We help European manufacturers to get EurAsEC (EAC) certification on the best terms
EAC certification for machinery and equipment, pressure vessels and pipelines, clothing, shoes, furniture, packaging, food and other product categories
In 80% of cases, light industry products require a Declaration of conformity to the TR CU, but you may also need other documents. Our experts will help you accurately determine a sufficient list of permits

Declaration of conformity TR CU
Declaration of conformity TR CU a simpler form of confirmation of the quality of goods, but it is used only for some groups of goods
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The certificate of the Customs Union (CU TR) is a permissive document for the sale of goods within the EurAsEC countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan.
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Development of technical documentation
Technical documentation is needed for the certification procedure and for the sale of goods on the territory of the EurAsEC countries
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Fire safety certificate
Fire certificate is a document issued by the certification body in the field of fire safety confirming that the products meet the requirements of technical regulations and, if applicable, the requirements of fire safety standards. Confirmation of certification of products to fire safety requirements can be carried out on a mandatory or voluntary basis
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GOST R certificate
Certificate of conformity for Russia. All the advantages of owning a certificate GOST R read the article at the link
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How to get a Declaration of conformity TR CU
Free consultation
We analyze data about your product and prepare a draft Declaration of conformity
Approval of the draft
You check the draft Declaration of conformity and approve it
Test protocol
We receive test reports and prepare all the necessary documents for registration
Registration of the Declaration of conformity
We register the Declaration of conformity in the unified register and send you scanned copies of the completed documents
How much does it cost?
The cost of registration consists of several parts: Registration of test reports, preparation of documents and registration of a Declaration of conformity.

The cost differs for different types of products, the number of types, and models. To determine the exact cost, our expert must conduct a thorough product analysis. This is completely free for you. But this stage guarantees that the price will remain unchanged during the work process.
To get a preliminary calculation answer 5 simple questions
Frequently asked question
We have prepared answers to the most popular questions. If you do not find an answer — we will respond to you individually