TR CU 007/2011

About the safety of products intended for children and adolescents

(as amended on April 28, 2017)


1. The Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents" were developed in accordance with the Agreement on Common Principles and Rules of Technical Regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010.

2. This technical regulation has been developed in order to establish uniform mandatory requirements for products intended for children and adolescents in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, to ensure the free movement of products intended for children and adolescents released into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

3. If other technical regulations of the Customs Union and (or) technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the EurAsEC) establishing requirements for products intended for children and adolescents are adopted with respect to products intended for children and adolescents, then products intended for children and adolescents must comply with the requirements of these technical regulations of the Customs Union and (or) the technical regulations of the EurAsEC, which apply to it.

Article 1. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation applies to products intended for children and adolescents that were not previously in operation (new), put into circulation on the territory of the member states of the Customs Union, regardless of the country of origin.

The products covered by this technical regulation include:

products for child care (milk nipples, pacifiers, dishes, cutlery, sanitary and hygienic and haberdashery products, toothbrushes and massagers for gums);

clothing, products made of textile materials, leather and fur, knitted products and finished piece textile products;

shoes and leather goods;

strollers for children and bicycles;

publishing book and magazine products, school and writing supplies.

The requirements of this technical regulation are established in relation to products according to the list in accordance with Annex 1.

This technical regulation does not apply to:

products designed and manufactured for medical use;

baby food products;

perfume and cosmetic products;

sports products and equipment;

textbooks, textbooks, electronic educational publications;

toys, printed board games;


products made according to individual orders.

2. This technical regulation establishes mandatory safety requirements for products intended for children and adolescents in terms of chemical, biological, mechanical and thermal safety in order to protect the life and health of children and adolescents, as well as to prevent actions that mislead users of products.

Article 2. Definitions

The following terms and their definitions are used in this technical regulation:

"biological safety" - the condition of the product in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with harm to the health or threat to the life of the user due to non-compliance of microbiological, toxicological, physical and physico-chemical properties with the established requirements;

"biologically safe edition" is a publication in the process of reading which provides optimal conditions for visual work, visual fatigue associated with visual perception of the text, visual acuity tension, accommodation and eye movement does not develop;

"harmful substances" - chemicals that, during the use of the product, can cause negative deviations in the user's health status if they are contained in the product material exceeding the permissible concentrations of such substances;

"release of products into circulation" - placement on the market of the member states of the Customs Union of products sent from the warehouse of the manufacturer, seller or a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer, or shipped without warehousing, or exported for sale on the territory of the member states of the Customs Union;

"children" - users of products under the age of 14;

"distributor" - a legal or natural person in the supply chain, with the exception of the manufacturer or importer, who releases products to the market;

"product identification" - the procedure for assigning products for children and adolescents to the scope of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and establishing the conformity of products with technical documentation to it;

"manufacturer" - a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur who, on his own behalf, produces products for children and adolescents for subsequent sale and is responsible for its compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation;

"importer" - a resident of a member state of the Customs Union who has concluded a foreign trade agreement with a non-resident of a member state of the Customs Union for the transfer of products for children and adolescents, sells these products and is responsible for their compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation;

"toxicity index" is an integral indicator of the impact of harmful substances determined on cell culture;

"mechanical safety" is a set of quantitative indicators of the mechanical properties and design characteristics of the product, which reduces the risk of harm to the health or threat to the life of the user;

"newborns" - children under the age of 28 days inclusive;

"circulation of products for children and adolescents on the market" - the movement of these products from the manufacturer to the user, covering all the processes that the specified products undergo after the completion of its production;

"teenagers" - users of products aged from 14 to 18 years;

"product users" - children, teenagers who personally use products that are the object of this technical regulation;

"intended use" - the use of products for children and adolescents in accordance with the name and (or) intended purpose specified by the manufacturer on the labeling of these products and (or) in the operational documents;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

"risk" is a combination of the probability of causing harm and the consequences of this harm for human life or health, property, the environment, the life or health of animals and plants;

"sports products" - products that provide the necessary conditions for organizing and conducting competitions and training in various sports;

"standard sample" - a sample representing products belonging to the same type for the intended purpose, intended for one or more age groups and produced by one manufacturer from the same type of materials.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

If the dimensions of the standard sample and (or) the technological operations performed during its manufacture do not allow testing in full, then a sample (samples) of the material (materials) from which this sample is made is used for testing as a standard sample.

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

When testing a fur product, it is allowed to use a fur skin (fur skins) as a standard sample, identical in type and method of dressing to the skins from which this fur product is made;

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

"person authorized by the manufacturer" - a legal entity or individual registered in accordance with the established procedure by the state of the Party, which is determined by the manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with him to perform actions on his behalf when confirming compliance and placing products on the customs territories of the states of the Parties, as well as to impose responsibility for non-compliance of products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union;

"chemical safety" - the condition of the product in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with harm to the health or threat to the life of the user due to exceeding the concentration level of chemicals harmful to the health of the user.

If the chemical safety indicator is set to "not allowed", then it is mandatory to indicate the limit of detection of harmful substances according to the measurement methods approved for use for monitoring sanitary and chemical indicators.

Article 3. Rules of circulation on the market

1. Products for children and adolescents are put into circulation on the market of the member states of the Customs Union if they comply with this technical regulation, as well as other technical regulations of the Customs Union, which apply to them, while they must pass the procedure of mandatory conformity confirmation and must be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

2. Products for children and adolescents, whose compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is not confirmed, should not be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union and is not allowed to be put into circulation on the market.

Article 4. Safety requirements for child care products

1. Child care products must meet the following general safety requirements:

the toxicity index determined in an aqueous medium (distilled water) should be in the range of 70 to 120 percent inclusive or there should be no local irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

the change in the pH of the water extract should not be more than 1.0.

2. Milk nipples, pacifiers and sanitary products made of latex, rubber and silicone elastomers must meet the requirements of chemical and mechanical safety. The presence of a taste of water extract is not allowed.

The release of chemicals harmful to health should not exceed the following standards:

when testing milk teats and pacifiers made of silicone polymers:

lead is not allowed;

arsenic is not allowed;

formaldehyde - not allowed;

methyl alcohol is not allowed;

butyl alcohol is not allowed;

phenol - not allowed;

zinc-no more than 1.0 mg/dm;

antioxidant (agidol-2) - no more than 2.0 mg/dm;

when testing latex, rubber milk teats and pacifiers:

lead is not allowed;

arsenic is not allowed;

antioxidant (agidol-2) - no more than 2.0 mg/dm;

N-nitrosoamine (extraction with methylene chloride) - no more than 10.0 mcg/kg;

N-nitroso-forming substances (extraction by artificial saliva) - no more than 200.0 micrograms/kg;

cimate (zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate) - not allowed;

phthalic anhydride-no more than 0.2 mg/dm;

phenol is not allowed.

Milk nipples and pacifiers should have a smooth outer and inner surface without seams, which should not stick together after 5 times boiling in distilled water.

The pacifier should be with a washer (shield). The strength of the connection of the ring with the can in the pacifier must be at least 40 N.

Sanitary and hygienic rubber products intended for the care of children should be resistant to 5-fold disinfection, maintain their appearance and should not stick together. Products filled with liquid (hot water bottles and other similar products) must be sealed and must not allow water to pass through. Sanitary and hygienic products made of rubber must meet the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex N 2.

3. Dishes and cutlery made of plastic should not have sharp (cutting, piercing) edges and edges, unless this is determined by the functional purpose of the product. It is not allowed to protrude the gate over the support surface. The protective and decorative coating of the product must be resistant to the action of wet treatment. Products intended for contact with food products must be resistant to a 1% solution of acetic acid and soap-alkaline solutions heated to a temperature of 605°C, retain their appearance and color, do not deform and do not crack when exposed to water at a temperature of 65 to 75°C.

The lid of the bottle and other similar products must ensure their tightness and do not allow water to pass through. The strength of the product should be such that after a 5-fold fall of the product filled with water from a height of 120 cm, there is no residual deformation, cracks, chips and destruction.

The taste and color change of the water extract of products intended for contact with food products are not allowed.

Tableware and cutlery made of plastic must meet the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex N 3.

The production of children's dishes that have contact with food products with the use of polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride, melamine is not allowed.

4.The migration of chemicals of the 1st and 2nd hazard class (including aluminum, barium, boron, cadmium, cobalt, arsenic and lead) is not allowed in the goods of the children's assortment intended for contact with food products.

The release of harmful substances contained in dishes made of glass, glass ceramics and ceramics, according to chemical safety indicators, should not exceed the following values:

chromium-0.1 mg/dm;

manganese-0.1 mg/dm;

copper-1.0 mg/dm;

titanium - 0.1 mg/dm;

zinc - 1.0 mg/dm.

Dishes and cutlery intended for hot food should be thermally stable and should not be destroyed at temperature differences of 95-70-20°C, bottles and cans for baby food - at temperature differences from 95 to 45°C, bottles for dairy products - at temperature differences from 65 to 25°C. The heat resistance of earthenware dishes with colored glaze should be at least 115°C, with a colorless glaze - at least 125°C.

The coating applied to the inner surface of products in contact with food products must be acid-resistant. It is not allowed to apply decorative coatings on the inner surface of glass dishes.

Chips, slotted edges, stuck pieces of glass, cutting or crumbling particles, through-holes and foreign inclusions with cracks around them are not allowed on the products.

The fastening of the handles of products and decorative elements should be strong. The handle of the glass product must withstand a load equal to the capacity of the product when lifted by the handle for 1 minute. The handle of a ceramic product must withstand a one-time load with a mass twice the mass of water filling the product, when using the method of lifting by the handle.

The release of harmful substances from dishes and cutlery made of metal intended for contact with food products should not exceed the following standards:

tableware and cutlery made of corrosion-resistant steel - iron-0.3 mg / dm, nickel-0.1 mg/dm, chromium-0.1 mg/dm and manganese-0.1 mg/dm;

dishes made of aluminum with etched, quartz and polished inner surface, including with a non-stick coating, - titanium-0.1 mg/dm, iron-0.3 mg/dm and chromium-0.1 mg/dm, aluminum is not allowed, fluorine ion (in total) is not allowed for products with a non-stick coating;

dishes and cutlery made of aluminum with a stainless steel clad surface-aluminum and lead are not allowed, copper-1.0 mg/dm, zinc-1.0 mg/dm, iron-0.3 mg/dm, nickel-0.1 mg/dm and chromium-0.1 mg/dm;

tableware and cutlery made of nickel silver, nickel silver with silver or gold coating-lead is not allowed, copper-1.0 mg / dm, zinc-1.0 mg/dm, nickel-0.1 mg/dm, chromium-0.1 mg/dm, manganese-0.1 mg/dm and iron-0.3 mg/dm;

enameled steel cookware, including those with a non-stick coating-boron, aluminum, cobalt, lead and arsenic-are not allowed, nickel-0.1 mg/dm, chromium-0.1 mg/dm, manganese-0.1 mg/dm, zinc-0.1 mg/dm and titanium-0.1 mg/dm, fluorine ion (in total) is not allowed for products with a non-stick coating;

tableware made of paper and cardboard (for single use) - ethyl acetate, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, butyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, benzene, lead, arsenic - are not allowed, acetaldehyde - 0.2 mg/dm, acetone - 0.1 mg/dm, toluene - 0.5 mg/dm, zinc - 1.0 mg/dm, chromium - 0.1 mg/dm, butyl acetate - 0.1 mg/dm, isopropyl alcohol - 0.1 mg/dm dm, xylenes (a mixture of isomers) - 0.05 mg/dm.

5. The release of harmful substances from metal sanitary and hygienic and haberdashery products should not exceed iron-0.3 mg/dm, aluminum-0.5 mg/dm and lead-0.03 mg/dm.

Sanitary and hygienic products made of metal must be resistant to corrosion. The fastening of handles and decorative elements, fittings and coatings must be strong.

6. Sanitary-hygienic and haberdashery products made of plastic (scissors, combs, brushes and other similar products) should not have sharp (cutting, piercing) edges, unless this is determined by the functional purpose of the product.

Sanitary and hygienic products must retain their appearance and color, do not deform and do not crack when exposed to water at a temperature of 65 to 75°C. There should be no erasure of the dye when wiping the product.

The mounting of the handles must be strong and withstand a static load exceeding the contained mass by at least 2 times.

The deformation along the width of the baby bath filled with three-quarters of the height with water should not exceed 1.5 percent.

Sanitary-hygienic and haberdashery products made of plastic must meet the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex 4.

7. Toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes powered by chemical current sources, gum massagers and similar products for oral care must meet the requirements of chemical safety according to Annex 5.

Toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes powered by chemical current sources for children under 12 years of age should be made soft (the degree of rigidity is less than 6 sN/mm), for children over 12 years of age and adolescents - medium hardness (the degree of rigidity is not less than 6 sN/mm and not more than 9 sN/mm inclusive). The synthetic fiber in the brush bushes should be free of burrs and have rounded ends. The fastening strength of the bushes of toothbrushes should be at least 15 N. The pad of the product in the place of the smallest cross-section should withstand a load of at least 0.40 J. The surface of toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes powered by chemical current sources, gum massagers and similar products for oral care should be free of chips and cracks.

Toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes powered by chemical current sources, gum massagers and similar products for oral care must meet the requirements of microbiological safety in accordance with Annex 6.

Toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes powered by chemical current sources, gum massagers and similar products for oral care must meet the requirements of biological safety according to Annex 7.

8. Single-use sanitary and hygienic products for child care must meet the requirements of microbiological safety in accordance with Annex 6.

Sanitary and hygienic products containing gel-forming moisture-absorbing materials should not exhibit a sensitizing compression effect for 24 hours.

The release of harmful substances contained in sanitary products containing gel-forming moisture - absorbing materials should not exceed acrylonitrile - 0.02 mg/dm, acetaldehyde - 0.2 mg/dm, acetone - 0.1 mg/dm, benzene - 0.01 mg/dm, hexane - 0.1 mg/dm, methyl alcohol - 0.2 mg/dm, propyl alcohol - 0.1 mg/dm, toluene - 0.5 mg/dm, phenol - 0.05 mg/dm dm or the sum of total phenols - 0.1 mg/dm, formaldehyde - 0.1 mg/dm, ethyl acetate - 0.1 mg/dm, lead - 0.03 mg/dm, zinc - 1.0 mg/dm, arsenic - 0.05 mg/dm and chromium (III) and (VI) (in total) - 0.1 mg/dm.

The release of harmful substances contained in sanitary products made of cellulose and cotton wool should not exceed acetaldehyde-0.2 mg/dm, acetone - 0.1 mg/dm, benzene - 0.01 mg/dm, methyl alcohol - 0.2 mg/dm, butyl alcohol - 0.5 mg/dm, toluene - 0.5 mg/dm, formaldehyde - 0.1 mg/dm, ethyl acetate - 0.1 mg/dm, lead - 0.03 mg/dm, zinc - 1.0 mg/dm, arsenic - 0.05 mg/dm and chromium (III) and (VI) (in total) - 0.1 mg/dm.

Article 5. Safety requirements for clothing, textile products, leather, fur, knitwear and finished piece textiles

1. In accordance with the functional purpose, clothing and products are divided into clothing and products of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd layers.

Clothing and products of the 1st layer include products that have direct contact with the user's skin, such as underwear and bed linen, corset and bathing products, hats (summer), hosiery, handkerchiefs and headscarves and other similar products.

Clothing and products of the 2nd layer include products that have limited contact with the user's skin, in particular dresses, bathrobes, aprons, blouses, shirts, sweaters, jumpers, shorts, hats (except summer), mittens, gloves, mittens, scarves, hosiery products of the autumn-winter assortment (socks, half-skirts), unlined products and products in which the lining occupies less than 40 percent of the upper area of the product (suits, trousers, skirts, jackets, jackets, vests, sundresses, overalls, overalls and other similar products).

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

Clothing and products of the 3rd layer include coats, half-coats, jackets, raincoats, envelopes for newborns and other similar products, as well as lined products in which the lining occupies at least 40 percent of the upper area of the product (suits, trousers, skirts, jackets, jackets, vests, sundresses, overalls, overalls and other similar products on the lining).

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

The determination of the area of the lining and the top of the product is carried out without taking into account the area of pockets, collar, belt, cuffs, flaps, slats, obtachek, ruffles, pat, plaques and other finishing details, in suits and sets - separately for each product.

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

2. For children under one year of age (size range - height up to 74 cm, chest circumference up to 48 cm) clothing made of textile materials, knitwear and finished textile products must meet the requirements of biological and chemical safety.

Clothing and products of the 1st layer - bed linen, knitted and sewing products made of textile materials must comply with the following standards:

hygroscopicity - at least 14 percent;

breathability - at least 150 dm/ms, for products made of flannel, boumazei and lined (piled) knitted fabrics, at least 70 dm/ms is allowed;

the content of free formaldehyde is not more than 20 mcg/g;

the color resistance to washing, sweat and dry friction is at least 4 points.

Clothing and products of the 2nd layer-knitted and sewing products made of textile materials must comply with the following standards:

hygroscopicity - at least 10 percent;

breathability - at least 100 dm/ms, for products made of flannel, boumazei, lined (piled) knitted fabrics and materials with polyurethane threads, at least 70 dm/ms is allowed;

the content of free formaldehyde is not more than 20 mcg/g;

the color resistance to washing, sweat and dry friction is at least 4 points.

Clothing of the 3rd layer - knitted and sewing products made of textile materials must comply with the following standards:

hygroscopicity (for lining) - at least 10 percent;

breathability (for lining) - not less than 100 dm/ms; for lining made of flannel, boumazei, denim and corduroy fabrics, lined (piled) knitted fabrics - not less than 70 dm/ms;

the content of free formaldehyde is not more than 20 mcg/g;

the color resistance of the upper materials to washing, sweat, dry friction and distilled water - at least 3 points, the color resistance of the lining to washing, sweat and dry friction - at least 4 points.

In the clothing of the 3rd layer without a lining, made of materials with a breathability of less than 10 dm/ms, structural elements should be provided to ensure air exchange.

3. For children over one year old and adolescents, clothing and sewing products made of textile materials must meet the requirements of biological and chemical safety in accordance with Annex 8.

4. Textile materials for clothing and products must meet the requirements for color stability, according to Annex 9.

5. Products for newborns and underwear for children under the age of 1 year must be made of natural materials, with the exception of fillers.

Connecting seams with covering of sections in underwear products for newborns should be made on the front side.

External and decorative elements in products for newborns and underwear for children under the age of 1 year (lace, sewing, applications and other similar elements) made of synthetic materials should not directly contact the child's skin.

6. The intensity of the electrostatic field on the surface of the products is determined in the products of the 1st and 2nd layer, made of pure wool, wool, semi-wool, synthetic and mixed materials, and should not exceed 15 kV/m.

7. Textile materials for clothing and products must meet the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex 10.

The list of controlled chemicals is determined depending on the chemical composition of the material and the type of product.

Harmful substances in clothing and products of the 1st and 2nd layers are determined in the aquatic environment. Harmful substances in clothing and products of the 3rd layer are determined by:

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

in coats, half-coats, jackets, raincoats, overalls, overalls and other similar products - in the air;

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

in other products - in an aqueous environment;

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

in products for newborns and children under 1 year-in water and air environments.

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

The toxicity index for tests in the aquatic environment should be from 70 to 120 percent inclusive, in the air environment-from 80 to 120 percent inclusive, or there should be no local skin irritant effect in clothing and products of the 1st and 2nd layer.

The release of volatile chemicals contained in textile materials treated with additives should not exceed the standards according to Annex 11.

8. Leather products (clothing, hats), as well as parts of products made of leather, must meet the following requirements:

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

the content of free formaldehyde is not more than 20 mcg/g;

the content of water-removable chromium (VI) in the skin is not allowed;

the resistance of the skin color to dry friction is at least 4 points, the resistance of the skin color, except for leather for gloves and mittens, to wet friction is at least 3 points.

9. Textile materials used in clothing and headdresses made of leather must meet the biological and chemical safety requirements for textile materials in accordance with Annex 10.

10. Clothing, envelopes, hats, gloves, mittens and other similar fur products for children under 1 year must meet the following requirements:

the content of free formaldehyde is not more than 20 mcg/g;

the content of water-removable chromium (VI) is not allowed;

The pH of the water extract of the skin tissue is not less than 3.5;

the welding temperature of the fur leather fabric is at least 50°C;

the color resistance to dry friction of the hair cover is at least 4 points, to dry friction of the skin tissue-at least 3 points.

11. Clothing and fur products for children older than 1 year must meet the safety requirements according to Annex 12.

12. Textile materials in clothing and fur products must meet the biological and chemical safety requirements for textile materials in accordance with Annex 10.

Article 6. Safety requirements for footwear and leather goods

1. The safety of shoes and leather goods is assessed by the resistance of the coloring of the materials used to dry and wet friction and the effects of sweat, as well as the concentration of harmful substances released and a complex of physical and mechanical properties (weight, flexibility, fastening strength of the bottom parts, deformation of the toe and back of the shoes and the breaking load of the fastening nodes of the handles of leather goods).

2. The lining of the following materials is not allowed in the shoes:

- from artificial, and (or) synthetic, and (or) composite leathers in closed shoes of all gender and age groups;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

- made of artificial, and (or) synthetic, and (or) composite leathers in open shoes for toddlers and small children's shoes;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

- made of textile materials with an investment of chemical fibers of more than 20% for toddlers and small children's shoes;

- made of artificial fur and bikes in winter shoes for toddlers.

An insole made of the following materials is not allowed in shoes:

- made of artificial, and (or) synthetic, and (or) composite leathers in shoes for toddlers and small children's shoes;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

- made of textile materials with an investment of chemical fibers of more than 20% for toddlers and small children's shoes.

In shoes for toddlers (except for summer and spring-autumn shoes with a lining made of natural materials, as well as beach shoes and pool shoes), it is not allowed to use artificial, and (or) synthetic, and (or) composite leathers as the upper material.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

3. It is not allowed to wear shoes:

open heel part for children under the age of 3 years;

non-fixed heel part for children aged 3 to 7 years, except for shoes intended for short-term wear.

4. Leather shoes, as well as shoe parts made of leather, must meet the following requirements:

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

the content of free formaldehyde is not more than 20 mcg/g;

the content of water-removable chromium (VI) is not allowed;

paint resistance to dry friction - at least 4 points;

paint resistance to wet friction - at least 3 points;

the color resistance to the effects of sweat is at least 3 points.

5. Shoes must meet the requirements of biological and mechanical safety in accordance with Annex 13.

The intensity of the electrostatic field on the surface of the shoe should not exceed 15 kV / m.

6. Leather goods must meet the requirements of biological and mechanical safety in accordance with Annex 14 (Tables 1, 2).

Leather goods made of leather must meet the following requirements:

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

the content of free formaldehyde is not more than 20 mcg/g;

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

the content of water-removable chromium (VI) in the skin is not allowed.

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

7. Student briefcases and satchels must have details and (or) accessories with reflective elements on the front, side surfaces and upper flap and be made of materials of contrasting colors. School bags for children of primary school age should be equipped with a form-resistant back.

8. The content of harmful substances in materials for satchels, bags, student backpacks, briefcases should not exceed the standards in accordance with the requirements of chemical safety according to Annex 14 (Table 3).

9. The content of harmful substances in materials for shoes and leather goods, with the exception of satchels, bags, student backpacks, briefcases should not exceed:

for fur standards in accordance with the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with annex 12 to this technical regulation;

for leather-the standards provided for shoes, clothing, hats and leather goods;

for textile materials-standards in accordance with the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with annex 10 to this technical regulation;

for chemical and polymer materials-standards in accordance with the requirements of chemical safety according to annex 15.

10. Determination of the release of harmful substances contained in the materials of shoes for children under 1 year, as well as home, summer and beach shoes, gloves and mittens, small leather goods, is carried out in the aquatic environment, in the materials of other types of shoes and leather goods - in the air environment.

The toxicity index for tests in the aquatic environment should be from 70 to 120 percent inclusive, in the air environment-from 80 to 120 percent inclusive, or the inner layers of shoes and the structural elements of leather goods in contact with the skin should not have a local skin-irritating effect on the body.

Article 7. Safety requirements for baby strollers and bicycles

1. Baby strollers must be stable on horizontal and inclined (at an angle of 10°) planes, must have a brake and locking system.

Strollers should not have sharp edges, nodes and parts that are in contact with the child. There should be no open holes, cracks with a diameter in the range of more than 5 mm and less than 12 mm. Open strollers must have devices to prevent the child from falling out of the stroller (safety belts, fences and other similar devices), the back of the stroller must be form-resistant.

The braking and locking systems of strollers must be inaccessible to the child in the stroller, or they must be closed and opened simultaneously with two hands or with the use of special tools.

It is not allowed to spontaneously trigger moving (folding handles) and removable parts (body) from the working position.

Textile materials of wheelchairs must be strong, have a color resistance to friction of at least 3 points on the gray scale of standards.

The outer upholstery of the closed body of strollers must be waterproof or have a waterproof cover.

Handles, belts, brackets and other devices designed for carrying strollers must withstand a load of 30 kg. The strength of the seat belts, including regulators and locks, must be at least 150 N.

Textile materials used in the manufacture of wheelchairs must meet the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex 10, chemical and polymer materials - the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex 15 to this technical regulation. The toxicity index for tests in the aquatic environment should be from 70 to 120 percent inclusive, in the air environment-from 80 to 120 percent inclusive, or there should be no local skin irritant effect.

Determination of the release of harmful substances contained in materials in contact with the skin is carried out in an aqueous environment, in the rest - in the air.

The design of wheelchairs should provide the possibility of installing retroreflective and signal elements.

2.Bicycles for preschool children (bicycles with a saddle height from 435 mm to 635 mm), road (transport) bicycles for younger schoolchildren and teenagers (bicycles with a saddle adjustment to a height of 635 mm or more) must meet the safety requirements. At the same time, the weight of the equipped cyclist for teenagers should be no more than 50 kg, and for younger schoolchildren-no more than 40 kg.

Bicycles with a chain drive must be equipped with a brake system (brake systems). It is not allowed to run the chain on the tops of the teeth of the sprocket and drop the chain. Bicycles must be equipped with a protective device that covers the outer surface of the contact of the chain with the driving sprocket.

The protruding edges of bicycle parts that may come into contact with the user's body during riding should not be sharp. The protrusions, the length of which exceeds 8 mm, must be rounded. There should be no protrusions on the upper pipe of the frame.

The brake system should work without jamming.

In bicycles with a hand brake for preschool children, the braking force must be at least 50 N when a force equal to 90 N is applied to the brake handle.

In bicycles with a foot brake, the ratio of the force applied to the pedals to the braking force should not exceed the ratio of 2:1, respectively.

The brake system must be triggered when testing the bicycle brake system for teenagers with a load of 70 kg, for younger schoolchildren - 60 kg. It is not allowed to completely lock the wheels. After removing the force applied to the brake, all elements of the brake system must return to their original state.

The steering must ensure stable and reliable control of the bike. The ends of the steering wheel must be equipped with handles or plugs that can withstand a tightening force of at least 70 N. The nodes, parts and connections of bicycles must be strong. When testing the "steering wheel - front fork" node of bicycles, there should be no visible cracks and destruction of the steering rod.

When testing the steering unit in bicycles for preschool children, the residual deformation should not exceed 20 mm per 100 mm of length when applying a torque equal to 30 Nm, a static load of 500 N and there should be no movement of the steering wheel relative to the rod when applying loads of 130 N on both sides of the steering wheel.

When testing the impact of the "frame-front fork" node in bicycles for younger schoolchildren, the residual deformation should not exceed 40 mm when applying a force to the 130 N node and a falling mass of at least 13.5 kg, in bicycles for teenagers - 40 mm when applying a force to the 200 N node and a falling mass of at least 22.5 kg.

When testing the steering unit for strength in bicycles for younger schoolchildren, the steering rod should not be destroyed when applying a torque of at least 50 Nm, when testing bicycles for teenagers - at least 108 Nm. When testing bicycles for younger schoolchildren, cracks, breaks and displacement of the test shaft of more than 4 mm are not allowed when applying torque to the "steering rod - front fork" node of 15 Nm, bicycles for teenagers-at least 25 Nm.

When testing bicycles for preschool children, primary school children and adolescents, it is not allowed to move the saddle relative to the saddle holder and the saddle holder relative to the saddle when a vertical force is applied to the saddle, respectively, at least 300 N, 600 N and 700 N and a horizontal force of 100 N, 150 N and 200 N, respectively.

When testing bicycles for preschool children with a falling load of 22.5 kg from a height of 50 mm and a free fall of the "frame - fork" node with a load of 30 kg, there should be no visible cracks, the residual deformation of the node, measured between the tip of the fork and the frame, should not exceed 20 mm.

The "pedal - connecting rod" assembly must be resistant to dynamic loads. There should be no overheating and visible cracks in the thread of the pedal or connecting rod during dynamic tests. When testing bicycles for younger schoolchildren, the bicycle drive must remain functional after applying a vertical force of at least 600 N to the pedal, when testing bicycles for teenagers-at least 1500 N.

For bicycles for preschool children, the pedals should not touch the ground surface when the unloaded bicycle deviates from the vertical position by 20°, for bicycles for younger schoolchildren and teenagers-by 25°.

Bicycles for younger schoolchildren and teenagers should have retroreflectors.

The design of the bicycle should provide the possibility of installing a lighting system, retroreflective elements of signaling devices.

The supporting rollers installed on bicycles for preschool children, when applying a vertical load of 30 kg, should not have a deflection of more than 25 mm and a residual deformation of more than 15 mm.

The horizontal distance between the plane of symmetry of the bicycle and the inner end surface of each roller must be at least 175 mm.

Textile materials used in the manufacture of bicycles must meet the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex N 10, polymer materials - the requirements of chemical safety in accordance with Annex N 15 to this technical regulation. Determination of the release of harmful substances contained in materials in contact with the skin is carried out in an aqueous environment, in the rest - in the air.

Article 8. Safety requirements for publishing (book and magazine) products, school and writing materials

1. The biological safety of publishing products is determined by the parameters of font design and methods of text design, depending on the type of publication, the volume of the text of one-time reading, the age of the user and in accordance with the physiological characteristics of the visual organs of children and adolescents.

2. If the publishing products are designed for 2 or 3 age groups, then such products must meet the requirements established for the smallest of the age groups specified in the reader's address.

3. Publishing products, regardless of the type and age of the user, must meet the following requirements:

the optical density of the background when printing text on a colored and gray background and (or) multicolored illustrations should be no more than 0.3, when printing with a font inversion - at least 0.4;

for the production of publishing products, the use of newsprint is not allowed, except for publishing products that are not intended for reuse (exam tickets, task cards, test tasks, crosswords, and others);

the use of a narrow font type is not allowed in publishing products;

when making alphabetic, numerical and chemical formulas, the font size of the main elements of the formulas can be 2 points less than the font size of the main text, the font size of the auxiliary elements of the formulas must be at least 6 points;

the root margins on the spread of the text pages of the publication must be at least 26 mm;

in the margins of the page, except for the spine, it is allowed to place symbols, visual images and text with a volume of no more than 50 characters at a distance of at least 5 mm from the strip;

it is not allowed to print text with indistinct strokes of characters;

the space between words in publishing products for preschool and primary school age should be equal to the font size.

4. In coloring books for preschool children, the minimum linear size of the drawing elements should be at least 5 mm. Non-printing of the lines of the drawing is not allowed.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

For the production of colorings, drawing offset writing paper and other types of paper with an area weight of 1 m from 1005 g to 1607 should be used.

For drawing with a graphite pencil, it is allowed to use paper with an area of 1 m of at least 603 g. When using this paper, the drawing intended for coloring should be on one side of the sheet.

5. In publications of literary and artistic, developmental training, for additional education and popular science, it is not recommended to use colored paints and font inversion for the text.

6. In reference and leisure publications, when printing with colored inks on a colored background, the font size should be at least 20 points, the text volume should not exceed 200 characters.

7. The font design of the text in book and magazine publications for children of preschool age (3-6 years), primary school age (7-10 years), middle school age (11-14 years), senior school age (15-18 years) must meet the requirements according to appendices 16-19, respectively.

8. The font design of the text with 2-and 3-column typing in book and magazine publications must meet the requirements according to Annex 20.

9. The font design of the text in book and magazine publications when printed on a color, gray background and multicolored illustrations must meet the requirements according to Annex 21.

10. The font design of the text in combined book and magazine publications, including along with the text toys, stationery, CDs and other products, must meet the requirements according to annexes 16-21 to this technical regulation, respectively.

11. The parameters of the font design of publishing products are given in the Dido typometric system (1 point is equal to 0.376 mm).

12. Publishing products must meet the requirements of chemical safety and must not emit harmful substances:

for children under three years of age inclusive in the model medium (distilled water) in an amount exceeding:

phenol - 0.05 mg/dm or the sum of total phenols-0.1 mg/dm;

formaldehyde-0.1 mg/dm;

lead - 90 mg / kg;

zinc-1.0 mg/ dm;

arsenic - 25 mg/kg;

chromium (III) and (VI) - 60 mg/kg;

for children over three years of age in the air in an amount exceeding:

phenol - 0.003 mg/m;

formaldehyde - 0.003 mg / m.

13. School writing materials for chemical safety indicators must meet the requirements according to Annex 22.

14. For the production of school and general notebooks, for writing words, for preparing preschoolers for writing, for notes, school diaries, writing paper is used, as well as other types of printing paper with a paper weight of 1 m(2) not less than 60,03,0 g.The use of glossy paper is not allowed. The thickness of the lines forming the rows and cells should be 0.1-0.4 mm, depending on the type of lines.

For the production of albums, folders and notebooks for drawing, drawing paper is used, as well as other types of printing paper with a paper weight of 1 m from 100,05,0 g to 160,07,0 g; albums and folders for drawing-drawing paper, as well as other types of printing paper with a paper weight of 1 m from 160,07,0 g to 200,08,0 g.

Article 9. Requirements for product labeling

1. Product labeling must be reliable, verifiable, readable and accessible for inspection and identification. Product labeling is applied to the product, a label attached to the product or a product label, product packaging, packaging of a group of products or a leaflet for the product.

2. The product labeling must contain the following information:

name of the country where the products are manufactured;

name and location of the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer), importer, distributor;

product name;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

type (purpose) of the product (if necessary);

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

date of manufacture (month, year) (except toothbrushes);

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

a single sign of circulation on the market;

product service life (if necessary);

warranty period of service (if necessary);

trademark (if any).

3. The marking of products must be applied in Russian and, if there are appropriate requirements in the legislation of the member state of the Eurasian Economic Union, in the state (state) language (s) of the member state of the Eurasian Economic Union, on the territory of which the products are sold.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

For imported products, it is allowed to indicate the name of the country where the products are manufactured, the name of the manufacturer and its legal address using the Latin alphabet.

4. It is not allowed to use the instructions "environmentally friendly", "orthopedic" and other similar instructions without appropriate confirmation.

5. The marking of milk teats and pacifiers should be applied to the closed packaging and contain the warranty period, instructions for use, storage, and hygienic care of the product.

6. Single-use sanitary and hygienic products for child care must have instructions containing information indicating the purpose, size, recommendations for the correct choice of the type and size of the product, methods of caring for the product and its disposal (if necessary).

7. The marking of tableware and sanitary-hygienic and haberdashery products must contain the designation of the material from which the product is made, and the instructions for operation and maintenance.

Products that are similar in shape and appearance to the products used for food, but are not intended for contact with food, must be marked "For non-food products" or indicate their specific purpose.

8. The marking of clothing, textile products, leather, fur, knitwear and finished piece textile products, in addition to the mandatory requirements, must have information indicating:

the type and mass fraction (percentage) of natural and chemical raw materials in the material of the upper and lining of the product (deviations of the actual values of the percentage of raw materials should not exceed 5 percent), as well as the type of fur and the type of its processing (dyed or unpainted);

the size of the product in accordance with the standard size scale or the requirements of a regulatory document for a specific type of product;

symbols for the care of the product and (or) instructions on the specifics of the care of the product during operation (if necessary).

Products for newborns and underwear for children under 1 year must be accompanied by the information "Pre-washing is mandatory".

9. The marking of shoes must contain information about the size, model and (or) article of the product, the material of the upper, lining and sole, the conditions of operation and care of shoes.

10. The marking of leather goods must contain the name of the material from which the product is made, the instructions for operation and maintenance.

The marking of student satchels, bags, briefcases and backpacks should contain information about the age of the user.

11. Baby strollers must have instructions for use indicating the age of the user for whom the product is intended, as well as for installation, installation, regulation, safe use and storage. The marking of baby strollers should contain information about the warranty period of operation and storage.

12. Bicycles must have instructions for use indicating the weight and age of the user for whom the product is intended, recommendations for assembly, preparation for operation and regulation, operation, selection of a bicycle, instructions for bicycle maintenance. The marking of bicycles must contain information about the warranty period of operation.

13. The marking of toothbrushes with a working part made of synthetic bristles should contain information about the degree of stiffness of the bristles.

(The item is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

Article 10. Ensuring compliance with security requirements

1. The compliance of products for children and adolescents with this technical regulation is ensured by the fulfillment of its safety requirements directly or by the fulfillment of the requirements of documents in the field of standardization included in the List of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured on a voluntary basis.

Compliance on a voluntary basis with the requirements of these documents in the field of standardization indicates the presumption of compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation.

2. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the member states of the Customs Union.

Article 11. Product identification

1. Identification of products on the basis of signs, including the name (indicating, if necessary, the age and gender of the user), the type (purpose) of the product, its compliance with the scope of this technical regulation and the establishment of conformity of products with technical documentation to it, is carried out:

a manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), an importer or a distributor who declares that the products comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and provides it for circulation on the territory of the member states of the Customs Union;

the certification body (assessment (confirmation) of conformity) in order to confirm the conformity of products subject to mandatory certification with the requirements of this technical regulation.

2. Organoleptic and instrumental methods are used to identify products:

2.1. in the case of organoleptic identification, products are identified by the name and type (purpose) of the product, as well as its identity and characteristic features peculiar to the type of product being determined, in accordance with standards and technical documentation;

2.2. with the instrumental method of identification, product tests are carried out in accordance with the approved list of international and regional standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards of the member states of the Customs Union containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation and the assessment (confirmation) of conformity of products.

Article 12. Assessment (confirmation) of compliance

1. Before putting into circulation on the market, products must be subjected to the procedure of mandatory assessment (confirmation) of compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation, which is carried out in the form of state registration with subsequent declaration of conformity, declaration of conformity or certification.

When assessing (confirming) compliance, the applicant may be a legal entity or an individual registered in accordance with the legislation of the Party on its territory as an individual entrepreneur, who is a manufacturer or seller or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this technical regulation.

2. Assessment (confirmation) of product compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation in the form of state registration with subsequent declaration of conformity is carried out for the following products:

milk nipples, pacifiers made of latex, rubber or silicone;

single-use sanitary and hygienic products (multilayer products containing moisture-absorbing materials (diapers, underpants and diapers), as well as hygienic cotton buds (for the nose and ears) and other similar products for child care);

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

tableware and cutlery (cups, saucers, drinking bowls, plates, bowls, spoons, forks, knives, bottles and other similar products for children for food) made of plastic, glass, metal, ceramic tableware (earthenware, glass-ceramic, pottery and majolica), disposable tableware (made of paper, cardboard and plastic) for children under 3 years old;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes powered by chemical current sources, gum massagers and other similar products;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

products of the 1st layer of underwear (underwear and bathing), knitted and made of textile materials for children under 3 years;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

knitted hosiery products of the 1st layer for children up to 3 years;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

hats (summer) of the 1st layer are knitted and made of textile materials for children up to 3 years old.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

State registration with the issuance of a certificate of state registration of products manufactured on the territory of the Customs Union is carried out at the stage of their production, and products imported into the territory of the Customs Union for the first time - before they are imported into the territory of the Customs Union.

The applicant for the purposes of state registration of products manufactured on the territory of the Customs Union is the manufacturer, and for products manufactured outside the territory of the Customs Union - a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer, a seller registered in accordance with the legislation of the member states of the Customs Union on their territory.

The state registration of products is carried out by the body authorized by the Party in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population (hereinafter-the registration body).

To issue a certificate of state registration, the applicant must submit the following documents:

- application form;

- copies of the documents according to which the products are manufactured (standards, technical conditions, regulations, technological instructions, specifications, recipes, information about the composition), certified by the applicant - for products manufactured in the territory of the Customs Union, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which the state registration is carried out - for products manufactured outside the territory of the Customs Union;

- the manufacturer's document on the use (operation, use) of controlled products (instructions, guidelines, regulations, recommendations) or a copy of it, certified by the applicant;

- copies of labels (packaging) or their layouts for controlled products, certified by the applicant;

- the act of sampling (samples) - for products manufactured on the territory of the Customs Union;

- a written notification to the manufacturer that the products manufactured by him meet the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are manufactured, or copies of quality certificates, safety data sheets (quality), quality certificates, certificates of free sale, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which the state registration is carried out-one of the listed documents is provided;

- test reports of testing laboratories (centers) accredited in the national accreditation systems of the Parties and included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

- an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (for products manufactured on the territory of the Customs Union);

- copies of documents confirming the import of samples of controlled products into the territory of the Customs Union, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which state registration is carried out - for products manufactured outside the territory of the Customs Union.

Translations of the manufacturer's documents from a foreign language into the official language of a member state of the Customs Union must be certified in accordance with the legislation of the Party in which the state registration is carried out.

The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the documents submitted for the purpose of issuing a certificate of state registration.

State registration may be refused in cases established by the legislation of the Customs Union.

State registration may be terminated by the registration authority in the cases established by the legislation of the Customs Union.

Confirmation of conformity of products subject to state registration is carried out by adopting a declaration of conformity of products to the requirements of this technical regulation. The technical documentation confirming the compliance of such products with the requirements of this technical regulation includes, among other things, a certificate of state registration of products and test reports confirming the compliance of products with the requirements of this technical regulation, including test reports conducted for the purposes of state registration.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

Applicable declaration schemes:

the scheme of 3d testing of samples is carried out in an accredited testing laboratory (center), production control is carried out by the manufacturer (for mass-produced products). When declaring conformity according to the 3d scheme, the applicant is a legal entity or an individual registered in accordance with the legislation of the member states of the Customs Union on their territories, who is a manufacturer or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with him. The validity period of the declaration is not more than 5 years;

scheme 4d-samples are tested in an accredited testing laboratory (center) (for a batch of products (a single product). When declaring conformity under the 4d scheme, the applicant is a legal entity or an individual registered in accordance with the legislation of the member states of the Customs Union on their territories, who is a manufacturer or seller or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with him. The validity period of the declaration for mass-produced products is for the period established by the applicant, based on the planned period of production of this product, but not more than 3 years. The validity period of the declaration for a batch of products is for the period established by the applicant, taking into account the shelf life (storage), but not more than 1 year.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

3. Confirmation of conformity of products to the requirements of this technical regulation in the form of declaration of conformity is carried out using the following schemes:

- scheme 1d or 2d-the adoption of a declaration of conformity of products to the requirements of this technical regulation on the basis of their own evidence, the validity of the declaration is not more than 3 years, is carried out for the following products:

leather goods;

school and writing supplies;

- 3d, 4d or 6d scheme - adoption of a declaration of conformity of products to the requirements of this technical regulation with the participation of a third party-an accredited testing laboratory( center), the validity of the declaration is not more than 5 years, is carried out for the following product groups:

clothing and products of the 3rd layer, knitted, made of textile materials and leather for children over 1 year old and teenagers;

fur clothing, products and hats for children over 1 year old and teenagers;

knitted hats of the 2nd layer, made of textile materials and leather for children over 1 year old and teenagers;

ready-made piece textile products;

bedding (blankets, pillows, mattress pads, canopies, cushions, soft walls and other similar products);

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

felted coarse-wool shoes;

publishing book and magazine products.

When declaring the conformity of products with the requirements of this technical regulation, the composition of evidence materials must include:

- copies of documents confirming that the applicant is registered in accordance with the established procedure by the state of the Party as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;

- test reports of standard samples of products confirming the compliance of products with the requirements of this technical regulation on safety indicators.

If the information contained in the test reports is not sufficient to identify the products, then the evidence materials include operational documents, technical and design documentation, information about raw materials, materials and components.

If the applicant is a seller, the composition of the evidentiary materials includes copies of documents confirming the origin of the products, copies of the contract( contract), copies of commodity and transport documents.

For products whose properties change over time, and products with a limited shelf life, the test report of standard product samples must be issued no earlier than six months before the date of acceptance of the declaration, in other cases-no earlier than 1 year before the date of acceptance of the declaration.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

The test report of standard product samples must contain:

- the date of registration of the protocol and the number in accordance with the system adopted in the testing laboratory;

- the name of the testing laboratory or the name and registration number of the accredited testing laboratory (center) (depending on the declaration scheme);

- product name;

- the name and actual values of the checked indicators of product properties;

- numbers and names of regulatory documents for the applied test methods.

At the request of the applicant, the declaration of conformity of products according to the declaration acceptance scheme based on their own evidence can be replaced by a declaration of conformity according to the declaration acceptance scheme based on evidence obtained with the participation of a third party, and the declaration of conformity of products can be replaced by certification.

When declaring compliance according to the schemes 1d, 3d, 6d, the applicant is a legal entity or an individual registered in accordance with the legislation of the member states of the Customs Union on their territories, who is a manufacturer or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with him.

When declaring compliance according to the schemes 2d, 4d, the applicant is a legal entity or an individual registered in accordance with the legislation of the member states of the Customs Union on their territories, who is a manufacturer or seller or performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with him.

4. Confirmation of product compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation in the form of certification is carried out by an accredited certification body with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory (center) according to one of the schemes-1c, 2c, 3c or 4c:

if the applicant is a seller registered in accordance with the established procedure by a member state of the Customs Union, the validity period of the certificate is not more than 3 years;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

if the applicant is a manufacturer or a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, the validity period of the certificate is not more than 3 years, the frequency of inspection control over certified products is 1 time per year;

if the applicant is a manufacturer or a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with him, having a certified quality management system, the validity period of the certificate is not more than 5 years, the frequency of inspection control over certified products is 1 time per year.

Confirmation of product compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation in the form of certification is carried out for the following products, with the exception of the products specified in paragraph 2 of this article:

sanitary and hygienic products made of rubber, molded and non-molded, for child care;

sanitary-hygienic and haberdashery products made of plastics and metal;

tableware and cutlery (cups, saucers, drinking bowls, plates, bowls, spoons, forks, knives, bottles and other similar products for children for food products) made of plastic, glass, metal, ceramic tableware (earthenware, glass-ceramic, pottery and majolica), disposable tableware (made of paper, cardboard and plastic) for children over 3 years old and teenagers;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

bed linen;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

products of the 1st layer of underwear (underwear, corset and bathing products), knitted and made of textile materials for children over 3 years old and teenagers;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

knitted hosiery products of the 1st layer for children over 3 years old and teenagers;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

knitted hosiery products of the 2nd layer;

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

hats (summer) of the 1st layer, knitted and made of textile materials for children over 3 years old and teenagers;

(The paragraph is additionally included from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51)

clothing and products of the 2nd layer made of textile materials and leather;

knitted products of the 2nd layer, knitted scarves;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

hats of the 2nd layer, knitted, made of textile materials and leather for children up to 1 year;

clothing and products of the 3rd layer, knitted, made of textile materials and leather for children up to 1 year;

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

clothing, products and hats made of fur for children up to 1 year;

shoes, except felted coarse-wool shoes;

strollers for children;


5. To confirm the conformity of products with the requirements of this technical regulation in the form of certification, the applicant sends to the certification body an application for work and copies of documents confirming state registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

If the applicant is a seller, then he additionally submits copies of documents confirming the origin of the products, copies of the contract (contract), copies of goods and transport documents.

Depending on the certification scheme, the applicant submits copies of operational documents, technical and design documentation, information about raw materials, materials and components.

6. The certification body considers the application and the documents attached to it, makes a decision on the application, carries out product identification and sampling for testing, organizes testing of product samples for compliance with the requirements of this Technical Regulation, analyzes the test results contained in the protocol, gives a conclusion on compliance (non-compliance) with the requirements of this technical regulation, evaluates the manufacturer's production (analysis of the state of production), if this is provided for by the certification scheme, makes a decision to issue a certificate of conformity or refuse to issue it, carries out inspection control over certified products, if this is provided for by the certification scheme, maintains a register of certificates of conformity issued by them, issues certificates of conformity, suspends or terminates the certificates of conformity issued by them, informs the authorized bodies that ensure the formation and maintenance of the national parts of the Unified Register of Issued Certificates of Conformity.

7. An accredited testing laboratory (center) conducts tests and draws up a test report of standard product samples.

The test report of standard product samples must contain:

- the date of registration of the protocol and the number in accordance with the system adopted in an accredited testing laboratory;

- name and registration number of the accredited testing laboratory;

- product name;

- the name, actual and normative values of the checked indicators of product properties;

- the name of the technical regulations for compliance with the requirements of which certification tests are carried out;

- numbers and names of regulatory documents for the applied test methods;

- a list of test equipment and measuring instruments used during the tests.

Article 13. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union

1. Products for children and adolescents that meet the safety requirements of this technical regulation and have passed the conformity assessment (confirmation) procedure must be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

2. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is carried out before the release of products into circulation on the market.

3. A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to each unit of products for children and adolescents or a commodity label of a unit of products.

4. It is allowed to apply a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union only on the packaging with an indication in the operational documents attached to it that it is impossible to apply the mark directly on the product unit (or product label) due to the product features.

Article 14. Protective clause

1. The member States of the Customs Union are obliged to take all measures to restrict, prohibit the release into circulation of products for children and adolescents in the customs territory of the member states of the Customs Union, as well as the withdrawal from the market of products for children and adolescents that do not meet the safety requirements of this technical regulation.

2. The competent authority of a member state of the Customs Union is obliged to notify the Commission of the Customs Union and the competent authorities of other member states of the Customs Union of the decision taken, indicating the reasons for making this decision and providing evidence explaining the need to take this measure.

3. The following cases may be the basis for the application of the article of protection:

failure to comply with articles 4-7 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

non-compliance with the rules set out in Article 10 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

other reasons for the ban on the release of products intended for children and adolescents into circulation on the market of a member state of the Customs Union.

4. If the competent authorities of other member States of the Customs Union express a protest against the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the Customs Union Commission shall immediately consult with the competent authorities of all member States of the Customs Union to make a mutually acceptable decision.

The list of products intended for children and adolescents, in respect of which the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of products intended for children and adolescents are established

Appendix No. 1

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of the list of goods intended for children and teenagers><meta itemprop=

Appendix No. 2

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Chemical safety requirements for sanitary and hygienic rubber products

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of chemical safety requirements for sanitary and hygienic rubber products><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 3

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Chemical safety requirements for dishes and cutlery made of plastic

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of chemical safety requirements for tableware and cutlery made of plastic><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 4

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Chemical safety requirements for sanitary and hygienic products and haberdashery products made of plastic

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of chemical safety requirements for sanitary products><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 5

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Chemical safety requirements for toothbrushes, gum massagers and similar products for oral care

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo chemical safety requirements for toothbrushes><meta itemprop=

Appendix No. 6

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Microbiological safety requirements for toothbrushes, gum massagers and similar products for oral care, single-use sanitary and hygienic products

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo chemical safety requirements for toothbrushes><meta itemprop=

Appendix No. 7

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Biological safety requirements for toothbrushes, gum massagers and similar products for oral care

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo biological safety requirements for toothbrushes><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 8

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Biological and chemical safety requirements for clothing and sewing products made of textile materials

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo biological and chemical safety requirements for clothing and garments made of textile materials><meta itemprop=


1. Tests for the "breathability" indicator are not carried out in products that by design (sundresses, skirts, vests, shorts) or by the structure of the material (with loose weave, openwork) assume high breathability, as well as in products that have structural elements that provide air exchange.

2.Tests on the "breathability" indicator are not carried out in trousers and overalls of the autumn-winter assortment.

(Notes in the version introduced from September 25, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of April 28, 2017 N 51. - See the previous version)

Appendix No. 9

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Requirements for the color stability of textile materials for clothing

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo requirements for color fastness of textile materials for clothing><meta itemprop=

  1. It refers to products made of knitted fabrics of dark color.
  2. It refers to textile materials, except for knitted fabrics of dark color.
  3. A reduction of one point is allowed for denim fabrics dyed with indigo.
  4. It is not defined for products made of pure wool, wool, half-wool suit and coat fabrics.
  5. It refers to products made of wool, semi-wool, cotton and mixed textile materials.
  6. It applies to products, except for products made of wool, woolen, cotton and mixed textile materials.
  7. It refers to swimsuits and similar products made of synthetic fabrics.
  8. It applies to swimsuits and similar products made of all fabrics, except synthetic fabrics.
  9. For cotton and mixed blankets.

Appendix No. 10

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Chemical safety requirements for textile materials

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of chemical safety requirements for textile materials><meta itemprop=

  1. The water medium is distilled water. The mass fraction of free formaldehyde must comply with the standards provided for in Article 5 and Annex N 8 of this technical regulation.
  2. Only for materials made of natural fibers.

Appendix N 11

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Additional chemical safety requirements for textile materials treated with additives

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of additional chemical safety requirements for textile materials><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 12

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Safety requirements for clothing and fur products

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of safety requirements for clothing and fur products><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 13

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Biological and mechanical safety requirements for shoes

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of requirements for biological and mechanical safety of shoes><meta itemprop=

- for materials other than thermoplastic and elastic.

- for thermoplastic and elastic materials.

- for materials other than thermoplastic and cardboard with a high content of leather fiber.

- for thermoplastic materials and cardboard with a high content of leather fiber.

It is allowed for home and travel shoes, the fastening strength of the upper blank with the bottom parts is 15% lower than the norms specified in the table.

Safety standards are set for the initial (average) sizes of children's shoes: booties - 110, for toddlers-130, small children-155, preschool-185, for girls - 225, for boys - 230, girls - 235, boys - 265.

In shoes of glue-stitching, stitch-glue-stitching fastening methods, for the adhesive connection of the sole with the upper blank, the strength standards must comply with the standards specified in the table for chemical fastening methods (for soles made of appropriate materials, thicknesses and age groups).

When using new materials and fastening methods that are not provided for by this technical regulation, the strength standards for fastening the bottom parts should be equated with the standards for shoes of similar fastening methods for the corresponding gender and age groups in accordance with the table.

Appendix N 14

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by

the decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Table 1

Biological and mechanical safety requirements for leather goods

photos of requirements for biological and mechanical safety of leather products><meta itemprop=

Requirements for the size of products for primary school students

photos of product size requirements for primary school students><meta itemprop=

Chemical safety requirements for materials for student satchels, backpacks, briefcases

photos of chemical safety requirements for materials for student backpacks, backpacks, briefcases><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 15

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Chemical safety requirements for chemical and polymer materials

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photos of chemical safety requirements for chemical and polymer materials><meta itemprop=

Note. The toxicity index of product materials in the aquatic environment should be from 70 to 120 percent inclusive, in the air environment-from 80 to 120 percent inclusive.

Appendix N 16

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Requirements for the font design of the text in book and magazine publications for older preschool children (3-6 years)

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo requirements for the design of text in bookstores><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 17

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Requirements for the font design of the text in book and magazine publications for children of primary school age (7-10 years)

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo of the requirements for the design of the text in book and magazine publications for primary school children (7-10 years old)><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 18

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Requirements for the font design of the text in book and magazine publications for children of secondary school age (11-14 years)

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo of the requirements for the design of the text in book and magazine publications for primary school children (11-14 years old)><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 19

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Requirements for the font design of the text in book and magazine publications for children of high school age (15-18 years)

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo of the requirements for the design of the text in book and magazine publications for primary school children (15-18 years old)><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 20

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Requirements for the font design of the text with 2-and 3-column typing in book and magazine publications*

(as amended on April 28, 2017)


* The font design parameters must meet the requirements in accordance with the type of publication and the age of the user.

photos of font design parameters must meet the requirements according to the type of publication><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 21

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by the

decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Requirements for the font design of the text in book and magazine publications when printing on a color, gray background and multicolored illustrations

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

photo of the requirements for the design of the front part of the text in book and magazine publications><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 22

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union "On the safety of

products intended for

children and adolescents"

(as amended on April 28, 2017)

(Numbering heading

in the version introduced

from September 25, 2018 by

the decision of the EEC Council

of April 28, 2017 N 51. -

See the previous version)

Table 1

Permissible amounts of migration of chemicals released into the model environment during the study of school writing materials

photo permissible amounts of migration of chemicals released into the model environment during the study of school writing materials><meta itemprop=

Table 2

Permissible amount of migration of heavy metal salts from materials used in the manufacture of school writing materials

photo of the permissible amount of migration of heavy metal salts from materials><meta itemprop=

The text of the List of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents" (TR CU 007/2011) is provided on a voluntary basis, see the link.

The text of the List of documents in the field of standardization containing the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling, necessary for the application and implementation of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents" (TR CU 007/2011) and the assessment (confirmation) of conformity of products, see the link

The revision of the document, taking into account

changes and additions, has been prepared

JSC "Codex"