Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing means"
(TR EAEU 043/2017)

I. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation is designed to protect human life and / or health, property and the environment from fires, as well as to prevent actions that mislead consumers.

2. This technical regulation establishes the requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing means, as well as the requirements for marking these means to ensure their free movement in the territories of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter, respectively, the Member States, the Union), which are mandatory for application and execution in the territories of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter, respectively, the Member States, the Union).

3. This technical regulation applies to fire safety and fire extinguishing means designed to prevent, reduce the risk of occurrence, limit the development of fire and the spread of its dangerous factors, to extinguish fire, save people, protect life and (or) human health, property and the environment from fire, as well as to reduce the risk of harm and (or) damage due to fire.

4. The list of objects of technical regulation to which the requirements of this technical regulation apply, including conformity assessment schemes, is given in the annex to this technical regulation.

5. If other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) establishing requirements for these means have been adopted and entered into force with respect to fire safety and fire extinguishing means, then such fire safety and fire extinguishing means must comply with the requirements of all the technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them.

II. Basic concepts

6. For the purposes of applying this technical regulation, the concepts that mean the following are used:

"respiratory apparatus" - a means of individual protection of the respiratory and visual organs;

"molded electrical products" - electrical fittings with a cross-section of various geometric shapes, designed for laying cables and wires (pipes, trays, boxes);

"fire ladder" is a portable means for lifting firefighters and equipment to the upper floors of buildings to extinguish fire and rescue people from high-rise levels, structurally consisting of two parallel vertical bowstrings rigidly connected by transverse support steps;

"mobile fire extinguishing means" - transport or transported fire engines (fire trucks, all-terrain vehicles, airplanes, helicopters, trains, ships, mobile robotic systems, motor pumps, motorcycles, ATVs, quadricycles, tricycles) intended for use by personnel of fire departments when extinguishing a fire and carrying out emergency rescue operations;

"mobile robot" is a mobile fire extinguishing device remotely controlled by the operator, which performs the functions of extinguishing a fire and (or) other types of emergency rescue operations without the direct participation (presence) of a person in a dangerous zone;

"mobile robotic complex" - a combination of a mobile robot, a remote control system and means of ensuring the operation of the robot;

"fire engine pump" is a mobile (trailed or portable) motor-pumping unit driven by an individual engine, equipped with fire-technical equipment;

"fire pump" is a hydraulic machine that converts the mechanical energy of the drive motor into liquid energy, creating a flow of liquid medium used to extinguish a fire;

"fire extinguishing agent" - a substance that has physical and chemical properties that allow creating conditions for stopping gorenje;

"fire extinguisher" is a portable or mobile device designed to extinguish a fire source by releasing a fire extinguishing agent, with a manual method of delivery to the fire source and activation;

"dangerous fire factors" - fire factors, the impact of which can lead to injury, poisoning or death of a person and (or) to material damage;

"fire alarm system" is a technical device designed to alert people about a fire by giving a light, sound, speech signal (a combination of them) or other effects on the human senses;

"fire center" - the place of the initial occurrence of the fire;

"primary fire extinguishing means" - fire extinguishing means used to fight a fire in the initial stage of its development;

"fire equipment" - the equipment that is part of the fire extinguishing communications, as well as the means of maintenance of this equipment;

"fire detector" is a technical device designed to detect a fire by monitoring changes in the physical parameters of the environment caused by a fire, and (or) generating a fire signal;

"manual fire detector" is a technical device designed for manually activating a fire alarm;

"fire crane" - a set consisting of a fire shut-off valve installed on a fire pipeline and equipped with a fire connecting head, and a fire hose with a manual barrel;

"fire cabinet" is a type of fire equipment designed to accommodate and ensure the safety of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment used during a fire, including means of protection and rescue of people, as well as material values;

"the limit of fire resistance of the structure (filling of openings of fire barriers)" - the period of time from the beginning of fire exposure under standard test conditions to the onset of one of the limit states normalized for this structure;

"fire control receiving device" is a technical device designed to receive and display signals from fire detectors and other devices interacting with this technical means, control the integrity and functioning of communication lines between the technical means and devices for light indication and sound signaling of events, formation of the starting pulse for starting the fire control device;

"fire control device" is a technical tool designed to control the actuators of automatic fire protection equipment (systems), monitor the integrity of communication lines with these actuators and the operating mode of the controlled fire automation system;

"seller" - a legal entity or an individual registered in its territory as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of a member state, carrying out wholesale (retail) sale of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment to the consumer (user) and responsible for their compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union);

"fire barrier" - a means of ensuring fire safety, a building structure with a standardized fire resistance limit and a fire hazard class, a volumetric element of a building or other engineering and technical means designed to prevent the spread of fire between premises, buildings and structures;

"system of notification and management of evacuation of people in case of fire" -a set of technical means designed to inform people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, the ways and order of evacuation;

"fire notification transmission system" - a set of technical means intended for transmitting and receiving fire notifications on a protected object (objects) via communication channels at a centralized monitoring point or in a room with personnel on round-the-clock duty, service and control and diagnostic notifications, as well as (if there is a reverse communication channel) for transmitting and receiving remote control commands;

"fire automation system" - a set of interacting fire alarm systems, transmission of fire notifications, notification and evacuation management of people, smoke ventilation, automatic fire extinguishing installations and other automatic fire protection equipment designed to ensure the fire safety of the object;

"fire alarm system" - a set of interacting technical means designed for fire detection, formation, collection, processing, registration and transmission in a given form of fire signals, system operating modes, other information and issuing (if necessary) signals for the control of technical means of fire protection, technological, electrical and other equipment;

"smoke ventilation system" is a set of interacting technical means designed to prevent or limit the danger of smoke from buildings and structures in case of fire, as well as the impact of fire hazards on people and material values;

"rescue" is the process of individual or collective movement of people to a safe zone in the presence of a threat to their life and (or) health from the impact of fire hazards, including using appropriate technical means of rescue and protection;

"means of protection" - technical means that ensure the safety and protection of people from the effects of fire hazards, including during their evacuation, self-rescue and rescue;

"personal protective equipment of a firefighter" - personal protective equipment worn (used) by a firefighter (special protective clothing of a firefighter, personal protective equipment of the respiratory and visual organs, head, hands and feet of a firefighter) to prevent or reduce the impact of fire hazards on him;

"fire safety and fire extinguishing means" - means designed to prevent, reduce the risk of fire occurrence and development, limit the spread of its dangerous factors, to extinguish a fire, save people and eliminate the consequences of a fire, protect life and (or) human health, property and the environment from fire, as well as to reduce the risk of harm and (or) damage due to fire;

"means of self-rescue of a firefighter" - technical means that ensure the safety of an independent or forced movement of a firefighter from a dangerous zone in the event of an emergency situation;

"means of rescue" - technical means that ensure the independent or forced movement of people from places where they may be affected by fire hazards and (or) related manifestations and evacuation from which is blocked by fire hazards or for other reasons;

"fire protection agent" - a fire-retardant composition (coating) or a material that has a fire-retardant effectiveness and is intended for fire protection of building materials, structures, cable products, textile materials;

"robotic tool" - a technical tool that performs functions, types of work or operations without the direct participation of a person in a dangerous zone;

"technical means" - a device and (or) a device that ensures safety in case of fire and (or) functions as part of fire safety and fire extinguishing systems (means) ;

"fire extinguishing installation" - a set of stationary technical means of extinguishing a fire by releasing a fire extinguishing agent;

"automatic fire extinguishing installation" - a fire extinguishing installation that provides the supply (release) of a fire extinguishing agent when a control signal is received from a fire alarm system or its own technical means of detecting a fire without human intervention, as well as transmitting a fire signal to external circuits;

"autonomous fire extinguishing system" - an automatic fire extinguishing system that functions independently of external power sources and control systems and provides the transmission of a fire signal to external circuits;

"modular fire extinguishing installation" - an automatic fire extinguishing installation consisting of one or more fire extinguishing modules designed to extinguish a separate object (a room, part of a room and (or) a unit of technological equipment);

"robotic fire extinguishing system" - an automatic fire extinguishing system equipped with technical means for detecting a fire source and controlling the release of a fire extinguishing agent into the fire zone;

"autonomous fire extinguishing device" - a stationary technical means intended for extinguishing a fire, providing the release of a fire extinguishing agent when triggered by the impact of fire hazards;

"evacuation" is the process of organized movement of people to a safe zone along the evacuation routes.

III. Rules for the identification of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment

7. Identification of fire safety and fire extinguishing means is carried out to establish their belonging to the scope of this technical regulation, to prevent actions that mislead consumers (purchasers), to establish compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing means with technical documentation.

8. Identification of fire safety and fire extinguishing means is carried out:

a) by the manufacturer, a person authorized by the manufacturer, a seller (supplier) who issue fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment for circulation in the territories of the member states;

b) an accredited certification body included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the certification body);

c) by the authorized body of the member state-when carrying out state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation.

9. The identification features of the fire safety and fire extinguishing means are its name, type( type), brand, model, purpose, main technical parameters and characteristics, trademark and (or) the name of the manufacturer, the name of the country where this fire safety and fire extinguishing means is manufactured.

10. Identification of fire safety and fire extinguishing means in order to establish their belonging to the scope of this technical regulation is carried out in accordance with section V of this technical regulation and the annex to this technical regulation.

11. Identification of fire safety and fire extinguishing means is carried out using one of the following methods or a combination of them:

a) identification according to technical documentation - comparison of the type( type), purpose of the fire safety and fire extinguishing means and its technical characteristics specified in the technical documentation with the data provided for in section V of this technical regulation and the annex to this technical regulation;

b) visual method-comparison of the appearance of the fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the description given in the technical documentation;

c) instrumental method-comparison of data obtained as a result of measuring the dimensions or conducting tests of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the technical characteristics specified in the technical documentation. The instrumental method is used if the means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing cannot be identified by applying the methods specified in sub-paragraphs "a" and "b" of this paragraph.

IV. Rules for the circulation of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment on the Union market

12. Fire safety and fire extinguishing means are put into circulation on the Union market if they comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, the effect of which applies to them, and provided that they have passed the conformity assessment according to section VII of this technical regulation.

13. Means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing, the compliance of which with the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them, is not confirmed, are not marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market and are not allowed to be put into circulation on the Union market.

V. Requirements for objects of technical regulation

14. Fire safety and fire extinguishing means must ensure the prevention, reduction of the risk of occurrence, restriction of the development of fire and the spread of its dangerous factors, fire extinguishing, saving people, protecting life and (or) human health, property and the environment from fire, as well as reducing the risk of harm and (or) damage due to fire.

15. Fire extinguishing agents must ensure fire extinguishing by a surface (locally-surface) and (or) volumetric (locally-volumetric) method of their supply in accordance with the characteristics of the supply of fire extinguishing substances and extinguishing tactics.

16. Fire extinguishing agents should be used to extinguish those materials whose interaction does not lead to the danger of new fire or explosion foci.

17. Fire extinguishing agents must retain their properties necessary for extinguishing a fire during transportation and storage.

18. Fire protection means must have a fire-retardant efficiency that ensures a reduction in fire danger and (or) an increase in the fire resistance of protected objects to a normalized level.

19. Technical documentation for fire protection products should contain information on technical indicators characterizing the scope of their application, the method of surface preparation, types and brands of primers, the method of application to the protected surface, drying conditions, the fire-resistant effectiveness of these products, the method of protection from adverse climatic influences, the conditions and service life of fire-resistant coatings, safety measures during fire-resistant works, as well as the procedure for transportation and storage.

20. For the means of fire protection of steel structures and (or) reinforced concrete structures, the technical documentation additionally specifies information about the thickness of the fire-resistant coating and the consumption of the fire protection means necessary to achieve the required fire-resistant efficiency, the dry residue and the period of preservation of the fire-resistant effectiveness of the fire-resistant coating.

It is allowed to apply an additional coating to the surface of the fire-resistant layer to give a decorative appearance or to ensure resistance to adverse climatic effects. In this case, the fire-retardant effectiveness should be indicated taking into account the additional coating.

21. For the means of fire protection of cables, the technical documentation specifies information about the thickness of the fire-resistant coating and the consumption of the fire protection means necessary to achieve the required fire-resistant efficiency, the dry residue and the scope of application (types of outer cable shells for which they are used).

22. For fire protection products of wood and materials based on it, the density of the composition and its consumption per unit area or volume (depending on the method of application) are indicated in the technical documentation. If the manufacturer has established the service life of fire protection products for wood and materials based on it for more than 1 year, it must be confirmed by tests for resistance to aging.

23. Molded electrical products made of non-metallic materials must have heat resistance, resistance to ignition by heated wire, resistance to open flame and resistance to the spread of gorenje with a single or group laying.

24. Fire extinguishers must ensure the extinguishing of model fires.

The strength characteristics of the structural elements of portable and mobile fire extinguishers should ensure the safety of using such fire extinguishers when extinguishing a fire.

25. Fire-fighting cranes and fire shut-off valves used in fire-fighting cranes must provide the possibility of opening the shut-off device by one person and the supply of water from the fire-fighting water supply system with the required (normalized) flow rate.

The design of the heads of connecting fire cranes should ensure the connection of fire hoses used by fire departments to them.

26.In fire cabinets, depending on their purpose, primary fire extinguishing means, fire equipment, personal protective equipment and rescue equipment must be placed and stored.

The design of fire cabinets should ensure the rapid and safe use of the technical means contained in them.

Fire cabinets must be made of non-flammable materials.

The external design of fire cabinets and information about their contents should provide an opportunity to promptly inform about the availability and composition of technical means placed in fire cabinets.

27. Mobile fire extinguishing equipment must ensure the performance of one or more of the following functions:

a) delivery to the place of fire of personnel of fire departments, fire extinguishing agents, fire equipment, personal protective equipment of firefighters and self-rescue of firefighters, fire tools, means of saving people;

b) supply of fire extinguishing substances to the fire zone;

c) carrying out emergency rescue operations related to fire extinguishing;

d) ensuring the safety of work performed by fire departments.

28. Motor pumps firefighters must carry out the intake and supply of water from the water supply network, tanks and (or) open water sources with the flow rate and working pressure required for extinguishing a fire.

The design of portable motor pumps for firefighters should ensure that they can be carried by 2 operators and installed on the ground (water surface).

Trailed motor pumps for firefighters must be permanently mounted on trailers. The design of the trailers must ensure the safety of transporting the motor pumps of firefighters to the fire site and their stable placement during water intake and supply.

29. Centrifugal fire pumps for mobile fire extinguishing equipment must supply water, water solutions of foaming agents with the required (normalized) flow rate and working pressure.

30. Centrifugal fire pumps for mobile fire extinguishing equipment, depending on their design features and basic parameters, must provide:

a) the supply of water and extinguishing solutions at normal pressure;

b) the supply of water and extinguishing solutions at high pressure;

c) simultaneous supply of water and extinguishing solutions at normal and high pressure;

d) intake (suction) of water from open water sources.

31. Technical means functioning as part of fire automation systems, depending on their purpose, must ensure the performance of one or more of the following functions:

a) automatic fire detection, automatic or automatic and manual activation of the fire alarm;

b) informing the staff on duty about the fire;

c) supply of control signals to technical devices for notifying people about a fire and managing the evacuation of people, for switching on evacuation lighting, for executive devices of fire protection systems (fire extinguishing, smoke ventilation);

d) generation of control signals for engineering and technological equipment;

e) informing the staff on duty about the occurrence of a malfunction of communication lines between individual technical devices that are part of fire automation systems.

32. Technical means functioning as part of fire automation systems must ensure electrical and information compatibility with each other, as well as with other technical means interacting with them.

33. Technical means functioning as part of fire automation systems must remain operational in conditions of elevated temperature and humidity, as well as under mechanical influences.

34. Technical means functioning as part of fire alarm systems, depending on their purpose, must ensure the performance of one or more of the following functions:

a) fire detection;

b) formation, collection, processing, registration and transmission in a given form of fire signals, modes of operation of the fire alarm system;

c) sending signals to control technical means of fire protection, technological, electrical and other equipment.

35. The technical means functioning as part of the fire notification transmission systems must ensure:

a) transmission of alarm notifications about fire and malfunctions registered by the object's fire automation system to the centralized monitoring console via the communication line (s);

b) automatic monitoring of the serviceability of communication lines between the object's fire automation system and the centralized monitoring console.

36. The technical means functioning as part of the warning and evacuation management systems in case of fire should ensure that people are informed about the fire during the time necessary for the evacuation of people, as well as the issuance of additional information about the ways and methods of evacuation.

37. The technical means functioning as part of the warning and evacuation management systems in case of a fire should ensure that people are informed about the fire by one of the following methods or in any acceptable combination of them:

the supply of light, sound and (or) speech signals to all rooms of the building in which people are permanently or temporarily located;

broadcast of specially developed texts about the need for evacuation, evacuation routes, direction of movement and other actions aimed at ensuring the safety of people and preventing the occurrence of panic in a fire;

delivery of individual warning signals (using personal devices with light, sound, vibration warning signals and feedback);

lighting of fire safety signs on evacuation routes during the standard time;

switching on the evacuation (emergency) lighting from the fire automation signal;

remote opening of locks of doors of evacuation exits;

providing a fire station (dispatcher's office) with communication with the zones of notifying people about a fire;

other ways to inform people during evacuation.

The fire warning signals must be different from the signals for other purposes.

Fire alarm systems should, if necessary, be connected to the electrical network, as well as to other necessary communication lines without using detachable devices. Fire alarms should not be able to adjust the volume level when transmitting sound and speech signals.

38. Technical means operating as part of automatic fire extinguishing installations (including autonomous fire extinguishing installations, modular fire extinguishing installations, robotic fire extinguishing installations), depending on their purpose, must provide (without human intervention) fire detection, transmission of a fire signal to external circuits and supply (release) of a fire extinguishing agent with the required (normalized) characteristics to the fire zone.

Technical means operating as part of autonomous fire extinguishing installations must ensure the performance of these functions regardless of the presence of external power sources and control systems.

39. Robotic fire extinguishing installations and technical means operating as part of robotic fire extinguishing installations must ensure the performance of the following tasks:

a) detection of the source of ignition;

b) ensuring the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the fire zone with the required (normalized) characteristics (feed intensity, foam multiplicity, etc.).

40. Autonomous fire extinguishing devices must ensure the supply (release) of a fire extinguishing agent with the required (normalized) characteristics when they are triggered by the impact of one or more fire hazards.

41. Mobile robotic complexes must ensure their extension to the work area and the performance of fire extinguishing functions by supplying a fire extinguishing agent with the required (normalized) characteristics and (or) other types of emergency rescue operations without the direct participation (presence) of a person in the dangerous zone.

42. Personal protective equipment of firefighters must protect the personnel of fire departments from the effects of fire hazards, adverse climatic influences during fire extinguishing, emergency rescue operations and (or) liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations.

43. The personal protective equipment of firefighters includes:

a) personal protective equipment of respiratory organs and vision firefighters;

b) special protective clothing of a firefighter;

c) personal protective equipment for the hands, feet and head of a firefighter.

44. Personal protective equipment for firefighters should be ergonomically combined with each other and have light-signal elements that allow visual observation and search for firefighters in conditions of reduced visibility.

45. Personal protective equipment of the respiratory and visual organs firefighters and technical equipment operating as part of such personal protective equipment must provide protection for a firefighter when working in an environment unsuitable for breathing and irritating the mucous membrane of the eyes.

46. According to the principle of operation and conditions of use of personal protective equipment for respiratory organs and vision, firefighters are divided into:

a) breathing apparatus isolating firefighters (with compressed air, compressed oxygen) - for extinguishing any fires;

b) personal protective equipment of respiratory organs and vision filtering firefighters - for extinguishing natural fires in the open air;

c) self-rescuers isolating firefighters - for self-rescue of firefighters.

47. Personal protective equipment of the respiratory and visual organs fire and technical means operating as part of such means must be resistant to thermal and mechanical influences, to adverse climatic influences, as well as ergonomic and protective indicators (taking into account the tactics of extinguishing fires, eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, carrying out emergency rescue operations, saving people and the need to ensure safe working conditions for firefighters and rescuers).

48. Breathing apparatus isolating firefighters (with compressed air, compressed oxygen) must ensure the maintenance of excess pressure in the under-mask space of the front part during human breathing.

The nominal protective action time (with pulmonary ventilation of 30 l / min.) of respiratory isolating firefighters with compressed air should be at least 60 minutes, and respiratory isolating firefighters with compressed oxygen should be at least 240 minutes.

49. The design of personal protective equipment for the respiratory and visual organs of firefighters should provide for the rapid replacement (without the use of special tools) of cylinders with a respiratory mixture and (or) regenerative (absorption) cartridges (briquettes).

50. Self-rescuers isolating firefighters must provide the necessary level of protection of the respiratory organs and the fireman's vision from fire hazards for at least 25 minutes. Self-rescuers isolating firefighters must have resistance to mechanical and thermal influences, to adverse climatic influences, ergonomic and protective indicators, taking into account the need to protect firefighters from toxic combustion products during a fire.Gorenje

51. Compressor installations for filling the cylinders of the apparatus of respiratory isolating firefighters must ensure that the cylinders of the apparatus of respiratory isolating firefighters are filled with air and (or) oxygen when they are permanently placed in special rooms of buildings, as well as in open areas.

The working pressure of compressor units for filling the cylinders of breathing apparatus isolating firefighters with compressed air should be at least 29.4 MPa, and compressor oxygen units-at least 20.0 MPa.

Compressor units for filling cylinders of breathing apparatus isolating firefighters should be designed for use in the following climatic conditions:

portable and stationary - at ambient temperatures from +5°C to +40°C;

mobile - at ambient temperatures from -50°C to +50°C.

52. Installations for checking the devices of respiratory isolating firefighters must ensure that static or dynamic tests are carried out to check the technical parameters of the devices of respiratory isolating firefighters with compressed air and (or) compressed oxygen at stationary posts and (or) cars of the gas and smoke protection fire protection service, as well as in service centers.

Installations for testing the apparatus of respiratory isolating firefighters must ensure that static tests of the apparatus of respiratory isolating firefighters are carried out in the ambient temperature range from +5°C to +40°C.

Installations for testing the apparatus of respiratory isolating firefighters should provide dynamic tests of respiratory isolating firefighters in breathing modes characterized by pulmonary ventilation from 30 to 100 dm x mi (for respiratory isolating firefighters with compressed air) and from 30 to 85 dm x min (for respiratory isolating firefighters with compressed oxygen).

53. Special protective clothing of a firefighter is divided into:

special protective clothing for general purpose firefighters;

special protective clothing of a firefighter from increased thermal effects;

special protective clothing of the fire insulating type;

heat-resistant underwear for firefighters;

a balaclava for firefighters.

Special protective clothing of a firefighter should provide protection from fire hazards and adverse climatic influences, while the degree of protection should be characterized by indicators, the values of which are set in accordance with the need to ensure safe working conditions for firefighters.

The design of the special protective clothing of a firefighter should prevent the penetration of fire extinguishing substances into the inner space of the clothing and provide the possibility of emergency removal of clothing, monitoring the pressure in the cylinders of the respiratory apparatus, receiving and transmitting information (sound, visual or using special devices).

The design of special protective clothing of the fireman of the insulating type must ensure that the excess air pressure in the subcostal space is maintained at the level necessary to ensure safe working conditions for a firefighter working in such special protective clothing.

Special protective clothing of the fireman insulating type, used when extinguishing fires at hazardous production facilities, must provide protection from the ingress of aggressive and (or) radioactive substances on the skin and into the internal organs of a person. Special protective clothing of the fireman insulating type, used when extinguishing fires and conducting emergency rescue operations at radiation-hazardous facilities, should provide protection of a person from ionizing radiation. The attenuation coefficient of external exposure by beta radiation with an energy of no more than 2 MeV (source Sr90) should be at least 150, the attenuation coefficient of external exposure by gamma radiation with an energy of 122 keV (source Co57) should be at least 5.5.

54. A balaclava for firefighters and heat-resistant underwear used together with special protective clothing of a firefighter must provide the necessary ergonomic and physiological-hygienic level when performing any types of work related to extinguishing fires and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.

55. Personal protective equipment of the head (firemen's helmets) must provide protection from water, mechanical, thermal, chemical influences and from adverse climatic influences when extinguishing fires, eliminating the consequences of emergency situations and conducting emergency rescue operations.

56. Personal protective equipment for the hands of a firefighter must provide protection of the hands from fire-extinguishing substances, thermal and mechanical influences when extinguishing fires, eliminating the consequences of emergency situations and conducting emergency rescue operations, and must also have the necessary ergonomic properties.

57. Personal protective equipment for the feet of a firefighter must provide protection of the feet from water, mechanical, thermal, chemical influences and from adverse climatic influences when extinguishing fires, eliminating the consequences of emergency situations and conducting emergency rescue operations, and must also have the necessary ergonomic properties.

58. Means of rescuing people in case of fire from high-altitude levels should provide the possibility of independent movement of people to a safe zone if there is a threat to their life (health) as a result of exposure to fire hazards, should have the ability to insure people during their rescue in case of fire and when performing work by firefighters at high-altitude levels and their independent descent.

59. Means of rescuing people in case of fire from high-altitude levels must be in constant readiness for use, must have the required reliability (under static and dynamic loads within the operating temperature values, under the influence of heating and open flame), accessibility, simplicity and safety of their use by people who do not have special training, must provide as an independent, so is the forced individual or collective movement of people to a safe zone if there is a threat to their life (health) as a result of exposure to dangerous factors of fire or in other emergency situations.

60. Means of rescuing people in case of fire from high-altitude levels are classified:

a) in the direction of action:

lifting and lowering;


b) according to the method of installation and basing:




c) in relation to the stages of construction and operation:

not provided for by architectural and planning solutions;

initially provided for by architectural and planning solutions;

d) according to the design:

rope-lowering fire-fighting devices;

rescue fire hoses;

rescue devices jump firefighters;

ladders rescue firefighters;

manual fire escape ladders;

ladders mounted rescue firefighters;

fire rescue ropes, fire rescue belts, fire carbines;

aggregate-combined (including rescue elevator devices);

e) by performance:

individual (including one-time); group (collective);

f) according to the method of management:

with manual adjustment of the descent speed;

with automatic descent speed control;

g) according to the height of the descent:

with a limited descent height;

without restriction of the descent height.

61. The tool for carrying out special work on fires, depending on its functional purpose, must perform:

a) cutting and snacking (including metal profiles and elements of building structures);

b) lifting, moving and fixing of various building structures;

c) punching holes and openings, crushing of building structures and materials;

d) opening of various metal structures (including door and window openings);

e) plugging holes in pipes of various diameters, sealing holes in tanks and pipelines.

62. The tool for carrying out special work on fires must be equipped with safety devices that prevent accidental ingress of human body parts or clothing into the moving mechanisms of the tool.

The controls of the tool for carrying out special work on fires should be provided with pointers that exclude ambiguous interpretation of the information posted on them.

The design of the docking nodes of the tool for carrying out special work on fires should ensure a quick and reliable connection of them manually without the use of keys or other locksmith tools.

63. Additional equipment for firefighters (fire lanterns, thermal imagers, radio beacons and sound beacons), depending on its purpose, should provide lighting of the fire site, search for fire sources and people in a smoky atmosphere, designation of the location of firefighters, as well as performing other types of work when extinguishing a fire. At the same time, the degree of ensuring the performance of these functions should be characterized by indicators necessary for performing emergency rescue operations.

64. Fire-fighting equipment must provide the possibility of supplying extinguishing agents to the fire site with the required flow rate and working pressure necessary for extinguishing the fire in accordance with the fire extinguishing tactics.

65. Fire hydrants must ensure that they can be installed on external water supply networks and water extraction for fire extinguishing purposes.

66. Fire-fighting columns must provide the possibility of opening (closing) underground hydrants and connecting fire hoses for taking water from water supply networks and supplying it for fire extinguishing purposes.

The mechanical forces on the controls of the overlapping devices of the fire column at the operating pressure should not exceed 150 N.

67. Fire-fighting pressure hoses and connecting fire-fighting heads must ensure the possibility of transporting fire-extinguishing substances to the place of fire.

The firemen's connecting heads must ensure a fast, tight and strong connection of the fire hoses to each other and to other fire equipment.

Fire pressure hoses and connecting fire heads must have strength and performance characteristics, depending on their purpose.

The equipment for the maintenance of fire pressure hoses must ensure the performance of a complex of works to maintain fire pressure hoses in a working condition.

68. Fire barrels, foam generators and foam mixers must ensure the supply of fire extinguishing substances to the fire source and its extinguishing or protection (cooling) of building structures, technological equipment, buildings, structures or their parts.

69. The design of fire barrels (manual and carriage) must ensure:

a) the formation of a continuous or sprayed jet of fire extinguishing substances (including low and medium multiplicity air-mechanical foam) at the outlet, depending on the design and purpose of the nozzle;

b) uniform distribution of extinguishing agents along the cone of the sprayed jet torch;

c) stepless change of the type of jet from solid to sprayed;

d) changing the consumption of fire extinguishing substances (for universal type fire barrels) without stopping their supply;

e) the strength of the barrel, the tightness of connections and overlapping devices at operating pressure;

f) fixing the position of the firemen's carriage trunks at specified angles in the vertical plane;

g) the possibility of manual and remote control of the mechanisms for turning the carriage trunks of firefighters in the horizontal and vertical planes from the hydro-or electric drive.

70. The design of foam generators should ensure the formation of a flow of air-mechanical foam of low, medium, high multiplicity or a combination of them.

71. Foam mixers (with unregulated and regulated dosing) must provide an aqueous solution of the foaming agent with a given concentration for the formation of foam of a certain multiplicity in air-foam barrels and foam generators.

72. Bag water collectors must ensure the unification of two or more water flows before entering the suction pipe of the fire pump. Bag water collectors must be equipped with check valves on each of the combined pipes.

73. The sleeve branches must ensure the distribution of the main flow of water or solutions of the foaming agent along the working sleeve lines and the regulation of the flow of fire extinguishing substances in these lines.

The mechanical forces on the controls of the overlapping devices of the sleeve branches at the operating pressure should not exceed 150 N.

74. Firemen's hydraulic elevators must ensure the intake of water from open reservoirs with a difference in the water mirror levels and the location of the fire pump exceeding the maximum suction height, as well as the removal of water spilled during fire extinguishing or during testing from the premises.

75. The suction fire nets must ensure filtration of water taken from open reservoirs and prevent the ingress of solid particles that can lead to malfunction of the pumps. The suction fire nets must be equipped with non-return valves.

76. Manual firemen's ladders must provide the personnel of fire departments with the opportunity to enter the premises and on the roofs of buildings and structures, supply fire extinguishing substances to the specified premises, as well as rescue people from such premises.

The overall dimensions and design of the ladders of manual firefighters should ensure that they can be transported by fire trucks.

The mechanical strength, dimensions, and ergonomic and protective indicators of manual firefighter ladders should ensure the ability to perform tasks to rescue people from high-altitude levels and lift the necessary fire equipment.

77. The nodes of the intersection of fire barriers with cable products, busbars, sealed cable entries, couplings and pipelines of engineering systems of buildings and structures must ensure the prevention of the spread of fire hazards into adjacent premises during the normalized time in accordance with their classification by fire resistance limits.

78. Filling of openings of fire-fighting barriers (fire-fighting windows, doors, elevator shaft doors with a normalized fire resistance limit, gates, hatches, curtains, shutters, screens, curtains, fire-fighting valves normally open) must ensure the prevention of the spread of fire hazards during the normalized time in accordance with their classification by fire resistance limits.

79. Smoke-and gas-tight fire-fighting doors must provide, with the required fire resistance limits, the minimum necessary values of resistance to smoke and gas penetration.

80. Smoke-proof doors should prevent the spread of smoke in case of fire.

81. Technical means functioning as part of smoke-free ventilation systems, depending on the purpose, must perform one or more tasks, including preventing smoke from rooms, stairwells, elevator shafts, vestibule locks, safety zones in order to ensure the safety of people and create the necessary conditions for fire departments to perform work to rescue people, detect and localize a fire source in a building and (or) a structure.

82. The designs of air ducts functioning as part of smoke ventilation systems must be fire-resistant and made of non-flammable materials.

The intersection points of enclosing building structures with air ducts functioning as part of smoke ventilation systems must have a fire resistance limit not lower than the limits required for such air ducts. At the same time, the elements of the supports (suspensions) the structures of the specified air ducts must have fire resistance limits according to the numerical values established for the air ducts only on the basis of the loss of load-bearing capacity.

Only non-combustible materials may be used to seal detachable joints (including flanged ones) of fire-resistant air ducts operating as part of smoke ventilation systems.

83. Fire-fighting valves normally open and fire-fighting valves normally closed, functioning as part of smoke ventilation systems, must be equipped with automatically and remotely controlled actuators.

The use of heat-sensitive elements as part of the actuators of normally open fire-fighting valves should be provided only as duplicates. For fire-fighting valves normally closed, the use of actuators with heat-sensitive elements is not allowed. Normally open fire-fighting valves and normally closed fire-fighting valves must provide the minimum required values of smoke and gas permeability resistance at the required fire resistance limits.

84. Smoke hatches with a natural impulse of traction should be used with automatically and remotely controlled drives (with the possibility of duplication by thermoelements), providing the traction forces necessary to overcome the mechanical (including snow and wind) load.

85.Exhaust fans operating as part of smoke ventilation systems must remain operational when moving high-temperature combustion products during the time necessary for the evacuation of people (when protecting people on evacuation routes), or during the entire time of fire development and extinguishing (when protecting people in fire-safe zones). Goryachnye vents, which are part of smoke ventilation systems, must remain operational during the movement of high-temperature combustion products during the time necessary for the evacuation of people (when protecting people on evacuation routes). Gorenje vents, which are used for the protection of people in fire-safe zones.

86. Smoke screens (curtains, curtains) functioning as part of smoke ventilation systems must be equipped with automatic and remotely controlled drives (without thermoelements) and made of materials on a non-flammable basis with a working length of the exhaust web, which ensures the restriction of the spread of the smoke layer formed during a fire.

87. The actual values of the parameters of technical means operating as part of smoke ventilation systems (including the limits of fire resistance and resistance to smoke and gas penetration) should be established based on the results of tests (measurements) carried out in accordance with the standards included in the list of standards containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including the rules for sampling, necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation and the assessment (confirmation) of compliance with fire safety and fire extinguishing means.

88. Fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment and packaging must be marked with information about the name, type (type), brand, model, purpose, main technical parameters and characteristics, trademark and (or) the name of the manufacturer, as well as about the country of manufacture.

89. The marking must be applied in Russian and, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the Member states, in the state (state) language (s) of the Member state in whose territory the fire safety and fire extinguishing means are implemented. If necessary, additional marking in other languages is allowed, provided that the content is identical with the text.

90. If the marking cannot be applied directly to the means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing, then the marking must be applied to the packaging and entered in the technical documentation. The manufacturer independently determines the possibility or impossibility of marking the means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing.

The marking of the means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing should be legible, easy to read and applied in a place accessible for inspection.

VI. Ensuring compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with safety requirements

91. The compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with this technical regulation is ensured by meeting its requirements and the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them, directly or by meeting the requirements of standards included in the list of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis.

92. Methods of research (testing) and measurements of fire safety and fire extinguishing means are established in the standards included in the list of standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation and the assessment of compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing means.

VII. Conformity assessment of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment

93. Before being put into circulation in the territories of the Member States, the fire safety and fire extinguishing means specified in the annex to this technical regulation are subject to an assessment of compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation.

Conformity assessment of fire safety and fire extinguishing means is carried out in the form of certification (schemes 1c, 3c and 4c) or declaration of conformity (schemes Zd, 4d and 6d).

94. When certifying fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, applicants may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a Member State in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who is a manufacturer or seller or a person authorized by the manufacturer.

95. Certification of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment is carried out by the certification body.

96. Tests of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment for certification purposes are carried out by accredited testing laboratories (centers) included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the testing laboratory (center)).

97. When certifying fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, the applicant may be:

a) for scheme 1c-the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer);

b) for schemes 3c and 4c - the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) or the seller.

98. When carrying out the certification of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (schemes 1c, 3c and 4c), the applicant:

a) provides the certification body with a set of documents confirming the compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation, which includes:

technical conditions (descriptions);

technical documentation (design, and (or) technological, and (or) operational documentation) (if available);

the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis (if they are applied);

description of technical solutions confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, justified by the analysis of the risk associated with the possibility of causing harm and (or) causing damage (if the standards, as a result of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is voluntarily ensured, are absent or have not been applied);

contract (supply contract) and shipping documentation (schemes 3c and 4c);

a copy of the contract with the manufacturer, including with a foreign manufacturer, providing for ensuring compliance of the supplied fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation and responsibility for non-compliance of the fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment supplied on the territory of the member states with the specified requirements (for a person authorized by the manufacturer) (scheme 1c);

documents confirming the conformity of materials, components or components of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (if available);

other documents at the applicant's choice, which served as the basis for confirming the compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation (if available);

b) takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures that the manufactured fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment meets the requirements of this technical regulation;

c) applies a single product circulation mark on the Union market to fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment after completing the conformity assessment procedure in the form of certification;

d) forms, after completing the conformity assessment procedure in the form of certification, a set of documents that includes the documents provided for in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph, a protocol (protocols) of studies (tests) conducted in the testing laboratory (center), a certificate of conformity.

99. When certifying fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, the certification body:

a) carries out identification of the declared means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing;

b) selects samples of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment;

c) organizes testing of a sample (samples) of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment for compliance with the requirements of the standards specified in paragraph 91 of this technical regulation, or for compliance with technical solutions confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, if standards from the list of standards have not been applied, as a result of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis;

d) analyzes the protocol (protocols) of tests of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment;

e) analyzes technical solutions confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, justified by the analysis of the risk associated with the possibility of causing harm and (or) causing damage (if the standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is voluntarily ensured, are absent or have not been applied);

f) analyzes the state of production at the manufacturer (scheme 1c);

g) in case of positive results of certification of fire safety and fire extinguishing means, draws up and issues a certificate of conformity, in case of negative results of certification of fire safety and fire extinguishing means, makes a reasoned decision to refuse to issue a certificate of conformity.

100. Information about the issued certificate of conformity is entered by the certification body in the Unified Register of Issued Certificates of Conformity and registered declarations of Conformity.

101. The validity period of the certificate of conformity is established for the means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing, mass-produced, 5 years. For a batch of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (a single product), the validity period of the certificate of conformity is not set.

102. The set of documents specified in subparagraph" a " of paragraph 98 of this technical regulation, test reports in the testing laboratory (center) must be kept by the applicant and the certification body for the following period:

a) for the means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing, mass-produced-not less than 10 years from the date of termination of the certificate of conformity;

b) for a batch of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (a single product) - at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last product from the batch.

103. The certification body conducts inspection control of certified products by testing samples in a testing laboratory (center) and (or) analyzing the state of production (scheme 1c).

104. The applicant is obliged to notify the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity about changes made to the design (composition) of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment or the technology of their production during the validity period of the issued certificate of conformity.

The certification body analyzes the documentation submitted by the applicant and decides whether it is necessary to conduct new tests and (or) analyze the state of production.

105. The documents specified in subparagraph" a " of paragraph 98 of this technical regulation must be submitted to the state control (supervision) bodies at their request.

106. When declaring the conformity of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, the applicant may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a Member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who is a manufacturer or seller or a person authorized by the manufacturer.

107. The choice of the scheme for declaring the conformity of fire safety and fire extinguishing means is carried out by the applicant.

108. The declaration of conformity of fire safety and fire extinguishing means according to the 3d, 4d and 6d schemes is carried out by the applicant on the basis of his own evidence and evidence obtained with the participation of the testing laboratory (center).

109. By the decision of the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), the seller, the confirmation of compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation in the form of a declaration of conformity may be replaced by a confirmation of compliance in the form of certification in accordance with paragraph 98 of this technical regulation.

110. Declaration of conformity of fire safety and fire extinguishing means (3d, 4d and 6d schemes) is carried out by:

a) conducting tests of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (for a batch of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment or a single product) (scheme 4d);

b) testing of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment and production control by the manufacturer (for mass-produced fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment) (3d scheme);

c) conducting tests of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, certification of the production management system for fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, production control by the manufacturer (for mass-produced fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment) (scheme 6d).

111. Declaration of conformity of means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing, mass-produced, is carried out by the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) (schemes 3d and 6d).

Declaration of conformity of fire safety and fire extinguishing means (for a batch of fire safety and fire extinguishing means or a single product) is carried out by the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), the seller (scheme 4d).

112. When declaring compliance with fire safety and fire extinguishing means (3d, 4d and 6d schemes):

a) the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), the seller:

forms and analyzes documents confirming the compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation, including:

technical conditions (descriptions);

technical documentation (design, and (or) technological, and (or) operational documentation) (if available);

the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis (if they are applied);

description of technical solutions confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, justified by the analysis of the risk associated with the possibility of causing harm and (or) causing damage (if the standards, as a result of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is voluntarily ensured, are absent or have not been applied);

documents confirming the conformity of materials, components or components of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (if available);

contract (supply contract) and shipping documentation (for a batch of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment or a single product) (scheme 4d);

test report of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (3d, 4d and 6d schemes);

protocol (act) of the manufacturer's production control (for mass-produced fire safety and extinguishing equipment) (3d scheme);

certificate of conformity (a copy of the certificate) of the management system, which applies to the production of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, confirming the compliance of the manufacturer's management system with the requirements established by this technical regulation (for mass-produced fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment) (scheme 6d);

other documents at the choice of the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), the seller, which served as the basis for confirming the compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, the effect of which applies to them (if available);

b) the manufacturer:

performs production control and takes the necessary measures to ensure that the production process ensures compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation (for mass-produced fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment) (3d and 6d schemes). The requirements for the production and control processes, as well as the results of their control, must be documented (in the form established by the manufacturer);

takes the necessary measures to ensure that the production process and the stable functioning of the production management system of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment ensure their compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation (for mass-produced fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment) (scheme 6d);

c) the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), the seller accept a declaration of compliance of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation, drawn up in a single form approved by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, and after its registration apply a single sign of product circulation on the Union market.

113. The declaration of conformity is subject to registration in accordance with the procedure established by the Eurasian Economic Commission.

114. The validity of the declaration of conformity begins from the date of its registration in the Unified Register of Issued Certificates of Conformity and Registered Declarations of Conformity.

115. The validity period of the declaration of conformity for the means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing, mass-produced, is not more than 5 years. For a batch of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (a single product), the validity period of the declaration of conformity is not established.

116. The applicant is obliged to keep the declaration of conformity and a set of documents specified in subparagraph" a " of paragraph 112 of this technical regulation:

for mass-produced fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment - within 10 years from the expiration date of the declaration of conformity;

for a batch of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment (a single product) - at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last product from the batch (a single product).

117. The set of documents specified in subparagraph" a " of paragraph 112 of this technical regulation is provided to the state control (supervision) bodies at their request.

VIII. Marking of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment with a single sign of product circulation on the Union market

118. Means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing that meet the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them, have passed the conformity assessment according to section VII of this technical regulation, are marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market.

Means of ensuring fire safety and fire extinguishing are marked with a single sign of the circulation of products on the Union market before their release into circulation on this market.

119. A single product circulation mark on the Union market is applied to each unit of fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire service life of the fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, as well as to technical documentation and packaging.

120. If it is impossible to apply a single product circulation mark on the Union market directly to fire safety and fire extinguishing means due to their features, it is allowed to apply a single product circulation mark on the Union market only on packaging and technical documentation.

The list of fire safety and fire extinguishing means that are subject to the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On requirements for fire safety and Fire extinguishing means"
(TR EAEU 043/2017)


to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On requirements for

fire safety

and fire extinguishing means"

(TR EAEU 043/2017)

photo of the list of fire safety and fire extinguishing means, which are subject to the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing means"><meta itemprop=

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Of the Eurasian Economic Union, 24.07.2017