Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of equipment for children's playgrounds"
(TR EAEU 042/2017)

I. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation establishes requirements for the safety of equipment and (or) coverings for children's playgrounds and related processes of design, production, installation, operation, storage, transportation and disposal.

2. This technical regulation applies to equipment and (or) covering for children's playgrounds that are put into circulation for the first time in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the Union) and placed in open areas or in closed premises, according to the list according to Annex N 1.

3. This technical regulation is designed to protect human life and / or health, property, the environment, and to prevent actions that mislead consumers.

4. This technical regulation does not apply to:

a) equipment and (or) covering for children's playgrounds, manufactured and put into operation before the entry into force of this technical regulation;

b) sports equipment and products intended for training and physical culture, sports and tourism;

c) attractions that are subject to the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of attractions" (TR EAEU 038/2016), adopted by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of October 18, 2016 N 114;

d) toys.

5. If other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) have been adopted with respect to equipment and (or) covering for children's playgrounds, establishing requirements for them, then such equipment and (or) covering must comply with the requirements of all technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them.

II. Basic concepts

6. For the purposes of applying this technical regulation, the concepts provided for by the Protocol on Technical Regulation within the Framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (Annex No. 9 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014), as well as concepts that mean the following are used:

"age group" - a group of children of a certain age who have similar height, weight, physical strength and level of intellectual development;

"children's playground" is a specially equipped area designed for children to play, including appropriate equipment and covering;

"detsky gorodok (game complex)" is a multifunctional equipment for a children's playground, consisting of several structures;

"life cycle of equipment and (or) coating" - the time period from the beginning of design to the completion of operation of equipment and (or) coating, including, inter alia, production, storage, transportation, installation, modernization, repair, maintenance and disposal;

"fall zone" - the surface that the user can get on after falling from the equipment;

"landing zone" - the area of the children's playground, in which the braking and stopping of the child are carried out;

"critical drop height" - the maximum drop height from the equipment at which the coating provides the necessary level of shock damping;

"designated service life" - the duration of operation of the equipment and (or) the coating, and (or) their non-replaceable parts, upon reaching which the operation of the equipment and (or) the coating must be terminated regardless of their technical condition;

"equipment" means equipment installed on a children's playground, with which or on which children can play individually or in a group at their own discretion and according to the rules;

"passport" is an operational document defining the rules of operation of the equipment and reflecting information certifying the values of the main parameters and characteristics (properties) of the equipment guaranteed by the manufacturer, guarantees and information about its operation during the designated service life;

"covering" - a section of the surface of a children's playground with a size of at least the landing zone, used in conjunction with the equipment;

"user" - a child who uses the equipment and (or) the coating for its intended purpose, and a person who takes care of him;

"seller" - a legal entity or an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur who are residents of a member state of the Union, who sell equipment and (or) coatings and are responsible for their compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them;

"child" - a user of a children's playground under the age of 14;

"repair" - a complex of operations for the restoration of equipment and (or) coating in order to ensure their serviceability or operability;

"type of equipment and (or) coating" - products that have insignificant differences and are produced using standard technical documentation and standard technological processes;

"shock-absorbing coating" - a coating that has shock-absorbing properties;

"operator" - a legal entity or an individual (including an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur) who operates equipment and (or) coatings and ensures their compliance with the requirements of these technical regulations from the moment of commissioning of a children's playground;

"operation of equipment and (or) coating" - the stage of the life cycle from the moment of commissioning of equipment and (or) coating to their disposal.

III. Rules for the identification of equipment and (or) coating

7. For the purposes of assigning equipment and (or) coating to the objects of technical regulation, in respect of which this technical regulation is applied, interested persons shall identify the equipment and (or) coating.

8. Identification of equipment and (or) coating is carried out by their name and (or) documentation by visual method.

9.Shipping documentation, technical documentation (design documentation, passport) and (or) marking are used to identify equipment and (or) coating for the purpose of applying this technical regulation. Delivery contracts, and (or) specifications, and (or) labels, and (or) annotations, as well as other documents describing the equipment and (or) coating can be used as shipping documentation.

IV. Rules for the circulation of equipment and (or) coating on the Union market

10. Equipment and (or) coating are put into circulation on the Union market if they comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to this equipment and (or) coating, and provided that they have passed an assessment of compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation in accordance with section IX of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them.

11. Equipment and (or) coating, the compliance of which with the requirements of this technical regulation is not confirmed, are not marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market and are not allowed to be put into circulation on the Union market.

V. Safety requirements for equipment and (or) coating when designing

12. When designing equipment and (or) coating, it is necessary to ensure:

a) compliance of the design documentation with the safety requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), if they contain safety requirements applicable to equipment and (or) coating;

b) carrying out a complex of necessary calculations and tests based on methods certified in accordance with the established procedure;

c) the choice of materials (raw materials) used in the production of equipment and (or) coatings, depending on the parameters and conditions of their operation;

d) establishment of criteria for limit states;

e) establishment of the assigned service life, terms of maintenance and repair;

f) identification of all hazards associated with possible predictable improper operation of equipment and (or) coating;

g) establishment of restrictions on the operation of equipment and (or) coating.

13. The risk during the operation of equipment and (or) coverage must be calculated taking into account the target age group.

14. The development of the passport is an integral part of the design of the equipment.

VI. Safety requirements for equipment and (or) coating

15. During the production of equipment and its elements, their compliance with the requirements of the design documentation and this technical regulation must be ensured.

16. During the production of equipment and its elements, the manufacturer must perform the entire set of safety measures defined by the design documentation, while it must be possible to control the performance of all technological operations on which safety depends.

17. The passport of the equipment after its commissioning is kept by the operator.

18. The materials used in the production of equipment and (or) coatings must not:

a) have a harmful effect on human health and the environment during operation;

b) cause thermal burns in contact with the user's skin in climatic zones with very high or very low temperatures;

c) refer to flammable materials;

d) treat gorenje products as extremely dangerous in terms of toxicity;

e) refer to materials whose properties are not sufficiently studied.

19. Indicators of hygienic safety of materials used in the production of equipment and (or) coatings must meet the requirements specified in Annex N 2 to this technical regulation.

20. The equipment and / or coating must be manufactured in such a way that, when used for their intended purpose, they do not pose a danger to the life and health of users.

21. The equipment and its elements must be designed in such a way that:

a) correspond to the age group of children for whom they are intended;

b) the possible risk during the game was obvious and easily recognized by the child;

c) persons looking after children had the opportunity to access inside the equipment for providing assistance to children;

d) the accumulation of water on the surface of the equipment was not allowed and free flow and drying were ensured;

e) accessibility and convenience of cleaning from dust, dirt and debris were provided.

22. Age groups (by height and weight) and strength indicators of equipment and its elements are indicated in the passport for a specific type of equipment.

23. Equipment design:

a) must provide strength, stability, rigidity and immutability;

b) must have protection against corrosion and aging, taking into account the degree of aggressiveness of the environment and the resistance of the materials used;

c) it should not have protruding elements with sharp ends or edges;

d) it should not have rough surfaces that can cause injury to the user;

e) must have protection of the protruding ends of bolted connections;

e) must have smooth welds;

g) must have rounded corners and edges of any part of the equipment accessible to users;

h) must exclude the possibility of dismantling without the use of specialized tools;

i) must be protected from unauthorized access to the elements (components) of the equipment that are subject to periodic maintenance or replacement;

j) must have the dimensions of the cross-section of the elements of the equipment for capturing, in which it is possible to capture children;

l) must exclude the formation of squeezing or cutting surfaces between movable, as well as movable and fixed elements;

m) must ensure safe distances between the moving elements of the equipment and the surface of the playground;

h) must be equipped with railings and fences;

o) must not allow the child's body, body parts or clothing to get stuck;

p) must have the necessary load-bearing capacity for the resulting loads.

24. Closed equipment (tunnels, playhouses, etc.) must have at least 2 open access points, independent of each other and located on different sides of the equipment. The design of access points should exclude the possibility of blocking them and, if necessary, provide assistance to children without any additional funds.

25. Shock-absorbing coatings must be installed on the entire landing zone from the equipment.

26. The height of free fall from the equipment must take into account the type of shock-absorbing coating and the possible movements of the child and the structural elements of the equipment and must be no more than 3 meters from the surface on which the user rests with his feet to the landing zone and no more than 4 meters from the level of grip with his hands to the landing zone.

The boundaries of the landing zone should take into account the possible movements of the child and structural elements.

27. The surfaces of platforms, passageways, ladders and ladders should exclude sliding in all weather conditions.

28. The shock-absorbing coating should not have dangerous protrusions.

29. When used as a shock-absorbing coating of non-loose materials, it should not have areas where it is possible for parts of the child's body or clothing to get stuck.

30. The shock-absorbing coating must retain its properties regardless of climatic conditions.

31. Under equipment with a free-fall height of more than 60 cm, a shock-absorbing coating is equipped throughout the landing zone.

32. The critical height of the fall must be equal to or exceed the height of the free fall from the equipment.

33. The equipment and (or) the coating must have an assigned service life, which is established in accordance with paragraph 12 of this technical regulation.

34. The packaging of the equipment and (or) the coating or the corresponding shipping documentation must contain the name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark, the name and designation of the equipment and (or) the coating, information about the age group, the assigned service life, the designation of the document according to which the equipment and (or) the coating of a specific type is produced.

Such information is indicated in Russian and, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the Member State of the Union (hereinafter referred to as the Member State), in the state (state) language (s) of the Member state on whose territory the equipment and (or) coating are sold.

VII. Ensuring the safety of equipment and (or) coating during their installation, operation, transportation, storage and (or) disposal

35. Information about the characteristics and safe operation of the equipment must be specified in the passport.

36. The passport must contain the following information:

basic information about the equipment (the name and location (address) of the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer), the designation of the document in accordance with which the equipment was manufactured);

the main technical data of the equipment;

completeness of the equipment;

information about equipment acceptance;

information about equipment packaging;

warranty obligations of the equipment manufacturer;

information about the storage of equipment;

information about the transportation of equipment;

information about the conservation and deconservation of equipment during operation;

recommended type of coating;

information about accounting for equipment malfunctions during operation;

information about accounting for equipment maintenance;

information about the repair, including a list of parts and equipment parts that are subject to heavy loads during the operation of the equipment, as well as the period and cases of their replacement;

installation instructions for the equipment;

rules for the safe operation of equipment;

instructions for inspection and inspection of the equipment before starting operation;

instructions for inspection, maintenance and repair of equipment;

information about the disposal of equipment;

month and year of equipment production;

information about age groups (including weight and height restrictions);

assigned service life;

special marks (if necessary);

photo or graphic drawing (if necessary, color) of the equipment;

drawing of the general type of equipment with indication of the main dimensions;

equipment assembly diagram;

the scheme (plan) of the fall zone.

The passport is issued in Russian and, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member state, in the state (state) language (s) of the member state in whose territory the equipment is sold.

37. The installation of the equipment and (or) the coating must be carried out in accordance with the installation instructions, which must contain the following information:

a) the size of the minimum space for placing the equipment and the safe distance between the equipment and the surface of the children's playground;

b) the order of installation of equipment and (or) coating;

c) necessary designations that facilitate assembly (for example, labels on assembly parts of equipment and detailed instructions);

d) a list of necessary special devices and tools for the installation of equipment and (or) coating (lifting devices, templates, gauges, patterns, etc.), as well as precautions for the installation of equipment and (or) coating;

e) the values of the tightening torque of the threaded connections (if necessary);

f) the size of the site for the installation of equipment of a specific type;

g) orientation of the equipment and its elements in order to protect against the effects of climatic conditions (sun, wind (if necessary));

h) requirements for the foundation, a description of the structure and the layout of the foundation, requirements for anchoring;

i) a description of the landscape features to ensure the safe operation of the equipment and (or) the coating;

k) the height of free fall (when choosing a shock-absorbing coating);

l) the requirement for painting or special impregnation of the equipment or its elements (if necessary);

m) the requirement to remove the packaging elements before putting the equipment into operation.

38. The equipment must be installed in such a way as to ensure the safety of users.

When installing the equipment, the drop zones and landing zones defined for neighboring equipment must be taken into account.

39. The design of the equipment may provide for unhindered access to the children's playground for children with disabilities and ensure the safety of their stay on the children's playground.

40. When using bulk materials as a shock-absorbing coating on a children's playground, the thickness of such a coating is increased (compared to the required thickness) by an amount sufficient to compensate for the displacement of this material.

41. The commissioning of the equipment and (or) the coating is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Member states.

42. The operation of the equipment and (or) the coating is carried out by the operator in accordance with the requirements of this technical regulation and the rules of safe operation established by the passport.

43. Maintenance and repair of equipment are carried out in accordance with the passport.

44. After the expiration of the designated service life, the operation of the equipment must be stopped regardless of the technical condition of the equipment.

45. To ensure the safety of the equipment, it is not allowed for the operator to make changes to the design of the equipment that affect the safety of its structure or elements.

46. Information in the form of a sign (pictogram) should be placed on the children's playground, containing:

rules for using the equipment and information about age groups (including height and weight restrictions);

phone numbers of the rescue service, ambulance;

telephone numbers of the operator, which should be contacted in the event of a malfunction or breakdown of the equipment.

During the operation of the equipment, the height and weight restrictions specified in the passport must be observed.

47. Transportation and storage of equipment and its elements must be carried out taking into account the requirements of these technical regulations and the information specified in the passport.

48. The equipment is disposed of in accordance with the passport.

The specifics of the disposal of equipment may be established by the legislation of the Member States in the field of environmental protection.

VIII. Ensuring compliance of equipment and (or) coating with safety requirements

49. The compliance of the equipment and (or) the coating with this technical regulation is ensured by the following requirements:

a) the requirements of hygienic safety established by appendix N 2 to this technical regulation;

b) the safety requirements established by this technical regulation (with the exception of the requirements specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph), or the requirements of standards included in the list of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis.

50. Methods of research (testing) and measurements of equipment and (or) coating are established in the standards included in the list of standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation and the assessment of compliance of equipment and (or) coating.

IX. Conformity assessment of equipment and (or) coating

51. Equipment and (or) coating put into circulation on the Union market are subject to an assessment of compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as with the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them.

52. The assessment of the compliance of the equipment and (or) the coating with the requirements of this technical regulation is carried out in the forms of conformity assessment and assessment of the technical condition (technical inspection).

53. Confirmation of compliance of equipment and (or) coating with the requirements of this technical regulation (hereinafter referred to as confirmation of compliance) is carried out in the form of certification or declaration of conformity.

54. When confirming compliance, applicants may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a Member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who are manufacturers or sellers or persons authorized by the manufacturer.

55. The equipment and (or) the coating according to the list according to appendix N 3 are subject to confirmation of conformity in the form of certification according to the following schemes:

a) for equipment and (or) coatings produced in series - schemes 1c and 2c;

b) for a batch of equipment and (or) coating - scheme 3c;

c) for a single product - scheme 4c.

56. Equipment and (or) coating according to the list according to Annex N 4 are subject to conformity assessment in the form of declaration of conformity according to the following schemes:

a) for equipment and (or) coatings produced in series-1d and 3d schemes;

b) for a batch (single product) of equipment and (or) coating - schemes 2d and 4d.

57. When certifying equipment and (or) coating, the applicant may be:

a) for schemes 1c and 2c-the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer);

b) for schemes 3c and 4c - the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) or the seller.

58. The choice of the certification scheme of equipment and (or) coating is carried out by the applicant.

59. When certifying equipment and (or) coating, the applicant:

a) takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures that the manufactured equipment and (or) coating meets the requirements of this technical regulation (schemes 1c and 2c);

b) forms technical documentation, including:

passport (for equipment);

design documentation (schemes 1c and 2c);

the document according to which the equipment and (or) the coating was manufactured (schemes 1c and 2c);

results of strength calculations of equipment and (or) coating;

protocol (protocols) of tests of equipment and (or) coating carried out by the manufacturer in an accredited testing laboratory (center) included in the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the testing laboratory (center));

document confirming the characteristics of materials and components (if available);

certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity or test report (protocols) for materials and components (if available);

the list of standards specified in section VIII of this technical regulation, which were applied during production (if they are applied by the manufacturer);

certificate for the management system (a copy of the certificate) (scheme 2c);

contract (supply contract) and shipping documentation for a batch and a single item of equipment and (or) coating (schemes 3c and 4c);

other documents at the applicant's choice, which served as the basis for confirming the compliance of the equipment and (or) coating with the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them (if available);

c) submits an application for certification of equipment and (or) coating with the attachment of technical documentation provided for in subparagraph " b " of this paragraph to an accredited certification body included in the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the certification body).

The application specifies the document for compliance with which the management system is certified (scheme 2c).

The application must contain identifying features of the lot (the size of the lot, the details of the shipping documentation identifying this lot) and the equipment and (or) coating units included in it (name, type, type, etc. (if available)) (schemes 3c and 4c);

d) applies a single product circulation mark on the Union market after the completion of the conformity assessment procedure;

e) notify the certification body in writing about changes in the design of the equipment and (or) the coating or the technology of their production, which may affect the compliance of the equipment and (or) the coating with the requirements of this technical regulation (scheme 1c);

f) forms, after completing the conformity assessment procedure, the technical documentation provided for in subparagraph " b " of this paragraph, the protocol (protocols) for testing equipment and (or) coating, the manufacturer's production status analysis report (scheme 1c) and the certificate of conformity.

60. When certifying equipment and (or) coating, the certification body:

a) analyzes the application and technical documentation submitted by the applicant, and informs the applicant about the decision to conduct certification (indicating the conditions for certification) or about its refusal (indicating the reasons);

b) carries out identification and selection of samples of equipment and (or) coating from the applicant for testing;

c) provides testing of samples of equipment and (or) coating (schemes 1c, 2c and 3c) or a single piece of equipment and (or) coating (scheme 4c) in a testing laboratory (center);

d) conducts an analysis of the state of production at the manufacturer, the results of which are formalized by an appropriate act (scheme 1c);

e) in case of positive results of testing samples of equipment and (or) coating, analysis of the state of production (scheme 1c) and analysis of the technical documentation submitted by the applicant, issue a certificate of conformity in a single form approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 293 of December 25, 2012, which is issued to the applicant;

f) conducts inspection control over the certified equipment and (or) coating during the entire validity period of the certificate of conformity by testing samples of equipment and (or) coating in the testing laboratory (center) and (or) analyzing the state of production (scheme 1c);

g) carries out inspection control over the certified equipment and (or) coating during the entire validity period of the certificate of conformity by testing samples of equipment and (or) coating in the testing laboratory (center) and analyzing the results of inspection control by the management system certification body for the certified management system (scheme 2c);

h) according to the results of the inspection control:

confirms the validity of the certificate of conformity, as indicated in the act of inspection control;

in case of negative results of the inspection control, it makes a decision to suspend or cancel the validity of the certificate of conformity.

Brings the decision on the results of the inspection control to the applicant;

i) enter information about the certificate of conformity in the Unified Register of Issued or Accepted documents on conformity Assessment of the Eurasian Economic Union.

61. In the case of certification according to schemes providing for certification of management systems, the work on certification of management systems is carried out by a management system certification body registered in the territory of a member state and accredited in accordance with the legislation of that member state.

62. The validity period of the certificate of conformity for equipment and (or) coating produced in series is not more than 5 years, for a batch of equipment and (or) coating (a single product), the validity period of the certificate of conformity is not established.

63. The set of documents formed after the certification of equipment and (or) coating, specified in subparagraph" e " of paragraph 59 of this technical regulation, must be kept by the applicant and the certification body for the following periods:

for equipment and (or) coating produced in series - at least 10 years from the date of termination of the certificate of conformity;

for a batch of products (a single product) - at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last piece of equipment and (or) coating from the batch of products (a single product).

The set of documents is provided to the state control (supervision) bodies upon their request.

64. When declaring the conformity of equipment and (or) coating, the applicant may be:

a) for 1d and 3d schemes - the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer);

b) for schemes 2d and 4d-the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) or the seller.

65. The choice of the scheme for declaring the conformity of equipment and (or) coating is carried out by the applicant.

66. The declaration of conformity of the equipment and (or) the coating according to the schemes 1d and 2d is carried out by the applicant on the basis of his own evidence. Tests of samples of equipment and (or) coating at the applicant's choice are carried out in the applicant's own testing laboratory and (or) the testing laboratory (center).

The declaration of conformity of the equipment and (or) the coating according to the 3d and 4d schemes is carried out by the applicant on the basis of his own evidence and evidence obtained with the participation of the testing laboratory (center).

67. When declaring the conformity of equipment and (or) coating, the applicant:

a) forms and analyzes documents confirming the compliance of the equipment and (or) the coating with the requirements of this technical regulation, including:

passport (for equipment);

design documentation (1d and 3d diagrams);

the document according to which the equipment and (or) the coating was produced (schemes 1d and 3d);

results of strength calculations;

protocol (protocols) of tests of samples of equipment and (or) coating carried out in the applicant's own testing laboratory and (or) by the testing laboratory (center);

document confirming the characteristics of materials and components (if available);

certificates of conformity, declarations of conformity or test reports for materials and components (if available);

the list of standards specified in section VIII of this technical regulation, which were applied during production (if they are applied by the manufacturer);

contract (supply contract) and shipping documentation for a batch of products (single product) (schemes 2d and 4d);

other documents at the applicant's choice, which served as the basis for confirming the compliance of the equipment and (or) coating with the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them (if available);

b) carries out the identification of the equipment and (or) the coating in accordance with section III of this technical regulation;

c) ensures that production control is carried out and takes the necessary measures to ensure that the production process of equipment and (or) coating meets the requirements of this technical regulation;

d) adopt a declaration of conformity, which is drawn up according to a single form and rules approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 25, 2012 N 293;

e) applies a single product circulation mark on the Union market after the completion of the declaration of conformity procedure;

f) forms, after completing the procedure for declaring the conformity of equipment and (or) coating, a set of documents, which includes the documents provided for in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph, and a declaration of conformity.

68. The declaration of conformity is subject to registration in accordance with the procedure established by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of April 9, 2013 N 76.

69. The set of documents formed after the declaration of conformity of the equipment and (or) coating, specified in subparagraph" e " of paragraph 67 of this technical regulation, must be kept by the applicant for the following periods:

for equipment and (or) coating produced in series - at least 5 years from the date of termination of the declaration of conformity;

for a batch of products (a single product) - at least 5 years from the date of sale of the last piece of equipment and (or) coating from the batch of products (a single product).

The set of documents is provided to the state control (supervision) bodies upon their request.

70. The validity period of the declaration of conformity when declaring conformity for the serial production of equipment and (or) coating is not more than 5 years. For a batch of equipment and (or) a coating (a single product), the validity period of the declaration of conformity is not set.

71. After the release into circulation during the designated service life, an accredited (authorized) organization performs an assessment of the conformity of equipment and (or) coating in the form of an assessment of the technical condition (technical inspection).

The procedure for conducting an assessment of the technical condition( technical survey), as well as the procedure for accreditation (authorization) of an organization to conduct an assessment of the technical condition (technical survey) is established by the legislation of the member states.

X. Marking of equipment and (or) coating with a single product circulation mark on the Union market

72. Equipment and (or) coating that meet the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them, and have passed the conformity assessment procedure, are marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market.

73. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the Union market is carried out before the release of equipment and (or) coating into circulation on this market.

74. A single product circulation mark on the Union market is applied to each piece of equipment and (or) coating in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire service life of the equipment and (or) coating, and is also given in the attached passport. It is allowed to apply a single product circulation mark on the Union market only on the packaging and its indication in the attached passport, if the mark cannot be applied directly to the equipment and (or) coating.

75. Marking of equipment and (or) coating with a single product circulation mark on the Union market indicates their compliance with the requirements of all technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that apply to this equipment and (or) coating and provide for the application of a single product circulation mark on the Union market.

XI. State control (supervision)

76. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Member states.

The list of products subject to the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of equipment for children's playgrounds"

(TR EAEU 042/2017)

Appendix No. 1

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of equipment

for children's playgrounds"

(TR EAEU 042/2017)

photo of the list of products subject to the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of equipment for children's playgrounds"><meta itemprop=

Appendix No. 2

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of equipment

for children's playgrounds"

(TR EAEU 042/2017)

Requirements for the hygienic safety of materials used in the production of equipment and coatings for children's playgrounds

1. The intensity of the smell of materials used in the production of equipment and coatings for children's playgrounds (hereinafter referred to as materials) should not exceed 2 points.

2. The level of the electrostatic field intensity on the surface of polymer, polymer-containing materials, synthetic and mixed textile materials under operating conditions should not exceed 15.0 kV/m.

3. Materials should not stimulate the growth and development of microflora, including pathogenic.

4. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in mineral-based materials should not exceed 370 Bq/kg. The permissible specific activity of caesium-137 in wood and wood-containing materials should not exceed 300 Bq/kg.

5. Protective and decorative coating of equipment and coatings must be resistant to wet treatment, equipment-to the action of saliva, sweat and moisture.

6. The equipment should not have a local skin irritant effect, or the toxicity index of the equipment, determined in an aqueous medium (distilled medium), should be in the range from 70 to 120% inclusive, in the air environment-from 80 to 120% inclusive.

7. Materials should not release volatile substances into the environment in quantities that can have a direct or indirect adverse effect on the human body (taking into account the combined effect of all released substances).

8. During the operation of the equipment and the coating, chemicals belonging to the 1st hazard class should not be released into the air from the materials (the classification is carried out according to the general requirements for the classification of dangerous chemical products in accordance with the legislation of the states - members of the Eurasian Economic Union), and the isolation of the remaining substances should not exceed the hygienic standards specified in the table (when several chemicals with a summation of action are isolated from materials, the sum of the concentration ratios to their maximum permissible concentrations should not exceed 1).

Hygienic standards for the release of harmful substances from materials used in the production of equipment and coatings for children's playgrounds

photo hygienic standards for the release of harmful substances from materials used in the production of equipment and coatings for children's playgrounds><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 3

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of equipment

for children's playgrounds"

(TR EAEU 042/2017)

The list of products subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of equipment for children's playgrounds" (TR EAEU 042/2017) in the form of certification

1. Equipment for children's playground:

a) slide of the children's playground;

b) children's playground swing;

c) rocking chair of the children's playground;

d) children's playground carousel;

e) children's playground cable car;

f) children's playground (play complex).

2. Shock-absorbing coating for children's playground:

a) rubber coating;

b) the coating is synthetic.

Appendix N 4

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of equipment

for children's playgrounds"

(TR EAEU 042/2017)

The list of products subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of equipment for children's playgrounds" (TR EAEU 042/2017) in the form of a declaration of conformity

1. Play equipment for a children's playground, including:

a) sandbox;

b) a playhouse;

c) the maze.

2. Shock-absorbing coating for children's playground:

a) the coating is sandy;

b) gravel coating;

c) turf coating;

d) coating of crushed wood.

The electronic text of the document was

prepared by JSC "Codex" and verified by:

official website

Of the Eurasian Economic Union, 18.05.2017