Light industry products

If the industry is light, it does not mean that the production of clothing or fabrics is “easy” to start. It just won't! Because any certification is a headache, and without certification you do not sell products. And we know what we're talking about.

The experts of the company ”EAC" have prepared for you information on the procedure for issuing a certificate of conformity TR CU 017/2011, a list of products subject to certification, as well as a list of penalties for non-compliance with the regulations. Read it, and you will feel a little better.

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Light industry products

If the industry is light, it does not mean that the production of clothing or fabrics is “easy” to start. It just won't! Because any certification is a headache, and without certification you do not sell products. And we know what we're talking about.

The experts of the company ”EAC" have prepared for you information on the procedure for issuing a certificate of conformity TR CU 017/2011, a list of products subject to certification, as well as a list of penalties for non-compliance with the regulations. Read it, and you will feel a little better.

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Don't break the law

The certificate TR CU 017 2011 should be obtained by everyone who wants to engage in the production and sale of light industry products specified in the list of goods required for certification in all countries of the Customs Union. For the absence of a certificate, declaration or any violations related to the confirmation of compliance, you can be fined up to $ 14,000.

What applies to light industry products ?

Light industry products include the following goods:

  • textile;
  • sewing and knitting products;
  • sewing and knitwear;
  • felt, felt and non-woven materials;
  • machine-made carpet coverings and products;
  • leather goods and textile and haberdashery products;
  • shoes;
  • furs and fur products;
  • leather and leather products.

Clothing and products, in turn, are divided into three types:

  1. Clothing and products of the 1st layer. Have direct contact with the skin. For example, underwear and bed linen, summer hats, hosiery, handkerchiefs, bathing and corset products.
  2. Clothing and products of the 2nd layer. Have limited skin contact. For example, dresses, trousers, skirts, sweaters, jumpers.
  3. Clothing and products of the 3rd layer. Outerwear and other products that have minimal contact with the skin. For example, jackets, raincoats, coats.

How is product safety assessed under TR 017 ?

The main purpose of the introduction of the regulation is to ensure the safety of light industry products sold on the territory of the Customs Union countries. Therefore, the document clearly specifies the security requirements:

  1. Compliance with safety requirements for 3 main indicators: mechanical, chemical and biological. The products must be resistant to tearing, to the strength of fastening, to flexibility and impact; not exceed the permissible release of harmful substances into the air and (or) water environment and meet the specified parameters for air tightness, water resistance, color stability, etc.
  2. Compliance with the toxicity index. For the materials of products that come into contact with human skin, as well as clothing of the first and second layers, home shoes, summer and beach clothes, as well as various inner layers, the toxicity index is clearly prescribed. The index determined in the aquatic environment should be from 70% to 120% inclusive, in the air environment - from 80% to 120% inclusive, or there should be no local skin irritant effect.
  3. The prescribed intensity of the smell. The intensity of the smell of light industry products and materials used for its production should not exceed 2 points in natural conditions.

Conformity is confirmed by means of product tests conducted in accredited laboratories, as well as production analysis (with certification according to the 1C scheme).

It's important to know! The regulations describe in more detail the safety requirements depending on the type of product. You can familiarize yourself with them yourself or find out by phone from certification specialists.

Certification schemes for light industry products (according to TR CU 017/2011)

Light industry products are certified according to three schemes.

For the 1C series

The certificate is issued for a period of up to 3 years. In addition to product testing, production analysis is also carried out. Inspection control takes place at both stages.

For the 2C series

The scheme is almost similar to the previous one, except that instead of an audit of production, certification of the management system is carried out.

For a batch of 3С

The certificate is issued for up to 5 years. Only product testing is required. Production audit and inspection control are not carried out.

How to issue a TR CU on the safety of light industry with minimal labor costs?

The easiest way is to contact certification specialists. They will immediately explain to you what permits are required in your case, will help you in selecting the necessary documents, preparing for tests and other issues that, with self-certification, may cause difficulties or require a lot of time and effort.

We invite you to apply for a TR CU certificate to us, to the company "EAC". Call us or fill out the feedback form — our specialists will guide you on all issues and get to work promptly!

The procedure for issuing a certificate of conformity TR CU 017/2011

Certification is carried out in several main stages:

  1. Filling out an application for certification according to TR CU 017.
  2. Preparation of necessary documents.
  3. Selection of product samples for testing.
  4. Product testing in an accredited laboratory and production audit (according to scheme 1C).
  5. Preparation of the test report.
  6. Making a decision on certification or refusal of it by the certification body.

You can fill out all the papers, select documents, approvals and other things yourself or contact specialists. The first option is advantageous from a financial point of view, and the second from the point of view of time, effort and, frankly, nerves. If you have ever taken care of the registration of any permissive certification, then you understand how time-consuming this work is and how much it distracts from business processes.

Our specialists carry out a full range of work on certification of light industry products. Here you can issue mandatory certificates, register declarations of conformity of products.

We work efficiently, saving you time and money. Each client is serviced by a personal manager who will determine the necessary certificates and calculate their cost completely free of charge. Our specialists will answer all the questions that arise, tell you what kind of document you need to issue in your case, and will qualitatively certify the required products.

Do you need certification of light industry products?
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