TR CU 019/2011

About the safety of personal protective equipment
(as amended on May 28, 2019)


1. This technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of personal protective equipment" (hereinafter - the technical regulation of the Customs Union) was developed in accordance with the Agreement on Common Principles and Rules of Technical Regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010.

2. This technical regulation of the Customs Union has been developed for the purpose of establishing uniform mandatory requirements for personal protective equipment in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, ensuring the free movement of personal protective equipment put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

3. If other technical regulations of the Customs Union establishing requirements for personal protective equipment are adopted with respect to personal protective equipment, then personal protective equipment must comply with the requirements of these technical regulations of the Customs Union, which apply to them.

Article 1. Scope of application

1.1. This technical regulation of the Customs Union was adopted in order to ensure the protection of the life and health of citizens, environmental protection, as well as the prevention of actions misleading consumers on the territory of the Customs Union.

1.2. This technical regulation of the Customs Union applies to personal protective equipment, regardless of the country of origin, previously not in use (new) and put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

The requirements for the design, production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of personal protective equipment are not regulated by the provisions of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and are established by the legislation of the member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the Member state).

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

1.3. In this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the safety of personal protective equipment is understood as:

absence of unacceptable impact on humans and the environment caused by the use of personal protective equipment, including the impact of the materials from which they are made;

ensuring human safety when exposed to harmful (dangerous) factors during the operation of personal protective equipment listed below:

- mechanical effects and general industrial pollution;

- harmful chemicals;

- ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;

- exposure to elevated (lowered) temperature;

- the effect of electric current, electric and electromagnetic fields;

- the impact of biological factors (microorganisms, insects);

- reduced visibility.

1.4. Personal protective equipment, which is subject to this technical regulation of the Customs Union, are listed in Annex N 1 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

1.5. Personal protective equipment (components of personal protective equipment) are classified according to their intended purpose, depending on the protective properties according to Annex N 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

1.6. Identification of personal protective equipment is carried out according to the following rules:

1) identification of personal protective equipment is carried out by the applicant, the person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer, state supervision (control) bodies, customs control bodies, certification bodies of personal protective equipment (hereinafter-identifying persons) for the following purposes:

establishing the affiliation of personal protective equipment to the scope of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

prevention of actions that mislead consumers (purchasers and users);

2) during identification, the following parameters are set:

types of personal protective equipment in accordance with Annex N 1 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

the group and subgroup of protection provided for by Annex No. 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

the name of personal protective equipment in accordance with section 4 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

3) for the identification of personal protective equipment in order to establish its belonging to the scope of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the identifying person must make sure that the name of the identified personal protective equipment corresponds to a certain type or combination of types provided for in Annex N 1 and section 4 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, and the purpose of protective properties corresponds to a group and subgroup of protection or a combination of them, provided for in Annex N 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

4) identification of personal protective equipment to establish their belonging to the scope of this technical regulation of the Customs Union is carried out by visual comparison of the type and name of the personal protective equipment indicated in the marking on the package or directly on the personal protective equipment with the name and type provided for in section 4 and annex N 1 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

5) for the identification of personal protective equipment in order to prevent actions that mislead consumers (purchasers, users), the identifying person must make sure that, according to the results of the identification procedure provided for in subparagraphs 1-4 of this paragraph, the identified personal protective equipment corresponds to the information indicated in the marking.

1.7. This technical regulation of the Customs Union does not apply to the following types of personal protective equipment, the safety requirements of which are established by the relevant legislative and other documents of the member state of the Customs Union and the relevant technical regulations of the Customs Union:

1) personal protective equipment used during sports competitions;

2) specially developed personal protective equipment for fire protection units and for units that ensure the elimination of the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies;

3) specially designed personal protective equipment for use in aviation, space technology and underwater work;

4) specially designed personal protective equipment for use in medical purposes and in microbiology;

5) personal protective equipment used as samples during exhibitions and trade fairs;

6) personal protective equipment designed or modified to protect against bacteriological (biological) agents and radioactive materials that can be used for military purposes, from toxic chemicals used in chemical weapons, and chemical agents for combating mass riots, as well as components specially designed for them.

(The sub-item is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

Article 2. Definitions

In this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the following terms and their definitions are used:

a shock absorber is an independent part or component of a safety system designed to dissipate the kinetic energy developed when falling from a height;

biological factor - producing microorganisms, living cells and spores contained in bacterial preparations and their components; pathogenic microorganisms and viruses that can cause infectious diseases; plants, insects, arachnids, animals that can harm health when they are exposed to the body or get inside the body and on the skin;

harmful factor - a factor whose impact on a person can lead to his illness or deterioration of health;

the time of protective action of personal protective equipment is the period of time from the beginning of the use of personal protective equipment by the user under the influence of a harmful or dangerous factor until a situation occurs when the level of exposure to a harmful or dangerous factor on the user exceeds the established standards under specified conditions, and in the case of mechanical impact under specified conditions, it will lead to a violation of the integrity of the components of personal protective equipment;

degassing of personal protective equipment - neutralization (neutralization, dilution) or removal of dangerous chemicals from personal protective equipment;

decontamination of personal protective equipment - removal (reduction) of radioactive contamination from personal protective equipment and their components;

disinfection of personal protective equipment - removal (reduction) of bacterial contamination from personal protective equipment and their components;

disinsection of personal protective equipment - removal of arthropods from personal protective equipment and their components;

a protective helmet is a headdress designed to protect the upper part of the head from damage by falling objects, from the effects of moisture, electric current, metal splashes;

protective helmet-a headdress designed to protect the upper part of the head from damage as a result of impact on solid stationary objects;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

individual rescue device (ISU) is a device designed to rescue an unprepared person from a height along the external facade of buildings (structures) independently, without the help of a specialist;

components of personal protective equipment - replaceable components of personal protective equipment that are supplied by the manufacturer together or separately from personal protective equipment in a ready-for-sale (application) form, with labeling and instructions for use;

the component of the personal protective equipment is a functionally independent part of the personal protective equipment (including materials) intended for the assembly of the personal protective equipment, which can be dismantled without violating its integrity and reused for the assembly of the personal protective equipment;

the decontamination coefficient of personal protective equipment is the ratio of the levels of radioactive contamination of personal protective equipment before and after its decontamination;

the coefficient of protection of personal protective equipment is the multiplicity of reducing the level of exposure to a harmful or dangerous factor by an individual protective equipment;

the air suction coefficient is an indicator expressed as a percentage of the concentration of the test substance under the front part of the respiratory protection equipment to its concentration in the atmosphere, determined under conditions when air penetrates under the front part along the obturation strip, through the exhalation and inhalation valves, if any, and the looseness of the connection of individual components of the respiratory protection equipment, bypassing the filter;

penetration coefficient is an indicator expressed as a percentage of the concentration of the test substance under the front part of the personal respiratory protection equipment to the concentration of the test substance in the atmosphere of the test chamber under specified test conditions, determined by the tester;

the coefficient of permeability through the filter (filter material) is an indicator that characterizes the permeability and is expressed as a percentage of the concentration of the test substance after it passes through the filter (filter material) to the concentration of the test substance before the filter (filter material) under specified test conditions;

the frequency of degassing is the ratio of the content of hazardous chemicals on the surface of the personal protective equipment before and after degassing;

circulation of personal protective equipment - the stages of the life cycle of personal protective equipment, including the production, transportation, storage, use, disposal and sale of personal protective equipment in the single customs territory of the Customs Union;

dangerous factor - a factor whose impact on a person can lead to his injury or death;

the obturation strip is the surface of the fit of the personal protective equipment to the human body, which ensures the sealing of the space inside the personal protective equipment;

user - an individual who has purchased an individual protective equipment and uses it for its intended purpose;

acquirer - a natural or legal person who has purchased an individual protective equipment and organizes its sale on the market and (or) its intended use;

radiation factor - the impact on a person of external ionizing radiation and (or) radioactive substances entering the body and on the skin;

a regenerative cartridge is a component product of an insulating type of personal respiratory protection equipment containing chemicals inside that emit oxygen when it is triggered and absorb carbon dioxide and water vapor;

regenerative product - chemicals that ensure the absorption of carbon dioxide and water vapor with the release of oxygen during the operation of the regenerative cartridge;

self-rescuer - a means of individual respiratory protection for evacuation from a dangerous atmosphere characterized by the presence of chemical and biological factors, the level of which exceeds the established standards;

the lead equivalent of personal protective equipment against ionizing radiation is an indicator of the protective effectiveness of the material, equal to the thickness of the lead plate in millimeters, which weakens the X-ray dose rate by as many times as this material;

a connecting element (carabiner) is an opening device for connecting components that allows the user to attach a safety system in order to connect himself directly or indirectly to the support;

personal protective equipment (PPE) is a means of individual use worn by a person to prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and (or) dangerous factors on a person, as well as to protect against pollution;

personal respiratory protection device (PPE) is a technical device worn on a person that provides protection of the body from the inhalation effects of dangerous and harmful factors;

individual respiratory protection device isolating (breathing apparatus) - a means of individual respiratory protection that supplies the user with air (respiratory mixture) from a source independent of the environment;

personal respiratory protection filter - a means of individual respiratory protection that provides purification of the air inhaled by the user from the environment;

dermatological personal protective equipment - means intended for application to the human skin for its protection and cleaning in order to reduce the impact of harmful and dangerous factors in industrial production conditions that do not belong to the objects of technical regulation of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products "(TR CU 009/2011);

safety tether (safety strap belt) is a component of the safety system for covering the human body in order to prevent falling from a height, which may include connecting slings, buckles and elements fixed accordingly to support the entire human body and to hold the body during and after the fall;

safety system - a means of individual protection against falling from a height, consisting of a safety harness and a subsystem attached for insurance;

user qualification requirements - a list of knowledge, skills and abilities that the user must have in order to ensure their safety when using personal protective equipment;

test substance - a chemical substance (including an aerosol), with the help of which the parameters of personal respiratory protection equipment are determined, characterizing the effectiveness of its use;

a hard-to-remove label is a label attached to a product that should ensure that information is brought to the end consumer with the exception of the possibility of its loss when products are sold on the market;

a holding leash (safety belt without a strap) is a component that covers the human torso and consists of individual parts that, in combination with slings, fix the user at a certain height during operation;

"filter self-rescuer used in fires" - a means of individual protection of the respiratory organs, vision and skin of the human head, designed to protect a person from toxic combustion products during rescue and evacuation during a fire gorenje

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

chemical factor - the effect of chemical substances, mixtures, including some substances of biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations), which are obtained as a result of chemical synthesis and (or) for the control of which chemical analysis methods are used.

3. Rules of circulation on the market

Personal protective equipment is put into circulation on the market if they comply with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, as well as other technical regulations of the Customs Union, which apply to them, provided that they have been confirmed in accordance with Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, as well as according to other technical regulations of the Customs Union, which apply to them.

Personal protective equipment, the compliance of which with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union is not confirmed, should not be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union and are not allowed to be put into circulation on the market.

Personal protective equipment that is not marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is not allowed to be put into circulation on the market.

4. Safety requirements

4.1. Personal protective equipment must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used for their intended purpose and meeting the requirements for operation and maintenance, they provide:

the necessary level of protection of human life and health from harmful and dangerous factors;

the absence of an unacceptable risk of situations that may lead to the appearance of dangers;

the necessary level of protection of human life and health from the dangers arising from the use of personal protective equipment;

4.2. Personal protective equipment (except dermatological) must meet the following general requirements:

1) components (materials and seams) of personal protective equipment in contact with the user's body should not have protrusions that can cause skin irritation, scratches, pain or injury;

(Sub-item in the wording introduced from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

2) personal protective equipment should not emit substances in an amount harmful to human health. Sanitary and chemical safety of personal protective equipment is characterized by the migration of harmful chemicals into the model environment according to Table 1 of Annex N 3 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union:

for components (materials) of personal protective equipment that have direct contact with the external skin and mucous membranes of the human body, including for special clothing that comes into contact with human skin on an area of more than 5 percent, the permissible amount of chemical migration in the aquatic model environment should not exceed the values established by this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

for components (materials) of personal protective equipment that have contact with inhaled air, including for special clothing that does not contact with human skin on an area of more than 5 percent, the maximum permissible concentration of chemicals in the air model environment should not exceed the values established by this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

3) personal protective equipment and their components, components (materials) must comply with the sanitary-chemical, organoleptic and toxicological-hygienic indicators specified in Table 2 of Annex N 3 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

4) personal protective equipment must have properties that ensure that, when used for their intended purpose in the conditions provided by the manufacturer, there is no impact from these protective equipment of harmful and (or) dangerous factors on users or that ensure the level of impact of these factors that does not exceed the standards given in Annex N 3 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

5) personal protective equipment must be designed and manufactured in such a way that the user can carry out his activities under the conditions of use provided by the manufacturer, and personal protective equipment retains its protective properties, safety and reliability;

6) personal protective equipment must have a design that corresponds to the anthropometric data of the user, while the size range must take into account all categories of users;

7) ease of use should be provided with the help of control and fixing systems, as well as the selection of the size range;

8) personal protective equipment of various types, regardless of their design and manufacturing features, designed to provide simultaneous protection of different parts of the body from several simultaneously acting dangerous and (or) harmful factors, must be structurally compatible and ergonomic;

9) personal protective equipment intended for use in a fire-and explosion-hazardous environment must be made of materials that exclude sparking;

10) personal protective equipment must have a minimum weight without reducing the requirements for structural strength and the effectiveness of protective properties when used;

11) personal protective equipment intended for use as a means of self-rescue and (or) rescue must ensure that they can be put on (brought into working condition, turned on) or removed within the time specified on the packaging and in the manufacturer's operational documentation;

12) the operational documentation for personal protective equipment must specify the completeness, shelf life or shelf life, warranty period (for personal protective equipment that loses its protective properties during storage and (or) operation), rules for safe storage, use( operation and maintenance), transportation and disposal, as well as, if necessary, the climatic design of personal protective equipment and the rules for their degassing, decontamination, disinfection, as well as ways to confirm their protective properties.

4.3. Personal protective equipment against mechanical influences must meet the following requirements:

1) in relation to special protective clothing and personal protective equipment of hands from mechanical influences and general industrial pollution:

materials and products for protection against punctures must have puncture resistance, including at least 13 N for fabrics, at least 22 N for artificial leathers and at least 58 N for natural leathers;

materials and products for protection against cuts must have a cut resistance, including at least 2 N / mm for fabrics, at least 6 N / mm for artificial leathers and at least 8 N / mm for natural leathers;

materials of personal protective equipment of hands that are resistant to abrasion must be resistant to abrasion with a water-resistant skin, including at least 500 cycles of exposure for fabrics, at least 1600 cycles of exposure - for artificial leathers, at least 7000 cycles of exposure - for natural leathers and resistance to abrasion with an abrasive stone at least 350 cycles of exposure - for knitted fabrics;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

special clothing and fabrics for its manufacture that are resistant to abrasion must be resistant to abrasion: linen and semi-linen fabrics (such as canvas) - water-resistant skin (at least 500 cycles of exposure), other fabrics-gray cloth (at least 3000 cycles of exposure), special clothing for protection from general industrial pollution and textile materials for its manufacture-gray cloth (at least 1300 cycles of exposure);

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

the breaking load of materials of personal protective equipment of hands from mechanical influences should be at least 600 N on the base and 400 N on the weft for fabrics, at least 350 N for artificial leather, at least 130 N for natural leather. The tensile strength of knitted fabrics of personal protective equipment of hands from mechanical influences should be at least 140 N;

the breaking load of special clothing fabrics for protection from mechanical influences should be at least 400 N, for protection from general industrial pollution - at least 400 N on the base and at least 250 N on the weft;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

the breaking load of the seams of special clothing for protection from mechanical influences, general industrial pollution and personal protective equipment of hands from mechanical influences should be at least 250 N, for materials with a lower breaking load, the breaking load of the seams should not be less than the breaking load of the materials;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

materials and products for protection against non-toxic dust must have dust permeability, depending on the protection group, but not more than 40 g / m and retain their dust-proof properties after 5 washes or dry cleaning;

special clothing for protection from water and solutions of non-toxic substances must have a water resistance of at least 2000 Pa, and when exposed to water jets-at least 3500 Pa;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

personal hand protection equipment for protection from water and solutions of non-toxic substances and materials for their manufacture must be waterproof;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

2) the manufacturer must indicate their purpose and conditions of use in the operational documentation for special protective clothing and hand protection against mechanical influences and general industrial pollution;

3) special clothing from possible capture by moving parts of mechanisms should not have external flying components and should have a breaking load of materials and seams, if exceeded, in the case of capture, the material of the component that has been captured or the seam of this personal protective equipment adjacent to it will be destroyed without harming the user;

(The subparagraph in the wording put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55.

4) the manufacturer in the operational documentation for special clothing from possible capture by moving parts of mechanisms must indicate the intervals of the values of the breaking load of the attachment points of components, parts of the product;

5) regarding personal protective equipment of hands against vibrations:

personal protective equipment for hands against vibration should exclude contact of the hand with a vibrating surface;

the maximum thickness of the palm part of the product with a protective gasket (in the non-stressed state) should not exceed 8 mm;

the breaking load of the joints must be at least 250 N;

vibration-absorbing materials must ensure the preservation of vibration-absorbing properties provided by the manufacturer, which should not deteriorate in the event of loss of mechanical strength or displacement of these materials;

6) the manufacturer must indicate the performance indicators of vibration protection and the conditions of use (purpose)in the operational documentation for personal hand protection against vibrations;

7) with regard to personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from vibrations:

shoes must have a vibration protection efficiency of at least 2 dB at a vibration frequency of 16 Hz and at least 4 dB at a vibration frequency of 31.5 Hz and 63 Hz;

other requirements for the material of the sole of the shoe, for the strength of the fastening of the shoe parts and its other parameters under the influence of vibration are specified in subparagraph 9 of this paragraph;

8) the manufacturer must indicate the value of the effectiveness of vibration protection (transmission coefficient)in the operational documentation for personal foot protection against vibrations;

9) with regard to personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from bumps, punctures and cuts, general industrial pollution, abrasion, water and solutions of non-toxic substances:

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

shoes for protecting the feet from impacts, depending on the purpose, must be equipped with the following protective devices: protective socks that provide protection from impacts in the toe part with an energy of at least 5 J, safety shields that provide protection from impacts in the rear part with an energy of at least 3 J, protective shields that provide protection from impacts in the ankle area with an energy of at least 2 J, over-lifting shields that provide protection from impacts in the lifting part with an energy of at least 15 J, protective shields that provide protection from impacts in the shin part with an energy of at least 1 J.;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

shoes for protection against punctures and cuts must have a puncture-proof gasket and provide resistance to a through puncture - at least 1200 N;

it is allowed to complete the shoes with the listed protective devices that provide simultaneous protection from several harmful mechanical influences;

internal safety gap of the protective sock when struck by energy 5, 15, 25, 50, 100, 200 The diameter must be at least 20 mm;

the material of the sole of the shoe must have a strength of at least 2 N / mm and a hardness of not more than 70 Shore units, with the exception of shoes for protection from general industrial pollution;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

the fastening strength of the parts of the bottom with the top of the shoe should be at least 45 N / cm (except for rubber and polymer shoes). The joints of the shoe parts, except for the connection of the bottom with the top, must have a tensile strength of at least 120 N / cm;

shoes for protection against abrasion should be made with wear-resistant soles;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

shoes for protection from water must be waterproof;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

10) the manufacturer must indicate their purpose and conditions of use in the operational documentation for personal protective equipment of the legs from impacts;

11) with regard to personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from slipping:

the undercarriage of the sole of the shoe (except for rubber and polymer shoes) must have a tensile strength of at least 180 N / cm and must not reduce it by more than 25 percent over the entire service life;

the coefficient of sliding friction on greased surfaces should be at least 0.2;

the requirements for the material of the sole of the shoe, for the fastening strength of the shoe parts and its other parameters are specified in subparagraph 9 of this paragraph;

12) the manufacturer must indicate in the operational documentation for personal foot protection against slipping the period of preservation of the anti-slip properties of the product and the conditions of use (purpose);

13) with regard to personal protective equipment of the head (protective helmets):

protective helmets should not transmit a force of more than 5 kN to the head with an impact energy of at least 50 J, and when exposed to sharp falling objects with an energy of at least 30 J, their contact with the head should not occur;

protective helmets should provide natural ventilation of the internal space;

the helmet body, when in contact with current-carrying parts, must protect against damage by alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of at least 440 V, and in the case of exposure to an electric arc, the helmet body must provide protection against thermal risks, do not burn and do not melt;

protective helmets must retain their protective properties in the temperature range specified by the manufacturer. Each protective helmet must be marked with a non-removable marking (including engraving, embossing, etc.) or a hard-to-remove label with the temperature range at which the helmet can be operated, as well as the level of electrical insulation properties, symbols of resistance to lateral deformation and splashes of molten metal (if the helmet meets the specified requirements);

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

protective helmets must have a system of fasteners on the head that does not allow spontaneous falling or displacement from the head;

when using a chin strap in the construction of protective helmets, its width should be at least 10 mm, and the fastening mechanisms should be destroyed with a force of at least 150 N and not more than 250 N;

the lateral deformation of the protective helmet during the test is allowed no more than 40 mm, and the residual-no more than 15 mm;

the system of adjusting the position of the protective helmet on the head should not be spontaneously disturbed during the entire time of use after adjustment and adjustment;

14) the manufacturer in the operational documentation for personal protective equipment of the head must indicate the range of operating temperatures, protective properties against the effects of electric current and the conditions of use (purpose);

15) with regard to personal protective equipment of the head from impacts on stationary objects (protective helmets):

protective helmets should not transmit a maximum force on the head of more than 10 kN with an impact energy of at least 12.5 J, and when colliding with sharp objects, sharp objects should not come into contact with the head with an impact energy of at least 2.5 J;

protective helmets should provide natural ventilation of the internal space;

when using a chin strap in the design of caskets, its width should be at least 10 mm, and the fastening mechanisms should be destroyed with a force of at least 150 N and not more than 250 N;

16) the manufacturer must indicate the purpose and operating conditions in the operational documentation for personal protective equipment of the head against impacts on stationary objects;

17) with regard to personal eye protection equipment (protective glasses), including from non-ionizing radiation:

protective glasses should not have protrusions, sharp edges, burrs or other defects that cause discomfort or harm when used;

open - type protective glasses designed to protect against high-speed particles must be resistant to an impact with a kinetic energy of 0.84 J (low-energy impact), and closed-type protective glasses must be resistant to an impact with a kinetic energy of 0.84 J (low-energy impact) or 5.9 J (medium-energy impact);

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

high-strength protective glasses must withstand frontal and lateral (if applicable) impacts caused by a steel ball with a nominal diameter of 22 mm, a minimum weight of 43 g, with an average speed of 5.1 m / s and an energy of no more than 0.6 J;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

in closed indirect ventilation glasses, the penetration of the dust mixture through the ventilation holes into the podochkov space should not exceed 3 mg/min;

the body of closed-type protective glasses designed to protect against non-ionizing radiation must provide the same or higher level of protection against non-ionizing radiation as the light filter of protective glasses;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

colorless, chemically resistant, protective glasses and light filter substrates intended for use in personal eye protection equipment must have a light transmittance of more than 74.4 percent;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

optical details of protective glasses (eyeglass glasses) should not have optical defects (bubbles, scratches, inclusions, turbidity, erosion, traces of casting, blurring, grain, indentations, peeling and roughness) and have an optical effect that impairs visual perception, while spherical refraction and astigmatism should not exceed: for the first optical class 0.06 dpt, and for the second - 0.12 dpt, prismatic effect in the vertical plane-0.25 prismatic dpt; in the horizontal plane-0.75 prismatic dptr for the first and 1.00 prismatic dptr for the second optical class;

during the tests, the eyeglass glasses declared by the manufacturer as resistant to fogging for use in personal eye protection equipment must remain uncoated for at least 8 seconds;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

18) the manufacturer must indicate the optical class, protective properties and conditions of their use (purpose)in the operational documentation for personal eye protection equipment;

19) in relation to personal protective equipment of the person (protective face shields):

protective face shields equipped with control systems should be designed and manufactured so that their adjustment is not spontaneously disturbed during operation;

adjustment of the protective face shields should be carried out without removing the product from the head, while the attachment on the head should not shift;

the light filters of the protective face shields must be painted in the mass and, in addition to the main optical effect (filtration), should not have an additional optical effect that causes deterioration of visual perception. The additional optical effect of light filters should not exceed the values specified in subparagraph 17 of this paragraph;

protective face shields should have a mass of no more than 0.65 kg;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

protective face shields designed to protect against high-speed particles must be resistant to impact with a kinetic energy of 0.84 J (low-energy impact), 5.9 J (medium-energy impact) or 14.9 J (high-energy impact), depending on the purpose;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

the optical parts of the protective face shields (viewing protective and cover glasses, screens) should not have an optical effect that causes deterioration of visual perception. The optical effect of these parts must not exceed the values specified in subparagraph 17 of this paragraph;

high-strength protective face shields must withstand frontal and lateral (if applicable) impacts inflicted by a steel ball with a nominal diameter of 22 mm, a minimum weight of 43 g, with an average speed of 5.1 m / s and an energy of no more than 0.6 J;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

20) the manufacturer in the operational documentation for personal protective equipment of a person must indicate the protective properties and operating conditions, indicating the list and levels of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors from which protection is provided;

21) with regard to personal protective equipment against falling from a height:

in safety systems designed to stop a fall, the force transmitted to a person at the time of the fall, when using a safety tether, should not exceed 6 kN;

when using a holding tether, the force transmitted to a person should not exceed 4 kN;

components and connecting elements of safety and restraint systems must withstand a static load of at least 15 kN, and slings made of synthetic materials - at least 22 kN;

components of safety systems having a retracting device with a wire sling or with a built-in device for shock absorption, as well as lifting and lowering devices and rescue devices, with the exception of individual rescue devices, must withstand a static load of at least 12 kN;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

personal protective equipment against falling from a height must have a design that excludes back injury during work, including in uncomfortable poses, a person falling out of personal protective equipment, as well as spontaneous disconnection of the connecting elements of personal protective equipment;

personal protective equipment against falling from a height must withstand the dynamic load that occurs when a load weighing 100 kg falls from a height equal to 4 m, 2 m and 1 m, and holding tethers (safety belts without straps) - from a height equal to two maximum lengths of the sling;

fasteners of personal protective equipment against falling from a height should exclude the possibility of spontaneous opening and be located in front;

the maximum length of the sling, including the length of the end joints, taking into account the shock absorber, should not be more than 2 m;

the design of the carbine should exclude accidental opening, as well as exclude pinching and injury of hands when working with it;

the materials of the connecting elements must be resistant to corrosion, the metal parts must not come into direct contact with the human body, except for the hands;

Additional safety requirements are established for individual rescue devices (ISU) :

ISU should ensure effective and safe use by any user, regardless of the architectural complexity of the building( structure), be constantly ready for use;

The ICU should exclude rotation and the possibility of free fall of the user during the descent, as well as a sudden stop of the descent;

the descent speed in the ISU should be provided automatically and not exceed 2 m / s;

The ISU should be able to establish the fact of use in order to prevent repeated use, as well as to exclude the possibility of danger to the user after descent;

the components of the ISU must be resistant to high temperatures, biological effects and maintain their effectiveness after these effects;

22) the manufacturer in the operational documentation for personal protective equipment against falling from a height must indicate the total length of the safety system with a sling, including a shock absorber, end connections and connecting elements and climatic conditions of use, the maximum descent height is additionally indicated for the ISU;

23) in relation to personal protective equipment of the hearing organ:

the force of pressing the headphones to the head around the ear should be at least 8 N and not more than 14 N;

the pressure of the sealing gaskets of the headphones should not exceed 4500 Pa;

the components of the earphone should not burn or smolder after contact with a hot object;

anti-noise inserts intended for use in the food and pharmaceutical industry must have metal detectable components;

when using headphones combined with a helmet, the pressure force of the equivalent of the headband should not exceed 14 N, and if there is a device for regulating this force, the specified parameter should be set to no more than 14 N;

the average value of the pressure force of the equivalent of the headband when using headphones combined with a helmet should not be less than 8 N;

the pressure of the shock absorber of the headphones combined with the helmet should not exceed 4500 Pa, and if there is a device in the headphones combined with the helmet to regulate the pressure force of the equivalent of the headband, the maximum pressure force should not exceed 14 N;

the fastening of the personal protective equipment of the hearing organ should provide at least 2500 stretching cycles, while the clamping force should not decrease by more than 15 percent relative to the initial value;

anti-noise inserts should have a shape that allows them to be inserted and removed from the external auditory canal or auricle without causing discomfort and harm to the user;

24) the manufacturer must indicate the protective properties of this personal protective equipment and the conditions of use (purpose) on the packaging and in the operational documentation for personal protective equipment of the hearing organ.

4.4. Personal protective equipment against chemical factors must meet the following requirements:

1) in relation to insulating suits (including those used to protect against biological factors):

during its forced supply to the subcostal space and the breathing zone, air must be supplied in a volume of at least 150 liters / min, while the excess pressure in the subcostal space should not exceed 300 Pa, and the air temperature in the breathing zone should not be higher than +50°C at a relative humidity of more than 30 percent and +60°C at a relative humidity of less than 30 percent;

in case of a sudden (emergency) shutdown of the forced air supply system to the breathing zone, the design of the suit must ensure unhindered natural breathing of a person with a volume air flow of at least 60 l / min;

the breathing resistance should not exceed 200 Pa on inspiration and 160 Pa on exhalation in self-contained isolation suits and 80 Pa on exhalation in hose isolation suits with a constant volume air flow of 0.5·10 m/s;

the amount of air supplied to the insulating hose suit must be at least 4.2·10 m/s (250 l / min), including at least 2.5·10 m/s (150 l/min)in the breathing zone;

the volume content of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air should not exceed 2 percent, and oxygen should be at least 18 percent;

the air temperature during its forced supply to the subcostal space should be from +18°C to +23°C with a relative humidity of 30 to 60 percent (except for suits with autonomous forced air supply systems);

the reduction of the field of view area in an insulating suit should not exceed 30 percent of the field of view area without an insulating suit;

the design of the insulating suit should provide the possibility of receiving and transmitting sound, visual or information transmitted using special devices, while sound attenuation in the field of speech frequencies should not exceed 10 dB, speech perception reduction should be no more than 15 percent, intelligibility of the transmitted speech - at least 80 percent of words, and for works requiring higher communication quality - at least 94 percent of words;

the sound level generated by the air flow during its forced supply should not exceed 70 dB;

the design of the insulating suit should prevent water and solutions supplied to it by irrigation from flowing into the subcostal space for at least 10 minutes;

the design of the insulating suit, its mass and its distribution over the body surface should not cause a restriction of the user's mobility and efficiency, preventing him from performing work under specified operating conditions of personal protective equipment, movement and evacuation in case of an emergency, while the weight of the insulating hose suit should not exceed 8.5 kg, and the autonomous one-11 kg;

the insulating suit must retain its properties that provide a given protection coefficient after appropriate types of cleaning during the entire service life, and also must not reduce its strength during operation by more than 25 percent of the value declared by the manufacturer;

with regard to insulating suits intended for operation in unfavorable microclimatic conditions, it should be possible to use devices that provide thermal insulation, heat removal or supply;

2) the manufacturer in the operational documentation for insulating suits must indicate the protection coefficient and the conditions under which it is achieved, the maximum time of protective action indicating the influencing factors, the duration of continuous use and the conditions under which this is achieved, methods, methods and the frequency of degassing (if provided);

3) with regard to insulating personal protective equipment of the respiratory system:

each product must have an identification number applied to the product, packaging and operational documentation;

limiting the area of the field of view is allowed by no more than 30 percent for all personal respiratory protection equipment of this type, except for helmet-masks and breathing apparatus equipped with glasses and a mask;

personal respiratory protection equipment must provide the possibility of determining the fact of the initial bringing of the product into working condition or opening;

the temperature of the mixture inhaled from the personal respiratory protection equipment should not exceed 60°C for personal respiratory protection equipment with a protective action time of up to 15 minutes and 55°C - with a protective action time of more than 15 minutes;

personal respiratory protection equipment after exposure to an open flame with a temperature of 800°C for 5 seconds should not ignite and burn after being removed from the flame;

the volume fraction of oxygen in the inhaled mixture should be at least 21 percent, during the initial period of use, a short-term decrease in the volume fraction of oxygen to 19 percent is allowed for a period of no more than 3 minutes;

personal respiratory protection equipment and their components must be sealed;

the paragraph was deleted from November 27, 2019 - the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55-see the previous version;

elastic components, if they are present in the design of personal respiratory protection equipment, should not stick together during prolonged storage in a folded state;

personal respiratory protection equipment must be resistant to loads similar to those that occur when personal respiratory protection equipment falls from a height of 1.5 m on a concrete floor;

the controls of the personal protective equipment of the respiratory organs-breathing apparatus (valves, levers, buttons, etc.) must be accessible to activate them, protected from mechanical damage and from accidental operation and must be triggered at a force of no more than 80 N, for breathing apparatus intended for underground work-no more than 196 N;

4) the manufacturer must indicate on the packaging and in the operational documentation for all insulating personal respiratory protection equipment the protection coefficient, the minimum operating temperature of the regenerative cartridge (if available), the resistance to breathing during inhalation and exhalation, the time of protective action, the duration of continuous use and the conditions under which this is achieved, the rules of safe operation, the rules of accounting, storage and transportation in terms of excluding heating, falling, bumps and unauthorized access, rules for disposal, taking into account the need for its implementation in specialized organizations specified by the manufacturer, general restrictions on use due to age, health status and other physiological characteristics of users that may affect the safe use of personal respiratory protection equipment, rules for preparing (training) and allowing users to operate;

5) with regard to insulating personal protective equipment of the respiratory system on chemically bound oxygen:

this personal respiratory protection device must provide respiratory and visual protection and have a protection factor of at least 2 * 10;

the respiratory resistance during inhalation and exhalation with pulmonary ventilation of 70 dm / min should not exceed 1960 Pa, and with pulmonary ventilation of 35 dm/min should not exceed 980 Pa;

the content of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air for the entire time of direct use of the specified personal respiratory protection equipment should not exceed 3 percent, in conditions of negative temperatures in the first 6 minutes of operation, a short-term (no more than 3 minutes) increase in the volume fraction of carbon dioxide in the inhaled gas respiratory mixture to 5 percent is allowed;

the dust of the regenerative product should not enter the user's respiratory tract, saliva or condensate should not interfere with the operation of personal respiratory protection equipment and have a harmful effect on the user;

the temperature of the surface of the personal respiratory protection equipment facing the user's body should not cause discomfort to the user, and the design of the personal respiratory protection equipment should provide for the protection of a person from burns during its use;

the connections of the elements of the air duct system must withstand a breaking force of at least 98 N;

breathing apparatus intended for underground work must be resistant to crushing with a force of 98 kN in the vertical and inclined positions and with a force of 392 kN in the horizontal position;

6) with regard to insulating personal protective equipment of the respiratory system in compressed air (oxygen):

this personal respiratory protection device without excessive pressure under the front part must provide respiratory and visual protection and have a protection factor of at least 2 * 10;

an individual respiratory protection device with excessive pressure under the front part must provide respiratory and visual protection and have a protection coefficient of at least 1·10;

the volume fraction of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air in the under-mask space of the insulating type of personal respiratory protection equipment in compressed air should not exceed 1.5 percent with pulmonary ventilation of 30 dm / min and carbon dioxide release of 1 dm/min;

this means of individual respiratory protection (except for self-rescuers on compressed air (oxygen)) it must have an alarm device that notifies in advance about the end of the supply of compressed air (oxygen) in the cylinder, while the sound level created by the sound alarm device at the entrance to the external auditory canal of a person should be at least 80 dB, and the frequency response of the sound should be 800-5000 Hz;

the respiratory resistance should not exceed 400 Pa on inspiration and 500 Pa on exhalation with pulmonary ventilation 30 dm / min for breathing apparatus without overpressure and should not be less than 0 Pa on inspiration and more than 600 Pa on exhalation with pulmonary ventilation 30 dm/min for breathing apparatus with overpressure;

for hose breathing apparatus, the connections of the elements of the air duct system must withstand a breaking force of at least 98 N, the hose must maintain tightness and withstand the impact of a tensile force of 50 N without reducing the air supply by more than 5 percent, and the elastic components of such personal respiratory protection equipment should not stick together during prolonged storage in a folded state;

the air used for charging the cylinder (s) of personal respiratory protection equipment in compressed air must be drained, cleaned of mechanical impurities and must not contain traces of oil, as well as substances harmful to breathing more than the maximum permissible concentrations for carbon dioxide-0.1 percent of the volume, for carbon monoxide-8 mg/m, for nitrogen oxides-0.5 mg/m, for hydrocarbons (in terms of carbon) - 50 mg/m;

in the means of individual respiratory protection in compressed air (oxygen), it should be possible to control the air pressure when bringing them into the working position, and for self-rescuers in compressed air ( oxygen) - in the waiting position for use;

the sound level generated by the air flow during its forced supply should not exceed 70 dB, and if there is a signal device, the sound level produced by it should be at least 80 dB;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

cylinders or valves of personal respiratory protection equipment in compressed air (oxygen) must have a safety device that excludes the possibility of destruction of the cylinder due to its heating. The absence of the specified safety device is allowed when using cylinders that are shatter-free;

cylinders of personal respiratory protection equipment for compressed air (oxygen) must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Customs Union member state for pressure vessels and equipment;

the documentation for each cylinder must contain information about the manufacturer, information about confirmation of compliance with the established requirements, operating and maintenance conditions of the cylinder in accordance with its purpose and design, working pressure in the cylinder, capacity, weight, service life of the cylinder, rejection criteria (for metal-composite and composite cylinders), rules and procedure for technical inspection of the cylinder, a place to fill in information about the inspection procedure, a mark on the acceptance of the product, manufacturer's warranty, security requirements;

7) in relation to filter personal protective equipment of the respiratory system, including self-rescuers:

it is not allowed to use filter means of individual respiratory protection when the oxygen content in the inhaled air is less than 17 percent;

it is allowed to limit the field of view by no more than 30 percent for all personal protective equipment of this type, with the exception of helmet-masks;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

the content of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air for filtering personal respiratory protection equipment should not exceed 1 percent (volume);

filter personal protective equipment of the respiratory system must maintain its operability after mechanical and thermal exposure;

components of filter personal respiratory protection equipment with an insulating front part that may be exposed to flames during direct use, after exposure to an open flame with a temperature of 800°C (turning over an open flame by 180°C for 5 seconds) should not easily ignite and burn after being removed from the flame;

the use of pure aluminum, magnesium and titanium or alloys containing these materials in proportions that can lead to sparking during operation is not allowed in filter personal respiratory protection equipment intended for use in conditions of possible occurrence of fire and explosive situations;

the mass of the filter (filters) attached directly to the front part of the filter personal respiratory protection equipment should not exceed 250 g for the mouthpiece( mouthpiece), 300 g for half masks and 500 g for masks, filters with a larger mass should be attached to the front part using a connecting tube;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

filter materials and gaseous products carried out by the air flow from the filter should not harm the user and cause him discomfort;

8) filter means of individual respiratory protection, depending on their effectiveness, are divided into three classes-low, medium and high efficiency;

5. Confirmation of compliance

5.1. Compliance of personal protective equipment with this technical regulation of the Customs Union is ensured by meeting its safety requirements directly, as well as by using the standards included in the List of Standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union is ensured on a voluntary basis.

5.2. The methods of research (testing) and measurements of personal protective equipment are established in the documents in the field of standardization included in the List of documents in the field of standardization containing the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and the assessment (confirmation) of conformity of products.

5.3. Before putting into circulation on the market of the member states of the Customs Union, personal protective equipment, which is subject to this technical regulation, must be subjected to the procedure for confirming compliance with the safety requirements established therein.

5.4. Confirmation of compliance of personal protective equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union is carried out in the following forms:

1) declaration of conformity;

2) certification.

5.5. When choosing the forms of conformity assessment, personal protective equipment is classified according to the degree of risk of harm to the user:

1) first class-personal protective equipment of simple design, used in conditions with minimal risks of harm to the user, which are subject to declaration of conformity;

2) the second class - personal protective equipment of complex design, protecting against death or from dangers that can cause irreversible harm to the health of the user, which are subject to mandatory certification.

5.6. Personal protective equipment, depending on the degree of risk of harm to the user (class), is subject to confirmation of compliance according to the forms given in Annex N 4 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

5.7. Declaration of conformity of personal protective equipment is carried out by adopting a declaration of conformity on the basis of its own evidence or evidence obtained with the participation of a third party - an accredited testing laboratory (center) included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter - the unified register), in accordance with standard schemes approved in accordance with the established procedure.

(Item as amended, put into effect on November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

5.8. When declaring compliance, the applicant may be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur who is a manufacturer or seller or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with such a manufacturer in terms of ensuring that the supplied personal protective equipment meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied personal protective equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person, performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

5.9. In accordance with the standard schemes of declaration of conformity approved by the Customs Union Commission:

- for mass-produced PPE of a simple design, for the declaration of conformity of which the participation of a third party is not required, the 1D scheme is applied;

- for batches and single samples of PPE of a simple design, the declaration of compliance of which does not require the participation of a third party, the 2D scheme is used;

- for mass-produced PPE, the declaration of compliance of which requires the participation of a third party, a 3D scheme is used;

- for batches and individual samples of PPE, when declaring compliance with which the participation of a third party is required, the 4D scheme is applied.

The schemes of declaration of conformity used for various types of personal protective equipment are specified in Appendix No. 4 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

5.10. When declaring compliance, the applicant independently forms evidentiary materials that must contain:

1) copies of the applicant's registration documents containing, inter alia, the following information:

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

full and abbreviated, including the corporate name (if any), the name of the legal entity, its organizational and legal form;

postal address of the organization's location;

information about state registration;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

taxpayer identification number;

information about the document confirming the fact of registration of the organization with the tax authority (date, number, issued by whom);

2) the name, technical conditions, description of the personal protective equipment, operational documents for it;

3) list of interstate, national (state) standards of the state - a member of the Customs Union, applied in whole or in part, and included in the lists of documents in the field of standardization attached to this technical regulation of the Customs Union, ensuring compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and necessary for the assessment (confirmation) of compliance and, if these standards were not applied in whole or in part, descriptions of solutions selected for the implementation of the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, to which the personal protective equipment corresponds, other information in accordance with the manufacturer's technical documentation and identifying features in accordance with paragraph 1.4 of section 1 and section 4 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the declared quantity (serial production, batch or unit of products), the code for the classifier of products of the member states of the Customs Union or the code of imported products in accordance with the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union;

4) protocols of studies (tests) and measurements for compliance of samples of personal protective equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, obtained with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory (center), if they are required in accordance with the declaration scheme.

The manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures that the manufactured personal protective equipment meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union. The manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) ensures that production control is carried out (for 1D and 3D conformity declaration schemes). In order to control the compliance of personal protective equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the applicant conducts tests of samples of personal protective equipment in a testing laboratory (center) (for 3D and 4D conformity declaration schemes).

5.11. As additional evidentiary materials, the applicant may, at his choice, use:

1) test reports of samples of personal protective equipment for compliance with the requirements of national standards, interstate standards, international standards, standards of organizations, technical specifications;

2) certificate (certificates) of a voluntary certification system for compliance with the requirements of national standards, international and interstate standards, standards of organizations, codes of rules and systems of voluntary certification (including product quality), as well as the terms of contracts.

5.12. The protocols of studies (tests) and measurements of samples of personal protective equipment to confirm compliance in the declaration form, along with the name of the personal protective equipment, must contain:

1) general description and purpose of personal protective equipment in accordance with paragraph 1.6 of section 1 and paragraphs 4.2-4.8 of section 4 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union directly or with references to it;

2) the results of studies (tests) and measurements of samples of personal protective equipment obtained with the involvement of an accredited testing laboratory (center), when confirming compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

5.13. The declaration of conformity is drawn up in a single form approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission. The declaration of conformity is subject to registration in accordance with the procedure established by the Customs Union Commission.

The applicant, after registering the declaration of compliance of personal protective equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, marks the personal protective equipment for which the declaration of compliance has been adopted with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union and takes measures to ensure that during the production and sale of such personal protective equipment they comply with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

The validity period of the declaration of conformity for mass-produced personal protective equipment is 5 years, for batches and individual samples of personal protective equipment-until the sale (or expiration date) of the declared sample or the last product from the declared batch, but not more than 1 year.

The declaration of conformity and the documents included in the evidentiary materials are kept by the applicant for 10 years from the date of expiry of the declaration of conformity due to the withdrawal of products from production or the sale of the last product from the declared batch of PPE.

5.14. Certification of personal protective equipment is carried out by an accredited certification body included in the unified register.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

Mandatory certification is carried out by the certification body on the basis of an agreement with the applicant, which can be registered in accordance with the legislation of the state - a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur who is a manufacturer or seller or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with such a manufacturer in terms of ensuring that the supplied personal protective equipment meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied personal protective equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (a person, performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).

Mandatory certification of personal protective equipment is carried out in accordance with the Standard certification schemes approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission:

- for mass-produced PPE, the quality of which depends on safety indicators, the 1C scheme is used;

- for PPE batches, the 3C scheme is used;

- for single PPE products (samples), the 4C scheme is used;

- when setting up production (introduction into the series) of PPE, the 5C scheme is used;

- when putting into production (introducing into the series) PPE, the manufacturer of which declares the certification of the management system, the scheme 6C is applied.

Certification schemes used for various types of personal protective equipment are specified in Annex N 4 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

5.15. Certification body for personal protective equipment:

1) attracts accredited testing laboratories (centers) included in the unified register on a contractual basis for conducting research;

(Sub-item in the wording introduced from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

2) carries out annual inspection control of certified personal protective equipment in accordance with the certification scheme and the contract with the applicant;

3) selects samples for certification purposes and, if provided for by the contract for the certification of products, submits them for research (testing) and measurements to accredited testing laboratories (centers) included in the unified register;

(Sub-item in the wording introduced from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

4) analyzes the state of production (for schemes 1C and 5C) or certification of the management system (for certification scheme 6S), and also monitors the stability of the management system;

5) provides information on the issued certificates of conformity to the Unified Register of Issued Certificates of Conformity and registered declarations of conformity issued in a single form;

6) informs the state control (supervision) bodies specified in paragraphs 5.21 and 5.22 of this section of this technical regulation of the Customs Union about personal protective equipment that has been received for certification, but has not passed it;

7) issues certificates of conformity, suspends or terminates the certificates of conformity issued by it, transmits information about them to the authorized body of the member state of the Customs Union;

8) ensures that applicants are provided with information on the procedure for conducting mandatory certification;

9) draws up a contract with the applicant for carrying out certification work;

10) makes a decision on confirming the validity of the certificate of conformity based on the results of the inspection control over certified personal protective equipment.

5.16. The applicant may apply for certification to any accredited certification body for personal protective equipment included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union.

The manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures that the manufactured personal protective equipment meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (for certification schemes 1C and 5C), and also takes all necessary measures to ensure the stability of the management system and production conditions for the manufacture of personal protective equipment that meets the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (for certification scheme 6S).

5.17. When conducting certification, the applicant submits to the certification body an application, as well as a set of documentation in Russian and (if necessary) the language(s) of the member state(s) of the Customs Union, which includes:

1) copies of the applicant's registration documents, including:

full and abbreviated, including the corporate name (if any), the name of the legal entity, its organizational and legal form;

postal address of the organization's location;

information about state registration;

taxpayer identification number;

information about the document confirming the fact of registration of the organization with the tax authority (date, number, issued by whom);

2) the name, technical conditions, description of the personal protective equipment, operational documents for it;

3) information on personal protective equipment and identifying signs in accordance with paragraph 1.4 of section 1 and section 4 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the declared quantity (serial production, batch or unit of products), the product code in accordance with the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the countries of the Customs Union, as well as information about the manufacturer of products;

4) information about the conditions of storage, operation, maintenance, repair, maintenance, transportation and disposal of personal protective equipment;

5) operational characteristics, including limitations of use;

6) data on parts (components) and spare parts of personal protective equipment;

7) information about the protection classes;

8) expiration date of personal protective equipment and (or) its components;

9) information about the type of packaging of personal protective equipment;

10) description of the meaning of any marking applied to the personal protective equipment;

11) for scheme 6C, a copy of the certificate of conformity of the management system issued by the management system certification body confirming the compliance of the management system and extending to the design and (or) production of personal protective equipment declared for certification is additionally submitted.

5.18. The certification body for personal protective equipment considers the application and the set of documentation submitted by the applicant and, within a period not exceeding 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application for consideration, makes a decision on the application.

An accredited testing laboratory (center) conducts research (tests) and measurements of samples of personal protective equipment, draws up a protocol of their research (tests) and measurements and submits it to the certification body for personal protective equipment.

Copies of the documents on the basis of which the certificate of conformity of personal protective equipment was issued to the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and copies of certificates of conformity must be stored in the certification body that issued the certificate during the validity period of this certificate and at least 5 years after the expiration of its validity.

Copies (including electronic) of the protocols of research (tests) and measurements are subject to storage in the testing laboratory for at least 10 years from the date of their registration.

5.19. The validity period of the certificate of conformity issued under the 3C and 4C scheme is not more than 1 year; the validity period of the certificate of conformity issued under the 5C and 6C certification schemes is 3 years; the validity period of the certificate of conformity issued under the 1C certification scheme is 5 years.

5.20. A set of documents for the following purposes must be stored in the single customs territory of the Customs Union:

personal protective equipment - from the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) for at least 10 years from the date of withdrawal (termination) from the production of this personal protective equipment;

a batch of personal protective equipment - from the importer (supplier) for at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last product from the batch.

A set of documents confirming compliance should be provided to the state control (supervision) bodies according to their requirements.

5.21. State control (supervision) over the compliance of personal protective equipment with the requirements of this technical regulation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the member state of the Customs Union.

5.22. Manufacturers, sellers, persons performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer, product certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) that have violated the provisions of this technical regulation of the Customs Union are liable in accordance with the legislation of the member state of the Customs Union in whose territory the violation was committed.

6. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union

6.1. Personal protective equipment that meets the safety requirements and has passed the conformity assessment procedure in accordance with Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union must be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

6.2. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is carried out before the release of personal protective equipment into circulation on the market.

6.3. A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to the personal protective equipment itself or to a hard-to-remove label and packaging, and is also given in the operational documentation attached to it.

A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire service life of the personal protective equipment. For personal protective equipment consisting of several parts, a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to all their parts that can be used separately, and to the components of personal protective equipment. When marking personal protective equipment that has passed the declaration of conformity procedure with a single product circulation mark on the market of the Customs Union member states, the registration number of the declaration of conformity may be applied under its graphic image, and for personal protective equipment that has passed the certification procedure , the number of the certificate of conformity and the registration number of the certification body that performed the certification.

6.4. It is allowed to apply a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union only on the packaging and indication in the operational documents attached to it, if it is impossible to apply it directly to the personal protective equipment.

6.5. Personal protective equipment is marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union, which is evidence that these products meet the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, all technical regulations of the Customs Union, which apply to them, which provide for the application of such a product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

7. Protective clause

7.1. If personal protective equipment is found that does not meet the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, or is subject to conformity assessment (confirmation) according to Annex N 5 and is received or in circulation without a document on the assessment (confirmation) of compliance with this technical regulation of the Customs Union and (or) without marking with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union, the authorized bodies of the state - members of the Customs Union are obliged to take measures to prevent these products from entering circulation, to withdraw them from circulation in accordance with the legislation of the member state of the Customs Union, as well as to inform other member states of the Customs Union about this.

(Item as amended, put into effect on November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

7.2. The competent authorities of a member state of the Customs Union authorized to exercise supervisory functions in the relevant field of activity are obliged to notify the Customs Union Commission and the competent authorities of other member states of the Customs Union of the decision taken in accordance with paragraph 7.1, indicating the reasons for this decision and providing evidence explaining the need for this measure.

Types of personal protective equipment covered by this technical regulation of the Customs Union

Appendix No. 1

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of

personal protective equipment"

(TR CU 019/2011)

(as amended on May 28, 2019)

1) personal protective equipment against mechanical influences:

special protective clothing against mechanical influences and general industrial pollution;

personal protective equipment of hands from mechanical influences;

special clothing against possible capture by moving parts of mechanisms;

personal protective equipment for hands against vibrations;

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) against vibrations;

special protective clothing for protection from water and solutions of non-toxic substances;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

special protective clothing to protect against non-toxic dust;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

personal protective equipment for hands from water and solutions of non-toxic substances;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from general industrial pollution;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) against abrasion;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from water and solutions of non-toxic substances;

(The paragraph is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from bumps, punctures and cuts;

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from slipping;

personal protective equipment of the head (protective helmets and protective helmets);

personal eye protection equipment (protective glasses);

personal protective equipment for the face (protective face shields);

personal protective equipment against falling from a height and means of rescue from a height (ISU);

personal protective equipment for the hearing organ;

2) personal protective equipment against chemical factors:

suits that isolate from chemical factors (including those used to protect against biological factors);

isolating personal respiratory protection equipment (including breathing apparatus, personal respiratory protection equipment with chemically bound oxygen, personal respiratory protection equipment with compressed air, personal respiratory protection equipment with compressed oxygen, including non-autonomous (hose) SIZOD);

personal protective equipment of respiratory organs filtering (including anti-aerosol personal protective equipment of respiratory organs with a filtering half mask, anti-aerosol personal protective equipment of respiratory organs with an insulating front part, gas-gas personal protective equipment of respiratory organs with an insulating front part, gas-aerosol (combined) personal protective equipment of respiratory organs with an insulating front part, filter self-rescuers);

special protective clothing, including filtering protective clothing against chemical factors;

personal eye protection equipment (protective glasses) against chemical factors;

personal protective equipment of hands from chemical factors;

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from chemical factors;

3) personal protective equipment against radiation factors (external ionizing radiation and radioactive substances):

insulating suits to protect the skin and respiratory organs from radioactive substances;

personal respiratory protection equipment (including filter equipment) from radioactive substances;

special protective clothing against radioactive substances and ionizing radiation;

special protective shoes against radioactive substances and ionizing radiation;

personal protective equipment for hands against radioactive substances and ionizing radiation;

personal protective equipment for eyes and face from ionizing radiation;

4) personal protective equipment against high and (or) low temperatures:

special protective clothing and personal protective equipment for hands from convective heat, thermal radiation;

special protective clothing and personal protective equipment for hands from sparks and splashes of molten metal;

special protective clothing and personal protective equipment for hands from exposure to low temperature;

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from high and (or) low temperatures, contact with a heated surface, thermal radiation, sparks and splashes of molten metal;

personal protective equipment of the head against low temperatures, high temperatures and thermal radiation;

personal protective equipment for eyes (protective glasses) and face (protective face shields) against splashes of molten metal and hot particles;

5) personal protective equipment against thermal risks of electric arc, non-ionizing radiation, electric shock, as well as from the effects of static electricity:

special protective clothing and hand protection against thermal risks of electric arc;

personal protective equipment of the person against thermal risks of an electric arc (protective face shields);

personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) against thermal risks of an electric arc;

underwear is heat-resistant and heat-resistant balaclavas from thermal risks of an electric arc;

special clothing and other personal protective equipment against electric shock, exposure to electrostatic, electric and electromagnetic fields, including shielding personal protective equipment and personal protective equipment against static electricity;

personal protective equipment for eyes (protective glasses) and face (protective face shields) from the effects of an electromagnetic field;

dielectric personal protective equipment against the effects of electric current;

6) special signal clothing of increased visibility;

7) comprehensive personal protective equipment;

8) dermatological personal protective equipment.

Appendix No. 2

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of

personal protective equipment"

(TR CU 019/2011)

Classification of personal protective equipment (components of personal protective equipment) for its intended purpose, depending on the protective properties

(as amended on May 28, 2019)
photo classification of personal protective equipment><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 3

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of

personal protective equipment"

(TR CU 019/2011)

(as amended on May 28, 2019)

Table 1

The permissible amount of migration and the maximum permissible concentration of chemicals released from the components (materials) of personal protective equipment
photos of the permissible amount of migration and the maximum permissible concentration of chemicals><meta itemprop=

II. Components of rubber and rubber-fabric materials
photos of components made of rubber and rubber-woven materials><meta itemprop=

III. Fabric materials (according to the fibers that are part of the fabrics)
photos of fabric materials><meta itemprop=

IV. Dyes
photos of dye certification><meta itemprop=

Table 2

Basic requirements for personal protective equipment and their safety indicators
photos of the main requirements for personal protective equipment and their safety indicators><meta itemprop=

Depending on the duration of continuous wear and the frequency of use of the product, according to the point system, they are divided into:

- regular use (daily from 4 hours or more) - 1 point;

- occasional use (1-2 times a week-no more than 4 hours) - 2 points.

In accordance with the hygienic classification according to the point system, a classifying indicator (KP) should be determined for each specific product, which establishes the degree of risk of the product's impact on the health of children and adults, according to the formula: where

- the amount of points assigned to the product in accordance with the classification;

- the maximum possible amount of points awarded in accordance with the classification;

- the minimum possible amount of points awarded in accordance with the classification. Products, depending on the value of the classifying indicator, should be divided into 4 classes:

Class I-classifying indicator-0.38-0.55;

Class II-classifying indicator-0.56-0.70;

Class III-classifying indicator-0.71-0.92;

Class IV-classifying indicator-0.93-1.25

*** Climatic regions are accepted based on the climatic zoning of Russia or similar regions of other states (depending on geographical latitude and local climatic conditions) in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3

Climatic regions (zones)
photos of climatic zones><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 4

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of

personal protective equipment"

(TR CU 019/2011)

Forms for confirming the conformity of personal protective equipment

(as amended on May 28, 2019)
photo of the form to confirm the conformity of personal protective equipment><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 5

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of

personal protective equipment"

(TR CU 019/2011)

The list of personal protective equipment subject to mandatory conformity assessment when put into circulation on the territory of the member states of the Customs Union

(as amended on May 28, 2019)

1. Personal protective equipment against mechanical factors

Special protective clothing against mechanical factors, including possible capture by moving parts of mechanisms

Men's and women's suits for protection from general industrial pollution and mechanical influences (including individual items: jacket, trousers, overalls)

Suits for men and women for protection from non-toxic dust

Coats, half-coats, raincoats for men and women for protection from water

Men's and women's suits for protection from water

Men's mining suits for protection from mechanical influences and general industrial pollution

Overalls for men and women for protection from non-toxic dust, mechanical influences and general industrial pollution

Special aprons

Men's and women's working and special purpose dressing gowns

Personal protective equipment of hands from mechanical factors

Protective sewing mittens and gloves, except for those intended for firefighters

Knitted glove products

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version)

Personal protective equipment for hands from water and non-toxic substances

(The subsection is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

Mittens and gloves for protection against water and solutions of non-toxic substances

Personal protective equipment for hands against vibrations

Personal protective equipment for hands against vibrations

Personal protective equipment for feet against vibrations

Special vibration-proof shoes

Personal protective equipment of the legs from impacts

Special leather shoes and other materials for protection from mechanical influences (bumps, punctures, cuts)

Special leather shoes for protection from general industrial pollution and mechanical influences

Personal protective equipment for feet against slipping

Special shoes for anti-slip protection, including on greasy surfaces

Personal protective equipment for feet from water and solutions of non-toxic substances

(The subsection is additionally included from November 27, 2019 by the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55)

Special rubber molded or molded boots made of polymer materials for protection from water and solutions of non-toxic substances

Personal protective equipment for the head

Safety helmets and safety helmets

The paragraph was deleted from November 27, 2019 - the decision of the EEC Council of May 28, 2019 N 55. - See the previous version.

Personal eye protection equipment

Safety glasses

Personal protective equipment for the face

Protective face shields

Personal protective equipment against falling from a height

Safety belts, their components and accessories to them

Personal protective equipment for the hearing organ

Anti-noise headphones and their accessories

Anti-noise earplugs (earplugs)

2. Personal protective equipment against chemical factors

Suits that isolate from chemical factors (including those used to protect against biological factors)

Insulating suits, including those with forced air supply

Personal protective equipment of the respiratory organs of the insulating type, including self-rescuers, except for those intended for firefighters

Personal respiratory protection equipment with chemically bound oxygen, isolating devices with chemically bound oxygen (self-rescuers)

Personal respiratory protection equipment in compressed air (breathing apparatus)

Personal respiratory protection equipment with compressed oxygen (breathing apparatus)

Rubber front parts for personal protective equipment, except for products for firefighters

Filter-type personal respiratory protection equipment (including self-rescuers), replaceable elements for them

Anti-aerosol personal respiratory protection equipment with a filter half mask

Anti-aerosol personal respiratory protection equipment with an insulating front part

Gas masks for individual respiratory protection with an insulating front part

Gas-aerosol (combined) personal respiratory protection equipment with an insulating front part

Filter self-rescuers

Rubber front parts for personal protective equipment, except for products for firefighters

Replaceable filters (filter elements) for personal protective equipment

Special protective clothing, including filtering protective clothing against chemical factors

Special clothing for limited protection against toxic substances

Men's and women's suits for protection against mechanical influences, water and alkalis

Men's suits for protection from oil and petroleum products

Women's suits for protection from oil and petroleum products

Men's suits for protection against acids

Women's suits for protection against acids

Personal eye protection against chemical factors

Safety glasses

Personal protective equipment of hands from chemical factors


Chamber gloves

Personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from chemical factors

Special leather shoes and made of other materials for protection from oil, petroleum products, acids, alkalis, non-toxic and explosive dust

Molded rubber boots that protect against oil, petroleum products and fats (except products for firefighters)

Special molded rubber boots that protect against water, petroleum oils and mechanical influences (except for products for firefighters)

3. Personal protective equipment against radiation factors (external ionizing radiation and radioactive substances):

Insulating suits to protect the skin and respiratory organs from radioactive substances

Personal respiratory protection equipment (including filter equipment) from radioactive substances

Special protective clothing against radioactive substances and ionizing radiation

Special protective shoes against radioactive substances and ionizing radiation

Personal protective equipment for hands against radioactive substances and ionizing radiation

Personal protective equipment for eyes and face from ionizing radiation

Personal respiratory protection equipment of the filter type from radioactive substances

Personal respiratory protection equipment of the filter type from radioactive substances

4. Personal protective equipment against high and (or) low temperatures

Special protective clothing and personal protective equipment for hands against convective heat, thermal radiation, sparks and splashes of molten metal, except for products for firefighters

Men's suits for protection from elevated temperatures

Women's suits for protection from elevated temperatures

Men's suits for protection from sparks and splashes of molten metal

Gloves and mittens for protection against high temperatures made of various materials

Special protective clothing and personal protective equipment for hands from exposure to low temperature

Men's suits for protection from low temperatures (including individual items: jacket, trousers, overalls)

Men's overalls for protection from low temperatures

Women's suits for protection from low temperatures (including individual items: jacket, trousers, overalls)

Women's overalls for protection from low temperatures

Gloves and mittens for protection against low temperatures made of various materials

Personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from high and (or) low temperatures, thermal radiation, sparks and splashes of molten metal

Special leather shoes and made of other materials for protection from elevated temperatures, except for shoes for firefighters

Special leather shoes and other materials for protection from low temperatures

Personal protective equipment of the head from high and (or) low temperatures, thermal radiation

Safety helmets and safety helmets

Personal protective equipment for eyes and face from splashes of molten metal and hot particles

Safety glasses

Protective face shields

5. Personal protective equipment against the thermal effects of an electric arc, non-ionizing radiation, electric shock, as well as from the effects of static electricity

Special protective clothing against the thermal effects of an electric arc

Special clothing for protection from the thermal effects of electric arc

Personal protective equipment of the person from the thermal effects of an electric arc

Protective face shields

Personal protective equipment of the feet (shoes) from the thermal effects of an electric arc

Special leather shoes for protection from elevated temperatures, except for shoes for firefighters

Underwear is heat-resistant and heat-resistant balaclavas from the thermal effects of an electric arc

Underwear, heat-resistant from the thermal effects of an electric arc

Heat-resistant balaclavas from the thermal effects of an electric arc

Special clothing and other personal protective equipment against the effects of electrostatic, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, including personal protective equipment against the effects of static electricity

Individual shielding kit for protection against electric fields of industrial frequency currents

Personal protective equipment for eyes and face from the effects of an electromagnetic field

Safety glasses

Protective face shields

Dielectric personal protective equipment against the effects of electric current

Special dielectric shoes made of polymer materials

Special rubber dielectric shoes

Special dielectric aprons

Special dielectric gloves

6. Special high-visibility alarm clothing

Special signal clothing of increased visibility

7. Comprehensive personal protective equipment

Complex personal protective equipment is installed according to the protection codes of the personal protective equipment included in them

8. Dermatological personal protective equipment

Protective equipment:

hydrophilic, hydrophobic, combined action

from the effects of low temperatures, wind

from exposure to ultraviolet radiation of the A, B, C ranges

from the influence of biological factors: insects, microorganisms

Cleaning products: creams, pastes, gels

Regenerating, regenerating agents-creams, emulsions

N 878, 09.12.11 KTS

The text of the List of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of personal protective equipment" (TR CU 019/2011) is provided on a voluntary basis, see the link

The text is a list of documents in the field of standardization containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of personal protective equipment" (TR CU 019/2011) and the assessment (confirmation) of product conformity

Revision of the document taking into account

changes and additions have been prepared

JSC "Codex"