
Certification of perfumery and cosmetic products is carried out in accordance with the current technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 009/2011 "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products", in the form of declaration and state registration of cosmetic products (receipt of SGR).

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Certification of perfumery and cosmetic products is carried out in accordance with the current technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 009/2011 "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products", in the form of declaration and state registration of cosmetic products (receipt of SGR).

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Don't break the law

The technical regulation CU 009/2011 applies to cosmetics and perfumes – this standard establishes requirements for the production, turnover, and quality assessment of products of this type. It has legal force throughout the territory of the EAEU, as well as permits issued in accordance with it.

The main two forms of assessment are declaration and state registration. For the most part, it is the declaration that is required.

Declaration of perfumery and cosmetic products and their state registration

The state registration of perfumery and cosmetic products manufactured in the territory of the Customs Union is carried out at the stage of its production, and perfumery and cosmetic products imported into the territory of the customs territory of the Customs Union - before its release into circulation in the customs territory of the Customs Union.

It is possible to determine which perfumery and cosmetic products are subject to state registration in Russia using the "Unified list of products (goods) subject to state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) at the customs border and customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union."

Separately, there are 13 categories of the list subject to mandatory registration of perfumery and cosmetic products.

The SGR must be issued on:

1. Perfumery and cosmetic products for artificial tanning;

2. Perfumery and cosmetic products for skin whitening (lightening);

3. Cosmetics for tattooing;

4. Intimate cosmetics;

5. Perfumery and cosmetic products of individual protection of the skin from the effects of harmful production factors;

6. Children's cosmetics;

7. Perfumery and cosmetic products for chemical coloring, lightening and highlighting of hair;

8. Perfumery and cosmetic products for perming and straightening hair;

9. Perfumery and cosmetic products made using nanomaterials; 10. Perfumery and cosmetic products for depilation;

11. Chemical peels;

12. Fluorinated oral hygiene products, the mass fraction of fluorides in which exceeds 0.15% (for liquid oral hygiene products – 0.05%);

13. Teeth whitening products containing hydrogen peroxide or other components that emit hydrogen peroxide, including carbamide peroxide and zinc peroxide, with a concentration of hydrogen peroxide (as an ingredient or released) 0.1% - 6.0%.

The rest of the products not included in the list for the SGR are subject only to declaration under TR CU 009/2011.

The specialists of the company "EAC" will advise you on the issues of obtaining a SGR for perfumery and cosmetic products.

List of documents required to obtain the SRS for cosmetics

Necessary documents for a cosmetics manufacturer located on the territory of the CU:

  • application;
  • regulatory document (TU, GOST, SRT, etc.);
  • recipe;
  • label (front and back sides) in an electronically editable format;
  • declaration (statement or written notification) of the manufacturer on compliance with GMP principles, or certificate of conformity of the quality management system, or certificate of conformity of the production of perfumery and cosmetic products to the principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP));
  • product description;
  • lease agreement for production facilities or ownership;
  • registration documents (OGRN, TIN, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • quality passport from the manufacturer.

Required documents for registration of imported cosmetics:

  • application;
  • recipe (with indication of CAS No.);
  • label (front and back sides) in an electronically editable format;
  • declaration (statement or written notification) of the manufacturer on compliance with GMP principles, or certificate of conformity of the quality management system, or certificate of conformity of the production of perfumery and cosmetic products to the principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP));
  • product description;
  • registration documents for the importer (OGRN, TIN, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • contract (contract) for the supply of products or contract of an authorized person

Receipt of the declaration of conformity according to TR CU 009/2021 for cosmetic products

The declaration is issued for one or more product names of the same name.

  • the name of perfumery and cosmetic products is the verbal and/or digital designation of the product assigned to it by the manufacturer;
  • the name of perfumery and cosmetic products is the designation of the type of homogeneous perfumery and cosmetic products (toothpaste, lotion, perfume, cream, etc.);
  • when declaring cosmetics, it is necessary to provide mandatory information about the products: the full name of the products, description, composition, country of manufacture, the regulatory document according to which the products are manufactured (GOST, TU, TO, WHO) for the manufacturer of the Russian Federation, the codes of the Customs Code of the EAEU.

In order to adopt a declaration of compliance of perfumery and cosmetic products with the requirements of TR CU CU 009/2011, the applicant (manufacturer, authorized representative of the manufacturer or importer) must have the following documents for each product name:

  • the list of ingredients included in the perfume and cosmetic products;
  • copies of documents containing organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of products certified by the applicant;
  • research (test) protocols (if available);
  • sample of labeling of consumer packaging of perfumery and cosmetic products;
  • manufacturer's document on compliance of production with the requirements of paragraph 7 of Article 5 of the technical regulations (written notification of the manufacturer on compliance of TR CU 009/2011 production with the requirements of this technical regulation of the CU, or declaration (statement or written notification) of the manufacturer on compliance with GMP principles, or certificate of conformity of the quality management system, or certificate of conformity of the production of perfumery and cosmetic products to the principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP));
  • documents confirming the consumer properties of perfumery and cosmetic products declared in the labeling of consumer packaging (antimicrobial effect, anti-wrinkle, SPF factor, anti-varicose, anti-inflammatory effect of oral hygiene products, etc.), certified by the applicant.

Translations of the manufacturer's documents from a foreign language into the official language of the CU member state must be notarized or signed by the translator with a copy of the diploma confirming his qualifications attached.

Schemes of declaration of cosmetic products

There are three schemes for declaring cosmetic products

3d (series) and 4d (batch) - based on the PI of accredited laboratories (tests are carried out only in accredited testing laboratories (centers) included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union);

6d (series) - based on the PI of accredited laboratories and a certificate for a quality management system (a copy of the certificate) or a certificate of compliance with the principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP). The ISO certificate or GMP certificate must be from a certification body accredited in the EAEU, which is not feasible at the moment.

For schemes "3d", "6d", the applicant may be an authorized person (including IP), an authorized person of the EEC-manufacturer (including IP) or the Russian Federation-manufacturer (including IP). For the "3d" scheme, the applicant may be a person authorized by the EEC manufacturer and the RF manufacturer (including the sole proprietor) (minutes of the meeting dated 02.12.2016).

Term - no more than 5 years, for 6d up to 7 years.

For the "4d" scheme, the applicant may be an authorized person (including sole proprietor), the Russian Federation-manufacturer (including sole proprietor), importer (seller). Term – taking into account the shelf life of the products. That is, the declaration will be issued for the shelf life of the products (up to a specific date).

Labeling of perfumery and cosmetic products

Any cosmetic product must be marked with the sign of the address "EAC". This symbol is a pass to the consumer market of the economic union.

The packaging of the product must fully inform the buyer about:

1. name of cosmetics, trademark;

2. the name and address of the manufacturer (importer);

3. composition and instructions for use;

4. precautions;

5. shelf life and storage conditions;

6. release date.

Our specialists carry out a full range of work on the certification of cosmetics products. Here you can issue mandatory certificates, register declarations of conformity of products.

We work efficiently, saving you time and money. Each client is served by a personal manager who will determine the necessary certificates and calculate their cost completely free of charge. Our specialists will answer all the questions that arise, tell you what kind of document you need to issue in your case, and will qualitatively certify the required products.

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