes equivalent to the schemes of declaration of conformity provided for gas-using equipment by this technical regulation, including in the absence or insufficiency of the applicant's own evidence confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation.

5. Declaration of conformity of gas-using equipment is carried out according to one of the following schemes:

scheme 1D-declaration of conformity of gas-using equipment produced in series, based on the results of tests of standard samples of gas-using equipment carried out by the manufacturer, and production control carried out by the manufacturer;

scheme 2D-declaration of conformity of a batch (single product) of gas-using equipment based on the results of tests of standard samples (single product) of gas-using equipment conducted by the applicant;

3D scheme-declaration of conformity of gas-using equipment produced in series, based on the results of tests of standard samples of gas-using equipment carried out by an accredited testing laboratory (center) included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the accredited testing laboratory), and production control carried out by the manufacturer;

scheme 4D-declaration of conformity of a batch (single product) of gas-using equipment based on the results of tests of standard samples (single product) of gas-using equipment conducted by an accredited testing laboratory (center).

The choice of the scheme for declaring the conformity of gas-using equipment is carried out by the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), the importer.

When declaring the conformity of a batch of gas-using equipment according to the schemes 2D, 4D, the applicant may be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union on its territory is a legal entity or an individual, as an individual entrepreneur, or who is a manufacturer or seller, or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, in terms of ensuring that the supplied products meet the requirements of this technical regulation and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

When declaring the conformity of gas-using equipment produced in series, according to the schemes 1D, 3D, the applicant may be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union on its territory, a legal entity or an individual, as an individual entrepreneur, or who is a manufacturer, or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, in terms of ensuring that the supplied products comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and in terms of responsibility for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

6. When declaring compliance according to the schemes 1D, 2D, the applicant independently forms evidentiary materials in order to confirm the compliance of gas-using equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation. Technical documentation, the results of our own research (tests) and measurements are used as evidence materials.

7. Evidentiary materials when declaring compliance according to the schemes 1D, 2D should include:

a) technical description of the conformity assessment object (in the absence of an operating manual);

b) the technical documentation that served as the basis for the declaration of compliance of the declared gas-using equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation;

c) the protocol (protocols) of tests of gas-using equipment carried out by the applicant and (or) an accredited testing laboratory;

d) operational documents;

e) a list of the standards specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5, the requirements of which this gas-using equipment must meet (when applied by the manufacturer);

f) an explanatory note containing a description of the adopted technical solutions confirming the compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation, if the standards specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 are absent or have not been applied;

g) shipping documentation (for a batch, a single product);

h) certificate for the manufacturer's management system (if available);

i) information about the conducted studies (if available);

j) other documents directly or indirectly confirming the compliance of gas-using equipment with the safety requirements of this technical regulation (if available).

8. When declaring conformity according to the 3D, 4D schemes, the applicant, along with his own evidentiary materials, uses evidence obtained with the participation of the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union (hereinafter - the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity), and (or) an accredited testing laboratory.

In addition to the evidentiary materials provided for in subparagraphs a) - i) of paragraph 7 of Article 6 of this technical regulation, a test report of standard samples of gas - using equipment conducted by an accredited testing laboratory (center) (hereinafter referred to as the test report) and the results of production control performed by the manufacturer (when declaring compliance according to the 3D scheme) is included.

9. Declaration of conformity includes the following procedures performed by the applicant:

a) formation and analysis of technical documentation;

b) implementation of production control when declaring compliance according to the schemes 1D, 3D;

c) testing of standard samples of gas-using equipment (a single product) by the applicant (schemes 1D, 2D) and (or) in an accredited testing laboratory (schemes 3D, 4D);

d) registration and registration of the declaration of conformity in accordance with the procedure approved by the Commissions of the Customs Union;

e) marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

The declaration of conformity is drawn up in a single form approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission.

10. The validity period of the declaration of conformity for gas-using equipment produced in series is not more than 3 years, for a batch of gas-using equipment (a single product), the validity period of the declaration of conformity is not established.

The declaration of compliance of a batch of gas-using equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation applies only to equipment related to a specific batch.

11. Certification of gas-using equipment is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the applicant and the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) according to the schemes established by paragraph 12 of Article 6 of this technical regulation.

12. To confirm the compliance of gas-using equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation, the following certification schemes are established:

a) scheme 1C - certification of gas-using equipment produced in series, based on the results of tests of standard samples conducted by an accredited testing laboratory (center), with the analysis of the state of production of this gas-using equipment and subsequent control by the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of compliance) of certified gas-using equipment;

b) scheme 3C-certification of a batch of gas-using equipment based on the results of tests of standard samples of gas-using equipment conducted by an accredited testing laboratory (center);

c) scheme 4C-certification of individual samples of gas-using equipment based on the results of their tests conducted by an accredited testing laboratory (center).

13. When certifying gas-using equipment according to the 1C scheme, the applicant may be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union on its territory, a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur, or who is a manufacturer, or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation and in terms of responsibility for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

When certifying gas-using equipment according to schemes 3C and 4C, the applicant may be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union on its territory, a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur, or who is a manufacturer or seller, or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, in terms of ensuring that the supplied products comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and in terms of responsibility for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

14. For the certification of gas-using equipment, the applicant forms a set of documents, which must include:

a) technical documentation of gas-using equipment;

b) the list of standards specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5, the requirements of which this gas-using equipment must meet (if applied);

f) an explanatory note containing a description of the adopted technical solutions confirming the compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation, if the standards specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 are absent or have not been applied;

d) the test report (protocols) of a standard (single) sample carried out by the manufacturer or an accredited testing laboratory (if available);

e) certificates of conformity (declarations of conformity) for devices that are in circulation separately from gas-using equipment, intended for embedding in gas-using equipment (if there are such devices embedded in the equipment);

f) certificate (copy of the certificate) of the quality management system (if available);

g) other documents, at the applicant's choice, directly or indirectly confirming the compliance of the gas-using equipment with the requirements established by this technical regulation.

15. Certification of gas-using equipment includes the following procedures:

a) submission by the applicant to the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) of an application for certification of gas-using equipment (hereinafter referred to as the application) with the attached set of documents specified in paragraph 14 of this article;

b) consideration of the application and adoption of a decision on it by the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity);

c) selection by the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) of standard samples of gas-using equipment for testing in an accredited testing laboratory (center);

d) testing of the sample (s) of gas-using equipment by an accredited testing laboratory (center);

e) conducting by the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) an analysis of the set of documents submitted by the applicant;

f) carrying out by the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) an analysis of the state of production of gas-using equipment, if such an analysis is provided for by the appropriate certification scheme.

If the manufacturer has a certified quality management system for the production or development and production of gas-using equipment, the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of compliance) evaluates the ability of this system to ensure the stable production of certified gas-using equipment that meets the requirements of this technical regulation;

g) summarizing the results of tests, analyzing technical documentation and the state of production of gas-using equipment or evaluating the quality management system and, if the result is positive, issuing a certificate of conformity to the applicant;

h) marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union;

i) inspection control of certified gas-using equipment, if such control is provided for by the certification scheme.

16. The applicant submits an application of his choice to any of the certification bodies (assessment (confirmation) of conformity).

17. If the certification scheme provides for testing, the applicant must provide a standard sample of gas-using equipment representing this production at the disposal of the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity). The test report may cover several models (types) of gas-using equipment, provided that the difference between the models (types) does not affect the level of safety and other requirements regarding the use of gas-using equipment. If it is necessary to carry out additional tests that cannot be carried out on an already selected standard sample, additional standard samples may be selected by the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity).

18. Tests of a standard sample are carried out by an accredited testing laboratory (center) on the basis of an agreement with the applicant or a certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity), to which a test report is issued. It is allowed to carry out tests of a standard sample by an accredited testing laboratory (center) at the manufacturer or at the place of operation, if the standard sample meets the criteria established by paragraph 6 of Article 1 of this technical regulation.

19. In case of positive results of the analysis of the technical documentation submitted by the applicant, the test results of the standard sample and the analysis of the state of production of gas-using equipment, the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) draws up a certificate of conformity, registers it and issues it to the applicant.

In case of a negative certification result, the certification body sends the applicant a reasoned decision to refuse to issue a certificate of conformity.

The certificate of conformity is issued in a single form approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission.

The validity period of the certificate of conformity for gas-using equipment produced in series is not more than 5 years, for a batch of gas-using equipment (a single product), the validity period of the certificate of conformity is not established. The certificate of conformity for a batch of gas-using equipment is valid only for equipment related to a specific batch.

20. The applicant, including the applicant who is a seller (supplier) of gas-using equipment, on the basis of the received certificate of conformity, marks the gas-using equipment with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

21. The certification body (conformity assessment (confirmation)) at least once every two years during the entire period of validity of the certificate of conformity conducts inspection control over certified gas-using equipment produced in series by testing samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and (or) analyzing the state of production of gas-using equipment, if such an analysis is provided for by the appropriate certification scheme. The selection of a standard sample for testing at the discretion of the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) is carried out at the manufacturer or seller.

22. Storage of technical documentation.

Technical documentation, including documents confirming compliance in the territory of the member states of the Customs Union, must be stored:

for gas-using equipment-from the manufacturer (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) for at least 10 years from the date of withdrawal (termination) from the production of this equipment;

a batch of gas-using equipment (a single product) - from the seller (supplier), manufacturer (a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) for at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last product from the batch.

Documents and materials confirming the results of certification are stored in the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity for at least 5 years after the expiration of the certificate of conformity.

The above-mentioned documents must be provided to the state control (supervision) bodies upon their request.*6.22.4)

Article 7. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union

1. Gas-using equipment that meets the requirements of this technical regulation and has passed the conformity assessment procedures established by this technical regulation must be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

2. A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to each unit of gas-using equipment. A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to the product itself, and is also given in the operational documents attached to it. It is allowed to apply a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union only on the packaging and indication in the operational documents attached to it, if it is impossible to apply it directly to the gas-using equipment.

3. A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to the product in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire service life of the gas-using equipment.

4. Marking with a single sign of circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is carried out before the release of gas-using equipment into circulation on the market.

5. Gas-using equipment is marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union if it meets the requirements of all technical regulations of the Customs Union that apply to it and provide for the application of a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

Article 8. Protective clause

1. The member states of the Customs Union are obliged to take all measures to restrict, prohibit the release into circulation of gas-using equipment in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, as well as the withdrawal from the market of gas-using equipment that does not meet the requirements of this technical regulation.*8.1)

The list of gas-using equipment, in respect of which the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of devices running on gaseous fuel"are established

Appendix 1

to the technical regulations of the Customs

Union "On the safety of devices

running on gaseous fuel"

(TR CU 016/2011)

photo the last of the gas-tube equipment, in respect of which the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union are established><meta itemprop=

Appendix 2

to the technical regulations of the Customs

Union "On the safety of devices

running on gaseous fuel"

(TR CU 016/2011)

Requirements for operational documentation

1. The following operational documentation must be included in the delivery package of gas-using equipment: instructions for installation, maintenance and repair of gas-using equipment and a manual for its operation. The specified documents are executed in Russian and in the state language (s) of the member state of the Customs Union, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member state(s) of the Customs Union.

Operational documents are executed on paper. A set of operational documents on electronic media can be attached to them.

If necessary, it is allowed to combine these documents.

2. The instructions for installation, maintenance and repair of gas-using equipment must contain the following information:

a) a general description of the gas-using equipment and the procedure for its operation;

b) the nominal thermal power and (or) the nominal thermal performance of the gas-using equipment;

c) types and nominal pressures of the gases used;

d) the procedure for transferring gas-using equipment from one type of gas to another;

gorenje gorenje (e) requirements for ventilation of the room where the gas-using equipment is installed, to ensure the combustion process, to exclude the accumulation of dangerous unburned gases and to create conditions for the removal of combustion products;

f) requirements for gas block burners and gas-using equipment for which these burners are intended, and, if necessary, a list of combinations recommended by the manufacturer to ensure proper assembly and adjustment, to ensure the declared technical characteristics and safety of the assembled sample of gas-using equipment during operation;

g) requirements for the chemical composition of water for heating equipment (in the case when water is a heat carrier);

h) rated voltage of the electrical network for gas-using equipment with electric power supply of automation systems;

i) the types and frequency of maintenance to which the gas-using equipment must be subjected during its operation;

j) typical malfunctions of gas-using equipment and methods of their elimination;

k) requirements for air exchange in a room where it is allowed to install heating and water-heating gas-using equipment that is not connected to a chimney and is not equipped with an exhaust device for removing combustion products;

m) the name and location of the manufacturer (the person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer), information for contacting them;

h) the month and year of manufacture of gas-using equipment and (or) information about the place of application and the method of determining the year of manufacture.

3. The operating manual of the gas-using equipment must contain all the information necessary for its safe operation during its service life, and indicate to the user the limitation of its capabilities.

4. The operating manual should contain recommendations for the safe disposal of gas-using equipment.

5. Fittings intended for the installation of gas-using equipment and devices intended for embedding in gas-using equipment must be supplied complete with instructions for installation, maintenance and repair of gas-using equipment.

Appendix 3

to the technical regulations of the Customs

Union "On the safety of devices

running on gaseous fuel"

(TR CU 016/2011)

Labeling and packaging requirements

1. Each unit of gas-using equipment put into circulation on the market of the member states of the Customs Union must have a legible, easy-to-read marking applied in a place accessible for inspection without disassembly with the use of a tool, preserved during the service life of the gas-using equipment.

2. The information contained in the marking of gas-using equipment is presented in Russian and in the state language (s) of the member state of the Customs Union, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member state(s) of the Customs Union.

3. The marking must contain the following information:

a) the name and (or) the trademark of the manufacturer, the name of the country where the products are manufactured;

b) the model (type) of the equipment;

c) serial number (batch number);

d) date of manufacture of the equipment (month, year);

e) the nominal thermal power and (or) the nominal thermal performance of the gas-using equipment;

e) the type and nominal pressure of the gas used;

g) voltage, frequency of electric current and electric power consumption (for gas-using equipment connected to the electric network).

4. Warning labels applied to gas-using equipment should inform the user:

a) about the danger of explosion, fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, harmful thermal effects, electric shock (in terms of gas-using equipment connected to the electrical network);

b) the need to install gas-using equipment in well-ventilated rooms (in terms of gas-using equipment with the removal of combustion products into the room).

5. All connecting holes of pipelines must be closed with transport plugs.

6. Each unit of gas-using equipment must be packed in such a way as to ensure its safety during storage and transportation.

7. The packaging must provide conditions for transportation, loading and unloading of gas-using equipment.

8. The packaging must be marked on the outside.

9. The marking must be clear and clearly distinguishable, applied with an indelible or water-repellent paint that contrasts with the color of the package.

10. The marking on the package must contain the following information:

a) the model (type) of the equipment;

b) the type and nominal pressure of the gas used;

c) manipulation signs;

d) the name and (or) the trademark of the manufacturer, the name of the country where the products are manufactured.

11. The handling marks should be duplicated at different places of the package.

12. It is allowed to mark only the packaging if the marking cannot be applied directly to the gas-using equipment due to the design features.

The text of the List of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of devices running on gaseous fuel" is provided on a voluntary basis, see the link.

The text of the List of Standards containing the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling, necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of devices running on gaseous fuel" and the assessment (confirmation) of product conformity

Electronic text of the document

prepared by JSC "Codex" and verified by:

official website

Customs Union Commissions

as of 29.12.2011