Of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of attractions" (TR EAEU 038/2016)

I. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation applies to attractions that are put into circulation for the first time on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter - the Union).

2. This technical regulation establishes the minimum necessary requirements for the safety of attractions and related processes of design, manufacture, installation (assembly, installation), commissioning, operation, storage, transportation and disposal in order to protect human life and (or) health, property, the environment, and prevent actions that mislead consumers.

3. This technical regulation applies to temporarily installed (transported) rides and stationary rides (assembled on foundations or without foundations), when using which passengers are exposed to the biomechanical impact of the degree of potential biomechanical risk RB-1, or RB-2, or RB-3 and which are divided into the following types:

a) mechanized rides of translational motion (including those using water);

b) mechanized attractions of rotational movement;

c) mechanized rides of complex movement;

d) race tracks and go-karts;

e) inflatable rides;

f) non-mechanized water attractions;

g) non-mechanized rides;

h) attractions for children.

4. The types and types of attractions are defined in Appendix N 1.

5. The types of biomechanical impacts on passengers, the degree of potential biomechanical risk and the types of tilt of passenger seats are determined in accordance with the list according to Annex N 2.

6. This technical regulation does not apply to equipment for children's playgrounds and to attractions with a negligible degree of potential biomechanical risk (RB-4), as well as to attractions manufactured and put into operation before the entry into force of this technical regulation.

The possibility and conditions of operation of attractions manufactured and put into operation before the entry into force of this technical regulation are determined by the legislation of the Member States of the Union (hereinafter referred to as the Member States).

7. If other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) have been adopted and entered into force with respect to parts of the attractions, establishing requirements for these parts of the attractions, such parts of the attractions must comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them.

II. Basic concepts

8. For the purposes of applying this technical regulation, the concepts that mean the following are used:

"accident" - the destruction of an attraction or its critical component, creating an immediate threat to the life or health of people or causing harm to the life or health of a person;

"autodrom and karting" - attractions in which passenger modules can move freely outside the traffic guides in a fenced (limited) space;

"attraction" - equipment that is designed to entertain passengers while driving, including biomechanical effects;

"non-mechanized water attraction" - an attraction using water for water parks, swimming pools and reservoirs;

"attraction for children" - an attraction specially designed for the entertainment of children (height from 90 to 160 cm);

"mechanized attraction" - an attraction that moves passengers along a given trajectory or within a limited space by using energy of various types, with the exception of human muscular energy;

"mechanized attraction of rotational motion" - an attraction that moves passenger modules mainly rotationally (by rotation and (or) rocking), including with complex movement;

"mechanized translational motion attraction" - an attraction that moves passenger modules mainly translationally along the guides;

"mechanized attraction of complex movement" - an attraction that moves passenger modules along a complex trajectory or in combination with an image shown to passengers;

"inflatable attraction" - an attraction whose design consists of one or more shells connected to each other and supported by excessive pressure of the injected air;

"biomechanical impact" - the impact on passengers of the forces associated with their movement;

"putting the attraction into operation" - the beginning of the attraction with passengers after passing the necessary procedures for assessing compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation;

"type of attractions" - a set of several types of attractions that have a homogeneous principle of operation or a set of homogeneous functions;

"auxiliary devices of attractions" - decorations and design elements, fences, illuminations, tents, canopies, protective screens, pavilions used in conjunction with attractions;

"release of attractions into circulation" - delivery or import of attractions (including dispatch from the manufacturer's warehouse or shipment without warehousing) for the purpose of their distribution on the territory of the Union in the course of commercial activity on a gratuitous or paid basis;

"high degree of potential biomechanical risk (RB-1)" - the probability of causing harm to the passenger (s) that poses a threat to his (their) life as a result of biomechanical influences;

"children" - visitors, including passengers, with a height of 90 to 160 cm (aged 2 to 14 years);

"travel risk zones" - zones around the bodies of the passengers being moved, in which structures or foreign objects may cause damage to passengers of varying severity if they get into them;

"safety contour" is a restriction of the part of the space in which the passenger moves, ensuring that the risk of injury as a result of contact with movable and stationary structural elements is minimized or absent;

"critical component" - a part of the structure, assembly or part of the attraction, the failure of which can cause the death of a person or cause serious harm to human health;

"critical parameter" is a significant characteristic of an attraction or its critical component, the violation of which can cause the death of a person or cause serious harm to human health;

"modification" - any change in the design of a critical component or a change in a critical parameter compared to the designed ones;

"assigned resource" - the total operating time, upon reaching which the operation of the attraction must be stopped regardless of its technical condition;

"designated service life" - the calendar duration of the operation of the attraction, upon reaching which the operation of the attraction must be terminated regardless of its technical condition;

"unacceptable use" - the use of the attraction for other purposes or in violation of the requirements of operational documents;

"low degree of potential biomechanical risk (RB-3)" - the probability of causing harm with temporary disability of the passenger (passengers) as a result of biomechanical influences;

"negligible degree of potential biomechanical risk (RB-4)" - the probability of causing harm without any form of disability of the passenger (passengers) as a result of biomechanical influences;

"children's playground equipment" - equipment with which or on which children can play indoors or outdoors, individually or in a group at their discretion and according to the rules;

"justification of the safety of the attraction project" - a set of documents on the safety of the attraction to confirm its compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to it;

"restriction of use" - restriction of the use of the attraction for passengers with health disorders or due to restrictions on height, weight, as well as in case of poor health;

"assessment of the technical condition (technical inspection) attraction " - a complex of works on checking the technical condition of the attraction using visual, measuring, non-destructive and other control methods for compliance with the requirements of operational documentation in order to determine the possibility of further safe operation of the attraction for a certain period;

"attraction passport" - a document containing information certifying the manufacturer's guarantees, the values of the main parameters and characteristics of the attraction, as well as information about the confirmation of compliance and about the disposal of the attraction;

"passenger" - a person being moved by an attraction;

"passenger module" - a part of the attraction designed to move passengers in it (a cart, a cabin, a seat);

"visitor" - a person who is in the area of attractions or auxiliary devices of attractions;

"rules for the use of the attraction" - requirements for passengers and visitors developed by the designer (developer) or operator;

"trial launch" - a test launch of an attraction without passengers with an imitation of a full load by passengers, if there is a corresponding requirement in the operating documents;

"annual inspection" - a complete inspection by the operator of the attraction, its critical components and critical parameters after the annual maintenance;

"daily check" - check by the operator of the operability and technical condition of critical components, critical parameters and other parts of the attraction specified in the operational documents, including conducting test launches;

"control check" - a regulated check by the control (supervisory) body of a member state in accordance with this technical regulation of conformity assessment documents and operational documents for an attraction, including a trial run;

"full check" - the operator's assessment of the condition of all critical components and critical parameters of the attraction in accordance with the requirements of the operational documents (including disassembly and inspection of components (if necessary), testing and trial start-up), as well as the technical condition of other parts of the attraction;

"designer (developer)" - a specialist or organization that developed the attraction project;

"average degree of potential biomechanical risk (RB-2)" - the probability of causing serious harm to the passenger (passengers) as a result of biomechanical influences;

"the degree of potential biomechanical risk" - the probability of causing harm to a passenger (passengers) as a result of biomechanical impacts of various degrees, taking into account the possible severity of the consequences;

"type of rides" - rides that are similar in functioning and creating biomechanical effects;

"restraints" - elements of the attraction (for example, seats, foot wells, handrails and locking devices) that are designed to prevent passengers from moving outside the safety circuit as a result of biomechanical influences or the action of forces arising from the use of the attraction, or due to the behavior of the passenger;

"locking device" - a device designed to restrain, restrict movement and (or) to maintain a given position of the passenger's body for the safe perception by the passenger (passengers) of acceleration on the attraction;

"attraction form" - a document containing information certifying the manufacturer's guarantees, the values of the main parameters and characteristics of the attraction, information reflecting the technical condition of the attraction, information on the confirmation of compliance and on the disposal of the attraction, as well as information that is entered during its operation (duration and working conditions, maintenance, repair and other data);

"operator" - a legal entity or an individual who operates an attraction on legal grounds and uses this attraction to provide passengers with entertainment services;

"operational document" is a design document that (individually or in combination with other documents) defines the rules of operation of the attraction and (or) reflects information certifying the values of the main parameters and characteristics of the attraction guaranteed by the manufacturer, as well as guarantees and information about its operation during the designated service life.

III. Rules for identifying attractions

9. Identification of attractions is carried out to establish their belonging to the scope of this technical regulation.

10. The identification features of attractions are their types, types, degrees of potential biomechanical risk, as well as the types and magnitude of biomechanical impacts on passengers.

11. Identification of attractions is carried out:

a) by the manufacturer, the person authorized by the manufacturer, the seller (supplier) who carry out the release of attractions into circulation in the territories of the member states;

b) an accredited certification body included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the certification body);

c) by the authorized body of the member state-when carrying out state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation.

12. Identification of attractions is carried out using one of the following methods or a combination of them:

a) identification according to the documentation (comparison of the type and type of attraction and its technical characteristics specified in the operational documents with the data provided for in annexes N 1 and 2 to this technical regulation);

b) visual method (comparison of the appearance of the attraction with the description given in the operating documents);

c) instrumental method (comparison of data obtained as a result of measuring the dimensions or testing of attractions with the technical characteristics specified in the operational documents). The instrumental method is used if the attractions cannot be identified by applying the methods specified in sub-paragraphs "a" and "b" of this paragraph.

IV. Rules for the circulation of attractions on the Union market

13. Rides are put into circulation on the Union market if they comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them, and provided that they have passed a compliance assessment in accordance with section XI of this technical regulation.

14. Rides that meet the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them, must be marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market.

15. Attractions put into circulation must meet the safety requirements for the entire assigned service life (assigned resource), provided that they are used for their intended purpose.

16. Attractions whose compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is not confirmed should not be marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market and are not allowed to be put into circulation on the Union market.

V. Safety requirements for rides in the design

17. When designing attractions, all possible risks at all stages of the life cycle must be identified, including during normal operation, in case of emergency situations (as a result of failures and external influences), with suspected personnel errors and unacceptable use.

18. When moving passengers on an attraction, depending on the height of the ascent (descent), speed, angle of deviation of the chair or flip, there may be biomechanical risks of various degrees. In this regard, measures to minimize or eliminate biomechanical risks should be applied taking into account the types and magnitude of biomechanical impacts on passengers. To analyze the risks and possible consequences of failures when designing rides, it is important to take into account how and with what frequency passengers are exposed to biomechanical influences.

19. The biomechanical effects exerted on the passenger (passengers) when using the attraction are not always acceptable for people with weakened health or poor health, therefore, information about the extreme nature of the attraction and any restrictions on the use of the attraction should be given in the attraction's operating manual and information for visitors.

20. Attractions should be designed in such a way that the raw materials, materials and substances used in their manufacture and operation do not threaten human life and / or health, property and the environment. When using liquids and gases, the associated hazards must be excluded.

21.Amusement ride control systems must ensure the safety of their operation in all provided operating modes and under any external influences provided for by the operating conditions.

22. Amusement ride management systems should exclude the occurrence of dangerous situations in case of possible logical errors and in case of violation of control actions by the operator.

23. Amusement ride management systems should include means of warning alarms and other means for warning about violations of the functioning of the attraction, leading to dangerous situations.

24. Means for warning about violations of the functioning of the attraction must ensure an error-free, reliable and rapid perception of information by the operator.

25. The start of the attraction, as well as the re-start after the stop (regardless of the reason for the stop) should be carried out only by using the start control body. The attraction is equipped with a warning sound signal, which is activated by the operator before the start of the attraction movement, if this is necessary for safety reasons.

26. Emergency stop control body:

a) must be easily identifiable and easily accessible;

b) must stop the attraction quickly and not create danger at the same time;

c) must be in the position corresponding to the stop after it is activated, until it is forcibly returned to its original position;

d) should not lead to the start of the attraction after returning to the starting position;

e) must be red in color, differ in shape and size from other controls.

27. The selected control mode must have priority over other control modes, with the exception of an emergency stop.

28. Complete or partial termination of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as damage to the power supply control circuit should not lead to dangerous situations, including:

a) spontaneous start of the attraction during the restoration of power supply;

b) failure to execute an already set command to stop;

c) reducing the effectiveness of protective devices.

29. Accessible parts of rides, passenger modules and fences should not have sharp edges and rough surfaces that can cause injury.

30. The moving parts of the rides must be equipped with fences that prevent people from getting into the areas of possible injury by moving parts.

31. All fences of the attraction must be securely fastened in such a way that access to the fenced area is possible only with the use of tools. The doors (doors) of the fence must be equipped with locking devices.

32. Measures must be taken to eliminate the danger caused by contact with the parts of the attraction or its equipment with high or low temperatures or proximity to them.

33. Rides must be designed in such a way that there is no danger of fire or overheating caused by the operation of the equipment of the attraction, in accordance with the fire safety requirements established by the legislation of the member states.

34. When designing attractions, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the hygienic parameters (indicators) of noise (sound), infrasound, ultrasound, general and (or) local vibration, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, as well as infrared (thermal), ultraviolet and visible radiation, including laser radiation, that ensure safety during their operation. The types of impacts are determined for each specific attraction based on an analysis of potential risks.

35. When using laser equipment in an attraction, such equipment must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to prevent accidental radiation and provide protection from direct, reflected, scattered and secondary radiation.

36. When designing attractions, it is necessary to take measures to protect personnel and passengers from the adverse effects of non-ionizing radiation, static electric, permanent magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency, electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency and optical ranges.

37. When designing attractions, the risks should be eliminated completely or minimized by applying the following measures:

a) ensuring the implementation of a complex of research and development works;

b) carrying out a complex of necessary calculations and tests based on methods verified in accordance with the established procedure;

c) determination of materials and substances used in certain types of attractions, depending on the parameters and operating conditions;

d) establishment by the designer (developer) of reasonable criteria for limit states;

e) establishment by the designer (developer) of the assigned service life, assigned resources, terms of maintenance, repair and disposal;

f) establishing requirements that prevent unacceptable use;

g) taking into account the need to inform visitors about the extreme and biomechanical effects of the attraction in an accessible and understandable way;

h) restriction of the use of the attraction for certain categories of people;

i) proper selection of regulatory loads and impacts on passengers and on structures;

j) proper design of the attraction devices for holding passengers;

k) proper design and manufacture of structures and control systems, including identification of critical parameters, critical components and redundancy of critical components;

m) providing attractions with devices for emergency stopping (if necessary) and means of evacuation;

h) ensuring the availability of components and parts of attractions for inspection, repair and maintenance;

o) creation of appropriate working conditions for operators that ensure the safety of the attraction management and sufficient visibility from the operator's workplace;

p) development and use of operational documents in order to eliminate risks for the operator from improper installation( assembly, installation), commissioning, maintenance and operation of attractions;

p) organization of methods and ways of possible evacuation of passengers and personnel.

38. When designing attractions, it is necessary:

a) take into account the design features of mechanized rides that can cause harm due to their activation by an external energy source;

b) take into account the nature of the movement of the mechanical attractions of the translational and rotational movement of passengers, taking into account the impact of acceleration and inertial forces;

c) take into account the potential biomechanical risks of inflatable rides, which consist in the danger of overturning them under the influence of wind, the risks of electric shock in the rain, the risks of injury to children when they fall into holes, gaps, cracks and tunnels;

d) to exclude the impact of unacceptable acceleration on passengers;

e) ensure the creation of safety loops of sufficient size for the movement of passengers, as well as a reliable control system and braking system of the attraction;

f) ensure the reliability of the fasteners and connections of the components of the rides;

g) take into account the risk zones when moving and sudden braking of passenger modules. The size of such zones, taking into account the severity of injuries, depends on the anthropometric data of passengers, fixation systems and the speed of relative movement. In order to reduce these risks, it is necessary to provide measures to increase the fencing zones of the corresponding zone or remove obstacles to an appropriate distance based on the risk analysis.

39. When designing attractions, it is necessary to analyze the types, consequences and criticality of failures and, in accordance with the identified risks, classify them depending on the consequences of failure:

a) a catastrophic risk that may cause the death of passengers or an accident of the attraction;

b) a critical risk that can cause serious injuries to passengers or major damage to the attraction;

c) a minor risk that may cause minor injuries to passengers or damage to property;

d) an insignificant risk that is not serious enough to cause injury to passengers or damage to property.

40. It is necessary to take measures to eliminate or minimize risks with a consistent check of their impact on the interconnected parts of the structure.

41. When designing attractions, it is necessary to analyze the following critical components in the sequence "from the passenger's seat to the base of the attraction":

a) locking devices, seats, locking devices, fasteners, armrests, backs, seat belts (taking into account the directions and magnitudes of the acting accelerations), including in case of deliberate violation of the rules of use that prevent passengers from falling out or injuring themselves;

b) passenger modules (taking into account the weight of passengers, the effect of the resulting forces created by all dynamic loads) and their reliable attachment to the movement guides and (or) to other passenger modules;

c) blocking, braking and protective devices (taking into account all factors affecting them);

d) guide devices and their fasteners;

e) the main load-bearing structures of the attraction;

f) shifting mechanical parts that can get into the safety circuit.

42. When designing rides, it is necessary to identify critical components and components with a limited resource, include them in the list of critical components and in the list of components with a limited resource attached to the operational documents, and also transfer these lists to the manufacturer together with design documents.

43. Critical components must be reserved, the backup element must have no less reliability than the main element, taking into account the nature and conditions of its load.

44. If redundancy by the substitution method is impossible, it is provided by a sufficient reduction of the design stresses in all elements of the critical component (the attraction node). In this case, the method and frequency of non-destructive testing of the critical component are specified. The highest values of the reliability coefficient in the calculations should be for those elements that are not available for direct control during operation.

45. If electric energy is used in the rides, they are designed in such a way that the risk of electric shock is excluded.

46. If non-electric energy (hydraulic or pneumatic) is used in the rides, they are designed in such a way as to avoid any danger associated with these types of energy. Pipelines must withstand the specified loads, must be securely fixed and protected from external mechanical influences. Measures should be taken to protect against dangerous consequences in case of destruction, sudden movement of pipelines and from high-pressure jets in case of their possible destruction.

47. Attractions for children must meet the safety requirements according to Annex N 3, non-mechanized water attractions must meet the safety requirements according to Annex N 4.

48. The designer (developer) develops a safety justification for the attraction project in order to confirm its compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation.

49. The original of the safety justification of the attraction project is kept by the designer, and a copy is kept by the certification body of the member state until the end of the designated service life. In case of extension of the assigned service life or after modification, the safety justification of the attraction project is subject to clarification.

50. The justification for the safety of the attraction project includes:

a) a description of the attraction, the main parts of the structure and the principles of operation of the attraction, information about the main technical characteristics of the attraction, about the characteristics of mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical and electronic equipment (including control systems) and other equipment used, as well as information about the specific features of the attraction and methods of its installation( assembly, installation), about overall dimensions and movement beyond these dimensions, about restrictions, design features and materials used, movement systems, types of drives, speeds, accelerations, electrical equipment, operating cycle, control procedure and restrictions for individual visitors;

b) an analysis of the potential biomechanical risks of the attraction and a list of its critical components and critical parameters for which it is necessary to apply measures to reduce risks at the stage of the life cycle;

c) drawings indicating the dimensions of devices that are important for ensuring safety requirements. The drawings indicate all the dimensions and cross-section values required for checking and approving these drawings, the characteristics of materials, assembly units and parts, fasteners and connections, as well as the values of the main speeds and accelerations. The set of drawings for the attraction includes:

drawings of passenger modules (in the required types and cross-sections) with indication of the overall dimensions, internal dimensions (seats, side and rear stops, space for hands and feet), the presence of hand and foot stops, locking and safety devices, handrails;

drawings of lifting and turning mechanisms with an indication of their supports, drives and control systems, the amplitude of lifting and turning;

drawings of running gears indicating loads, detailed images of gear wheels and safety devices, bearings, axles, shafts, their connection and the possibility of displacement relative to the passenger module, control and monitoring devices, anti-rollback devices, devices that protect against derailment and overturning, bumpers, safety devices, drives and brakes, fasteners on the foundation;

diagrams of electrical (electronic), pneumatic and hydraulic equipment;

d) drawings and calculations of critical components indicating the dimensions, materials and critical parameters, as well as the results of the analysis of limit states. Loads and impacts must comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and ensure safety. The calculation of the seams of welded joints is carried out taking into account the provision of their fatigue strength using stress concentration coefficients in places of sharp changes in cross sections;

e) the main results and conclusions of calculations of the strength and reliability of load-bearing structures, indicating information about the main acting forces, masses, wind speed, linings for supports, all stressed areas necessary for technical control;

f) plans depicting emergency exits and their dimensions with a check of calculations for closed rooms intended for 400 visitors or more, special instructions in case of fire;

g) a list of standards applied in whole or in part and included in the list of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis, and if these standards have not been applied, a description of solutions aimed at implementing the requirements of the technical regulations;

h) the program and methodology of testing the mounted attraction;

i) instructions for the evacuation of passengers from the attraction in case of emergency situations.

51. When designing attractions, operational documents are developed, including:

a) the form of the attraction or the passport of the attraction;

b) the guide for the operation of the attraction;

c) guide to the maintenance and repair of the attraction;

d) list of spare parts and accessories;

e) instructions for installation( assembly, installation), start-up, regulation and running-in of the attraction;

f) instructions for the transportation and storage of the attraction;

g) instructions for decommissioning and disposal of the attraction;

h) logs of the operation and maintenance of the attraction in accordance with the documents provided for in sub-paragraphs "b" and "c" of this paragraph (indicating the information that ensures that the requirements for operation and maintenance are met).

52. For carrying out measures to assess compliance and control the technical condition of attractions with the degrees of potential biomechanical risks RB-1 and RB-2, an attraction form is issued (in the form of a separate document), the contents of which are given in appendix N 5.

53. For attractions with a degree of potential biomechanical risk RB-3, an attraction passport is issued, the contents of which are given in appendix N 6.

54. The operating manual should include:

a) a description of the operation of the attraction, including a detailed description of the main systems, mechanisms, control systems and their operation;

b) indication of the maximum number and weight of passengers in one passenger module and (or) the attraction as a whole;

c) requirements for the procedures for commissioning, suspension of operation, as well as for downtime for technical reasons and the procedure for re - commissioning;

d) the order of work of the operators operating the attraction with passengers, including the requirements for actions in emergency situations;

e) the rules for using the attraction for visitors, as well as the rules for servicing disabled passengers, if the biomechanical effects of the attraction are permissible for them;

f) information about the restrictions on the use of the attraction by passengers for health reasons, age, height and weight (if necessary);

g) methods of emergency evacuation of passengers from a high altitude or from seats with a significant slope relative to the ground;

h) a description of the weather conditions under which the operation of the attraction is not allowed;

i) rules for the safe operation of the attraction with passengers, schemes for loading the attraction with passengers (if necessary);

j) the order of daily checks for critical components and critical parameters.

55. The maintenance and repair manual should include:

a) a list of critical components and critical parameters, a list of parts with a limited resource and a schedule for their replacement, assembly drawings and drawings showing the main dimensions necessary for maintenance and repair, basic electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic circuits;

b) description of the procedure for checking the daily technical condition of the attraction before opening and after the end of the attraction;

c) the order of assembly, disassembly, adjustment and lubrication of individual components of the attraction, their frequency and the consumables used;

d) a list of types of maintenance and repair with a detailed description of their content and technical requirements;

e) recommendations for the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment;

f) prohibition of modification by the operator or a third party without the approval of the designer;

g) the procedure and conditions for the modification of components (only at the direction and (or) agreement with the designer).

56. The instructions for decommissioning and disposal should include:

a) the procedure for decommissioning the attraction;

b) the procedure for the safe disposal of individual parts, taking into account the specifics of the disposal of electronic components and individual components containing dangerous substances.

57. The operating documents of the attraction are executed in Russian and, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member states, in the state (state) language (s) of the member state on the territory of which the attraction is operated. Operational documents are executed on paper (if necessary, a set of operational documents on electronic media can be attached to them).

VI. Safety requirements for the manufacture of attractions

58. During the manufacture of attractions, their compliance with the requirements of the design documentation must be ensured.

59. For the manufacture of components and parts of attractions, only those structural materials that are provided for in the design documentation should be used. Replacement of structural materials without the consent of the designer is not allowed.

60. Special attention should be paid to the welded joints and the weldability of the selected materials for critical components.

61. Fasteners must meet the reliability requirements established by the designer.

62. The materials, parts, devices and assemblies on which the safety of the attraction depends must comply with the technical requirements, design characteristics and safety requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them.

63. Critical components must be marked by the manufacturer or contractor, which must be clear and legible and located in an accessible place for inspection to allow their subsequent identification.

64. All supplied materials and components for critical components must pass the entrance control (verification) with the necessary documents.

65. During the manufacturing process, materials (including consumables) and components (elements) produced by both the manufacturer and its suppliers must be monitored.

66. If the design documentation indicates that tests must be carried out for critical components during their manufacture, the manufacturer is obliged to ensure that they are carried out.

67. In cases where, when checking the design documentation or technical requirements, it is established that these parts or assemblies are important for ensuring safety and tests are necessary for them, the manufacturer is obliged to ensure that these tests are carried out.

68. Non-destructive testing should be applied to critical components and connections of elements provided for by the list of critical components formed during the design of the attraction and handed over to the manufacturer together with the design documentation.

69. The manufacturer must ensure that the main safety characteristics and quality indicators for each material and each component meet the requirements specified in the design documentation, and provide for appropriate manufacturing procedures.

70. Chains, steel ropes, textile ropes and belts used in the construction of the attraction must have a certificate containing the following information:

a) the name of the manufacturer and its location (address);

b) a brand of chain, steel rope, textile rope or tape, including the nominal size, design and material data;

c) the test method used;

d) the minimum breaking (or destructive) load.

71. The form of the certificate specified in paragraph 70 of this technical regulation is approved by the Eurasian Economic Commission.

72. Each part of a chain, rope or tape that is not an assembly unit must have a marking applied to it, and in cases where this is not possible , a plate or a non-removable ring indicating the name of the manufacturer and its location (address).

73. The manufacturer must provide the method specified by the designer for protecting all metal parts of the attraction from corrosion, wooden parts from rotting, parts of the attraction made of fiberglass and polymer materials from aging. The frequency of inspections of such parts during operation should be indicated in the operational documents. When using hollow sections made of structural steel, the need to prevent internal corrosion should be taken into account.

74. Welded joints of critical components of metal structures of attractions, including those that perceive variable loads, must ensure their safety.

75. An information plate of the manufacturer containing the following information must be installed on each attraction:

a) the name and location (address) of the manufacturer and (or) the seller (supplier);

b) the name and (or) designation of the attraction (type (number) models);

c) the product's factory number;

d) the month and year of manufacture.

76. The information on the information plate specified in paragraph 75 of this technical regulation may be applied in any way that provides a clear and clearly distinguishable image during the entire service life of the attraction. The sign must be made in Russian and, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member states, in the state (state) language (s) of the member state on whose territory the attraction is being implemented.

VII. Ensuring safe installation (assembly, installation) and adjustment of attractions

77. To ensure safety during the installation (assembly, installation) of the attraction, the following requirements must be met before commissioning:

a) the installation (assembly, installation) of the attraction is carried out in accordance with the instructions for installation( assembly, installation), start-up, adjustment and running-in or other operational documents containing instructions for installation (assembly, installation), adjustment and adjustment;

b) the operator or a person authorized by him must make sure that the attraction is placed on a site suitable for this purpose, according to the instructions contained in the operating documents. You need to make sure that:

the ground can safely withstand the load from the attraction;

the platform is sufficiently flat, level and stable for safe installation (assembly, installation) and operation of the attraction in accordance with the form and instructions for installation (assembly, installation) of the attraction.

After the installation (assembly, installation) of the attraction, the ground should be checked regularly to make sure that there is no deterioration in the bearing capacity, especially in adverse weather conditions. The platform for the attraction must be equipped with drainage in case of a risk of exposure to groundwater on the attraction;

c) the operator must establish the location of underground utilities or overhead lines that may pose a danger during the installation (assembly, installation) or operation of the attraction, taking into account, if necessary, the recommendations of the relevant authority. If communications may be a source of danger to staff or visitors, all appropriate and possible precautions should be taken to prevent such a danger, either through the use of suitable and properly positioned barriers, or otherwise.

It is necessary to ensure that there is no damage to underground utilities when installing poles or stakes in the ground or when carrying out work on the construction of trenches or ditches. Before starting such work, it is necessary to use special methods for detecting communications, if the absence of underground communications has not been established in advance;

d) when installing attractions, the operator should be guided by the following principles:

it is necessary to take into account the probability of a dangerous separation of the attraction from the ground under the influence of wind;

attractions should be placed in such a way that visitors have safe access to each attraction and safe exit from it in the established places, there are no narrow passages that can cause dangerous congestion in an emergency situation;

sufficient distance should be provided on the access roads between the rides and the auxiliary devices of the rides and above them to provide access for emergency services vehicles, as well as access to stationary fire hydrants (including during the evacuation of visitors);

there should be sufficient distance between adjacent attractions, structures or other occupied areas to minimize the risk of fire spreading during a fire;

if the rides intersect or pass through each other, then at least safety contours should be applied for each attraction. The operator must ensure that the safety contours are observed for both passengers and other visitors;

for children's amusement rides operating from tokens, the distance between them may vary, provided that the safety contours are observed;

e) if the attraction is mounted (assembled, installed) on the foundation, the safety of the foundation must be confirmed before the installation (assembly, installation) of the attraction begins. The foundations must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the member State in the field of construction;

f) when installing rides without a foundation, it is necessary to take into account dynamic loads, which during the operation of the attraction should not lead to movements or to overturning of the attraction;

g) after the completion of the installation (assembly, installation) of the attraction, its adjustment and adjustment must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

78. The attractions are put into operation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Member states.

VIII. Safety requirements for the operation of attractions

79. When operating attractions, it is necessary:

a) comply with the requirements of operational documents, keep appropriate logs;

b) place in front of the entrance to the attraction the rules for using the attraction for visitors, as well as the rules for servicing disabled passengers, if the biomechanical effects of the attraction are permissible for them;

c) place information about the restrictions on the use of the attraction for health reasons, age, height and weight (if this is provided for in the operating documents) in front of the entrance to the attraction. The information is compiled in Russian and, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member states, in the state (state) language (s) of the member state in whose territory the attraction is operated;

d) have the means to measure the height and weight of passengers (if this is provided for in the operational documents);

e) place an information plate in front of the entrance to each operated attraction containing information about the date of the last annual inspection, indicating the organization that conducted the inspection, and the date of the next annual inspection. The plate must be readable, protected from weather influences and intentional damage;

f) place signs next to the attraction console containing information about the main technical characteristics of the attraction;

g) have medical first-aid kits;

h) place the necessary evacuation signs, a plan and measures for the evacuation of passengers from a high altitude or from seats with a significant slope relative to the ground;

i) have available means of evacuation of passengers from passenger modules (if this is provided for by operational documents);

j) place the basic rules for the maintenance of the attraction at the workplace of the service personnel;

k) place schemes for loading the attraction by passengers (if this is provided for in the operational documents);

m) place signs at the workplace of the service personnel with the requirements for personnel according to the order of daily checks for critical components and critical parameters;

h) carry out inspections of the daily attraction with entries in the log about the daily admissions of the attraction to operation;

o) to exclude free access of visitors to dangerous zones (zones of movement of passenger modules, mechanisms, cabinets with electrical equipment, platforms and stairs for maintenance personnel) during the operation of the attraction and outside of its operation;

p) exclude the unacceptable use of the attraction;

p) to organize safe workplaces of personnel;

c) install devices for measuring wind strength and ambient air temperature on the amusement park (if this is provided for in the operating documents).

80. The operator conducts daily and annual inspections of the attractions, as well as other types of inspections provided for in the operational documents.

81. For operated attractions after a long (more than 12 months) suspension of operation, downtime for technical reasons, in the case of partial or complete disassembly of the attraction, the operator performs a complete inspection of the attraction.

82. Maintenance and repair of attractions are carried out in accordance with the operational documents.

83. If the designated service life of the main supporting structure and non-replaceable parts of the attraction has expired, the operation of the attraction by the operator must be suspended.

84. After the expiration of the designated service life of the attraction, its use for its intended purpose is not allowed without an assessment of the remaining resource.

85. The assessment of the remaining resource of the attraction that has completed the assigned service life is carried out in the form of a survey by an organization accredited (authorized) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the member states.

86. During the inspection of the attraction, the following are determined:

a) compliance of the attraction that has completed the assigned service life with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, the effect of which applies to it;

b) the necessary measures to ensure that the attraction meets the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to it, and the deadlines for their implementation.

87. During the inspection of the attraction, the following:

a) determination of the condition of the attraction equipment with the identification of defects, malfunctions, the degree of wear and corrosion;

b) monitoring of the condition of metal structures, passenger modules, locking devices, reliability of fastening of passenger seats, chassis, braking devices, control systems;

c) testing of the insulation of electrical circuits and electrical equipment, visual and measuring control of the grounding (zeroing) of the attraction equipment.

88. Information about the survey is indicated in the form of the attraction.

89. Based on the results of the survey, a conclusion is drawn up containing the conditions and a possible period for extending the operation of the attraction.

90. The assessment of the residual resource can be carried out as part of the assessment of the technical condition (technical inspection) (if this is provided for by the legislation of the member States).

91. Modifications of the attraction are not allowed without the prior approval of the designer.

IX. Ensuring the safety of rides during transportation, storage and disposal

92. Transportation and storage of attractions must be carried out taking into account the safety requirements provided for in the operational documents.

93. The operating documents must contain recommendations for the safe disposal of the attraction.

X. Ensuring that the rides meet the safety requirements

94. The compliance of attractions with this technical regulation is ensured by meeting its requirements directly and the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to attractions, or by meeting the requirements of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis.

95. Methods of research (testing) and measurements of attractions are established in the standards included in the list of standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation and the assessment of the conformity of attractions.

XI. Assessment of the conformity of attractions

96. Attractions put into circulation on the territory of the Union are subject to an assessment of compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as with the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, the effect of which applies to them.

97. The assessment of compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is carried out in the forms of conformity assessment, registration (registration) and assessment of the technical condition (technical inspection).

XII. Confirmation of compliance

98. Confirmation of the rides ' compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is carried out in the form of mandatory certification or declaration of conformity.

99. Confirmation of the compliance of the attractions with the requirements of this technical regulation is carried out:

a) in the form of mandatory certification in relation to attractions with a degree of potential biomechanical risk RB-1 by the certification body;

b) in the form of a declaration of conformity in relation to attractions with the degrees of potential biomechanical risks RB-2, RB-3 on the basis of their own evidence and evidence obtained with the participation of a certification body, an accredited testing laboratory (center) included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union (hereinafter - the testing laboratory (center)).

100. Information about the declaration of conformity or the certificate of conformity, including their validity period, is indicated in the form of the attraction or the passport of the attraction.

101. To confirm the conformity of the attraction, the applicant forms a set of documents confirming compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation, which includes:

a) safety justification;

b) operational documents;

c) the contract (delivery contract) and shipping documentation (for a batch, a single product);

d) certificate for the manufacturer's quality management system (if available);

e) test reports of the attraction carried out by the manufacturer, a person authorized by the manufacturer, the seller, (if available) and (or) testing laboratories (centers);

f) documents confirming the conformity of materials and components (certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity) or their test reports (if available);

g) documents confirming the conformity of components, components (elements) attraction to other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, the effect of which applies to them;

h) documents confirming the conformity of the attraction received from foreign certification bodies (if available);

i) a list of standards specified in paragraph 94 of this technical regulation, the requirements of which the attraction meets (when applied by the manufacturer);

j) other documents confirming the compliance of the attraction with the safety requirements of this technical regulation (if available).

XIII. The procedure for declaring the conformity of attractions

102. The declaration of conformity of attractions is carried out according to the following schemes:

1) scheme 1d-is used for mass-produced attractions with the degrees of potential biomechanical risks RB-2 and RB-3 and includes the following actions performed by the applicant:

formation of a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation;

implementation of production control;

taking all necessary measures to ensure that the production process ensures that the rides comply with the requirements of this technical regulation;

conducting tests of samples in the applicant's testing laboratory and (or) in the testing laboratory (center);

acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;

b) scheme 2d-is used for a batch of attractions (a single product) with the degrees of potential biomechanical risks RB-2 and RB-3 and includes the following actions performed by the applicant:

formation of a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation;

conducting tests of samples in the applicant's testing laboratory and (or) in the testing laboratory (center);

acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;

c) scheme 5d-is used for mass-produced attractions with a degree of potential biomechanical risk RB-2 if it is impossible to conduct tests in full before their installation (assembly, installation) at the place of operation and includes the following actions performed by the applicant:

formation of a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation;

implementation of production control;

taking all necessary measures to ensure that the production process ensures that the rides comply with the requirements of this technical regulation;

referral to the certification body (testing laboratory (center)) applications for conducting a study of the type of attraction in one of the following ways:

research of a sample of an attraction for a planned production as a typical representative of all future products;

analysis of technical documentation, testing of a sample or critical components of the attraction.

The results of the study of the type of attraction are drawn up in the conclusion (certificate of conformity) and (or) the protocol, in which the testing laboratory (center) assesses the compliance of the type of attraction with the requirements of this technical regulation.

On the basis of the conclusion (certificate of conformity) and (or) the protocol, the applicant accepts and registers a declaration of conformity;

d) scheme 6d - it is used for mass-produced attractions with a degree of potential biomechanical risk RB-2 if the manufacturer has a certified management system and includes the formation by the applicant of a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation, which includes a certificate for the management system (a copy of the certificate for the management system) issued by the certification body for management systems, accredited by the accreditation body of the member state and registered as a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the member states.

103. The manufacturer carries out production control and takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process ensures that the rides comply with the requirements of this technical regulation, tests samples in a testing laboratory( center), accepts and registers a declaration of conformity.

104. When declaring compliance according to schemes 1d, 5d and 6d, the applicant may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who is a manufacturer or a person authorized by the manufacturer.

105. When declaring compliance under the 2d scheme, the applicant may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who is a manufacturer or seller or a person authorized by the manufacturer.

106. The declaration of conformity is drawn up in a single form approved by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission. The declaration of conformity indicates the degree of potential biomechanical risks to which the declared attractions belong.

107. The declaration of conformity is subject to registration in accordance with the procedure established by the Eurasian Economic Commission. The validity of the declaration of conformity begins from the date of its registration in the Unified Register of Issued Certificates of Conformity and Registered Declarations of Conformity. The validity period of the declaration of conformity corresponds to the assigned service life or the assigned resource of the attraction.

108. The applicant is obliged to keep the declaration of conformity and the set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation for ten years from the expiration date of the declaration of conformity.

109. The set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation is provided to the state control (supervision) bodies at their request.

XIV. The procedure for certification of attractions

110. Certification of attractions with a degree of potential biomechanical risk RB-1 is carried out according to the following schemes:

a) scheme 1c-is used for mass-produced attractions and includes the following actions:

the applicant forms a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation and submits an application for certification to the certification body;

the certification body analyzes the submitted documents and identifies the claimed products, including by the degree of potential biomechanical risk, takes samples from the applicant for testing in the testing laboratory (center), determines the test program;

the testing laboratory (center) conducts tests of samples of attractions;

the certification body analyzes the state of production at the manufacturer and the results of the tests of samples of attractions and, if the results are positive, issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant;

the certification body conducts inspection control over certified rides by testing samples of rides in a testing laboratory (center) and (or) analyzing the state of production;

b) scheme 2c-is used for mass-produced attractions if the manufacturer has a certified management system and includes the following actions:

the applicant forms a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation, which must include a certificate for the management system (a copy of the certificate for the management system) issued by the certification body for management systems, and submits an application for certification to the certification body;

the certification body analyzes the submitted documents and identifies the claimed products, including by the degree of potential biomechanical risk, takes samples from the applicant for testing in the testing laboratory (center) and determines the test program;

the testing laboratory (center) conducts tests of samples of attractions;

the certification body analyzes the set of documents submitted by the applicant and the results of testing of attractions and, if the results are positive, issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant;

the certification body conducts inspection control over certified rides by testing samples of rides in a testing laboratory (center) and analyzing the results of inspection control by the management system certification body for the manufacturer's certified management system;

c) scheme 3c-is used for a party of attractions (a single product) and includes the following actions:

the applicant forms a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation and submits an application for certification to the certification body;

the certification body analyzes the submitted documents and identifies the claimed products, including by the degree of potential biomechanical risk, takes samples from the applicant for testing in the testing laboratory (center), determines the test program;

the testing laboratory (center) conducts tests of samples of rides. If the attraction is transported to the place of installation (assembly, installation) not as a whole, but in separate parts, tests are carried out after its installation (assembly, installation) and commissioning at the place of operation;

the certification body analyzes the test results of the rides and, if the results are positive, issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant;

d) scheme 9c-is used for a batch of limited-volume attractions supplied by a foreign manufacturer, and includes the following actions:

the applicant forms a set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation and submits an application for certification to the certification body. At the same time, the submission of the documents specified in subparagraph" h " of paragraph 101 of this technical regulation is mandatory;

the certification body analyzes the set of documents submitted by the applicant and identifies the declared attractions, including by the degree of potential biomechanical risks, and, if the results are positive, issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant.

111. An applicant for certification under schemes 1c, 2c and 9c may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a Member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who is a manufacturer or a person authorized by the manufacturer.

112. An applicant for certification under the Po scheme may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a Member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who is a manufacturer or seller or a person authorized by the manufacturer.

113. The selection of the certification scheme is carried out by the applicant, taking into account the provisions of this technical regulation.

114. The applicant may apply for certification to any certification body included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union, which has the appropriate field of accreditation. The application for certification is issued by the applicant and must contain:

a) the name and location of the applicant;

b) the name and location of the manufacturer;

c) information about the attraction (its composition) and its identifying features (name, type and type of attraction), technical characteristics specified in operational documents, the code of the unified Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, the document according to which the attraction is manufactured, the form of release (serial production or batch), the details of the contract (contract);

d) list of standards used (if available);

e) the certification scheme;

f) the applicant's obligations to comply with the rules and conditions of certification.

115. The certification body considers the application and the set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation submitted simultaneously with the application, and makes a decision on the possibility of certification.

116. The certification body carries out work according to the certification scheme, prepares a decision and, if the results are positive, issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant.

117. In case of a negative certification result, the certification body sends the applicant a reasoned decision to refuse to issue a certificate of conformity.

118. Testing of the sample (samples) an amusement ride from a batch or a single product is carried out by a testing laboratory (center) on behalf of the certification body in accordance with the test program determined by the certification body to which the test report is issued.

119. The analysis of the state of production is carried out by the certification body at the manufacturer (if provided for by the certification scheme). The results of the analysis are formalized by an act.

120. In case of positive results of the checks provided for by the certification scheme, the certification body draws up a certificate of conformity and issues it to the applicant.

121. The certificate of conformity is issued in a single form approved by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission. The certificate of conformity must contain information about the degree of potential biomechanical risk to which the certified attractions belong.

122.The certification body shall enter information about the issued certificate of conformity into the Unified Register of Issued Certificates of Conformity and Registered Declarations of Conformity.

123. The validity period of the certificate of conformity is established for mass-produced attractions and is not more than 5 years, for a batch of attractions, the period is not set.

124. Inspection control over certified products is carried out by the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity, in the cases provided for by the chosen certification scheme, at least 1 time a year during the validity period of the certificate of conformity. According to the results of the inspection control, the certification body:

a) confirms the validity of the certificate of conformity within the validity period specified in it;

b) suspends the validity of the certificate of conformity for a period of no more than 2 months from the date of the relevant decision;

c) terminates the validity of the certificate of conformity.

125. If the identified nonconformities can be eliminated by performing corrective measures and the results of the elimination can be verified, the certification body decides to suspend the validity of the certificate of conformity. After performing corrective measures and eliminating the identified inconsistencies, the certification body decides to renew the certificate of conformity. If, based on the results of the verification of the elimination of the identified inconsistencies, it is impossible to conclude that the certified products fully comply with the requirements of this technical regulation, the certification body decides to terminate the certificate of conformity.

126. The decision to terminate the certificate of conformity is taken if the non-compliance identified during the inspection control with the requirements of this technical regulation cannot be eliminated by carrying out corrective measures agreed with the certification body.

127. The set of documents specified in paragraph 101 of this technical regulation, test reports in the testing laboratory( center), the certificate of conformity must be kept by the applicant and the certification body for the following period:

a) for mass-produced attractions - at least 10 years from the date of termination of the certificate of conformity;

b) for a batch of attractions (a single product) - at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last product from the batch.

128. The documents specified in paragraph 127 of this technical regulation must be submitted to the state control (supervision) bodies at their request.

XV. Registration( registration), assessment of the technical condition (technical inspection) attraction

129. Registration (registration) before the attraction is put into operation, it is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the member states.

130. During the designated service life (designated resource), the conformity assessment of the attraction is carried out in the form of an assessment of the technical condition (technical inspection) at least once every 12 months by an organization accredited (authorized) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the member states.

131. When the attraction is put into operation for the second time, including after modification (major repairs), suspension of operation due to an accident, suspension of operation due to the expiration of the designated service life of the attraction, its control check must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this technical regulation.

XVI. Marking of attractions with a single sign of product circulation on the Union market

132. Attractions that meet the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them, and have passed the procedure for confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to them, are marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market.

133. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the Union market is carried out before the release of attractions into circulation on the Union market.

134. A single sign of the circulation of products on the Union market is applied in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire service life of the attractions.

135. A single product circulation mark on the Union market is applied to the product itself and to operational documents.

XVII. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation

136. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation in relation to attractions is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the member states.

List of types and types of attractions

Appendix No. 1

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of attractions"

(TR EAEU 038/2016)

photo list of types and types of attractions><meta itemprop=

Appendix No. 2

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of attractions"

(TR EAEU 038/2016)

The list of types of biomechanical effects on passengers of attractions, degrees of potential biomechanical risk and types of tilt of passenger seats

I. Types and magnitudes of biomechanical impacts on passengers of attractions and the degree of potential biomechanical risk
photo types and magnitudes of biomechanical impacts on amusement ride passengers and the degree of potential biomechanical><meta itemprop=

II. Types of tilts of passenger seats

The types of forward tilt of passenger seats are shown in Figure 1.
photos of typical stories about passenger seats><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 3

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of attractions"

(TR EAEU 038/2016)

Safety requirements for rides intended for children

1. The design and manufacture of attractions intended for children is carried out taking into account additional risks associated with physiological, psychological, anthropometric factors characteristic of children of different age groups, as well as the following requirements:

a) taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of attractions intended for children of different age groups;

b) the need to manufacture all moving equipment components, as well as fixed elements (parts with which children can come into contact) from injury-proof materials or coatings;

c) the inadmissibility of getting children's hands, feet, head, fingers, clothes stuck in various gaps, crevices, holes;

d) the inadmissibility of the presence (occurrence) of cracks, gaps, holes in the parts (between the parts) of the equipment, into which foreign objects can get, in places (zones) where sliding, swinging, jumping of children prescribed by the operating instructions of the attraction occur;

e) ensuring a safe free-fall height;

e) ensuring safe distances between mobile and fixed elements of attractions;

g) the inadmissibility of accumulation of water on the surface of the equipment and ensuring free flow and drying;

h) ensuring the protection of the protruding ends of the fastening connections;

i) exclusion of the possibility of clothing catching on protruding parts;

j) production of wooden elements of attractions from wood of the "resistant" and "medium-resistant" classes, the inadmissibility of the presence of processing defects on the surface;

l) ensuring the fastening of equipment elements in such a way as to exclude the possibility of their removal without the use of a tool;

m) ensuring the width of the equipment elements for grabbing (grabbing) by children in accordance with the established norms;

h) the need to provide rides in the right places with railings and fences (where necessary), taking into account the age groups of children. At the same time, the design of railings and fences should not encourage children to stand or sit on them, there should be no elements that allow children to climb on them or be on them.

2. For attractions intended for children, the following requirements are imposed on the materials:

a) the materials used should not have a harmful effect on the child's health and the environment, cause thermal burns when contacting the child's skin in climatic zones with very high or very low temperatures;

b) for attractions intended for children, the use of the following materials is not allowed:

polymer flammable materials;

extremely dangerous gorenje products by toxicity;

new materials whose properties have not been sufficiently studied;

c) polymer materials, composite materials on various matrix bases must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation;

d) if polymer materials, composite materials on various matrix bases become brittle during operation, the manufacturer must specify the time period for their safe operation;

e) the wear resistance and hardness of the surface of polymer and composite materials should ensure the safety of children for the entire designated service life;

e) metal materials that form flaking or flaking oxides must be protected by a non-toxic coating;

g) plywood must be weather-resistant.

3. The following requirements apply to the assembly and installation of attractions intended for children:

the assembly and installation of rides are carried out in accordance with the design documentation, instructions for assembly, installation, start-up, regulation and running-in;

the rides must be securely fixed to the bases or exclude the possibility of overturning their supporting structure.

It is forbidden to use an attraction that does not ensure the safety of children (if the safe installation of the attraction is not completed, the shock-absorbing coating is not completed or maintenance cannot ensure safety).

4. When operating attractions intended for children, the operator must:

a) install information signs or stands with the necessary information;

b) carry out a set of measures to maintain the safety and functioning of attractions;

c) exclude the possibility of using the equipment if it is damaged and may damage the health of children, including not allowing the use of all types of laser products in attractions intended for preschool children (from 2 to 6 years), and for school - age children (from 7 years) - the use of laser products above the 1st hazard class, the output collimated radiation of which is dangerous when irradiating the eyes and skin;

d) ensure that there are no obstacles that can cause injuries in the area of installation (assembly, installation) of attractions;

e) ensure that there are no obstacles (structural elements, tree branches, benches, stands with ads) in the security zone. When determining the safety zone, it is necessary to take into account the possible movements of the child and the moving elements of the attractions;

f) equip the landing zone with a softening, elastic or shock-absorbing coating to prevent injury to children when falling from the attraction;

g) ensure that there are no obstacles in the landing zone.

Appendix N 4

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of attractions"

(TR EAEU 038/2016)

Safety requirements for non-mechanized water rides

1. When designing and manufacturing non-mechanized water attractions, the following additional risks associated with the use of water in attractions are taken into account:

a) features of the water environment, the risks of falling visitors on a slippery surface, the inadmissibility of accumulation of water (if this is not provided for creating entertainment effects), the risks of drowning, the risks of electric shock in a wet environment, the risks of bruises when falling from a height on the water surface;

b) the inadmissibility of receiving mechanical injuries on sharp edges, protrusions, irregularities of attractions;

c) the inadmissibility of getting hands, feet, head, fingers stuck in gaps, crevices, holes;

d) risks of falling from non-fenced surfaces with a height of more than 0.4 meters from inclined surfaces, from insufficiently fixed support surfaces (if this is not provided for creating entertainment effects);

e) the sufficiency of the width of the aisles, the possibility of access for emergency care;

f) sufficiency and convenience of means of restraint (railings, handles and similar elements of the structures of attractions). At the same time, their design should not allow descents along them or their complete overcoming with the risk of falling;

g) the need to ensure smooth surfaces in contact with the bodies of passengers of attractions, the absence of connections with surface differences that can injure passengers when sliding on them;

h) the need to ensure sufficient water lubrication of surfaces or water flow to prevent skin injuries, including from friction burns;

i) the need to calculate the safe shape of the rides, especially the shape of the surface for passengers to slide along them at significant speeds, providing permissible accelerations acting on passengers, as well as accelerations at which there are no risks of head impacts on the sliding surface;

j) the sufficiency and convenience of the braking place after the descent for the rapid evacuation of visitors independently or with the help of personnel, the inadmissibility of collisions of people on descents and during skating;

k) the inadmissibility of finding more users on the elements of the attraction than is provided for by the design of the attraction and the operating manual (including through the application of organizational and technical measures).

2. The operational documentation for non-mechanized water attractions is developed taking into account paragraph 1 of these Requirements, as well as the requirements provided for by the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of attractions" (TR EAEU 038/2016).

3. Materials used for non-mechanized water attractions and entertainment devices must take into account the features of accelerated corrosion of metal, wooden, non-metallic structures and fasteners. It is necessary to provide measures to ensure regular monitoring of the most important connecting elements from the point of view of safety.

4. Sliding surfaces and support surfaces of non-mechanized water rides are made of materials that exclude their stratification or deformation.

5. The materials and coatings used for non-mechanized water rides must meet environmental requirements. Materials and coatings that are in direct contact with the skin of people must comply with hygienic safety requirements.

6. Information signs, signs, as well as rules for the safe use of attractions for visitors should be placed in the necessary places of non-mechanized water attractions and (or) water parks.

Appendix N 5

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of attractions"

(TR EAEU 038/2016)

The content of the attraction form

1. Name of the manufacturer

2. Name of the attraction

3. The factory number of the attraction, the date of its release

4. The degree of potential biomechanical risk

5. Technical characteristics of the attraction

6. Certificate of acceptance

7. Information on the confirmation of the attraction's compliance with the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of Attractions "(TR EAEU 038/2016) and other technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to it

8. The assigned service life (assigned resource) of the attraction

9. Description of the main parts of the design and operation of the attraction

10. The maximum permissible and actual main biomechanical effects on passengers provided for in Annex No. 2 to the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of attractions "(TR EAEU 038/2016)

11. Speed limits for passenger modules

12. Lists of critical components and components with a limited resource, their main technical characteristics

13. Operational loads and parameters

14. Restrictions for visitors when using the attraction for indications of harm to health

15. Restrictions for visitors by age, height and weight

16. Maximum operational and maximum calculated wind speeds for this attraction

17. Requirements for the foundation or the platform of the base of the attraction

18. Possible restrictions on snow load

19. Requirements for earthquake resistance

20. Other existing restrictions

21. Information about the non-destructive testing of the components of the attraction

22. Information about repairs, modifications, unscheduled maintenance operations

23. Information on the conduct and results of inspections, tests and technical control conducted by testing laboratories (centers)

24. Information on inspections carried out by control (supervisory) bodies

25. Information about incidents, accidents, accidents

26. List of attraction owners

27. Permission for the operation or commissioning of the attraction (if this is provided for by the legislation of a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union)

28. Information on the extension of the permit for the operation or commissioning of the attraction (if this is provided for by the legislation of the member state of the Eurasian Economic Union)

29. Information about registration (registration) attraction

30. Information about the disposal of the attraction

Appendix No. 6

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of attractions"

(TR EAEU 038/2016)

The content of the attraction passport

1. Basic information about the attraction and its technical characteristics

2. Completeness

3. Assigned resource (assigned service life and storage period), manufacturer's (supplier's)warranty

4. Conservation

5. Certificate of packaging

6. Certificate of acceptance

7. Movement of the product in operation (if necessary)

8. Repair and accounting of work according to bulletins and instructions (if necessary)

9. Notes on operation and storage (if necessary)

10. Information on the confirmation of the attraction's compliance with the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of Attractions "(TR EAEU 038/2016) and other technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) that have entered into force, which apply to it

11. Disposal information

12. Special marks, including information about registration (registration) attraction

Electronic text of the document

prepared by JSC "Codex" and verified by:

official website

Of the Eurasian Economic Union, 23.12.2016