Technical Regulations of the Customs Union

TR CU 008/2011

About toy safety

(as amended on March 17, 2017)


1. This technical regulation of the Customs Union has been developed in accordance with the Agreement on Common Principles and Rules of Technical Regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of November 18, 2010.

2. This technical regulation of the Customs Union has been developed for the purpose of establishing uniform mandatory requirements for toys in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, ensuring the free movement of toys put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

3. If other technical regulations of the Customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the EurAsEC) establishing requirements for toys are adopted with respect to toys, then the toys must comply with the requirements of these technical regulations of the Customs Union, the EurAsEC, which apply to them.

Article 1. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation of the Customs Union applies to toys that have not been previously in operation that are put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

2. This technical regulation of the Customs Union does not apply to the products specified in Annex 1 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union, which are not considered as toys, as well as toys made by individual order, exhibition samples.

3. This technical regulation of the Customs Union establishes requirements for toys in order to protect the life and health of children and persons looking after them, as well as to prevent actions that mislead purchasers (consumers) of toys regarding their purpose and safety.

Article 2. Definitions

In this technical regulation of the Customs Union, the following terms and their definitions are used:

ignition - the occurrence of gorenje under the influence of the ignition source, accompanied by a flame;

flammability - the ability of substances and materials to ignite;

a game set including chemicals (not related to kits for chemical experiments) - a set for the production of plaster casts; ceramic materials and enamels for glass transition, supplied in sets for the equipment of art mini-workshops; sets including molded masses based on plasticized polyvinyl chloride (followed by hardening in a furnace); sets for artistic casting; sets for pouring; sets for developing photos; adhesives, paints, varnishes, diluents and cleaners (solvents), supplied in design kits;

a game set is a toy consisting of various objects, materials, substances, designed for the development of children's creativity and manual labor skills;

toy - a product or material intended for the play of a child (children) under the age of 14 years;

a toy for playing on the water is a toy (inflatable or non-inflated) that carries the load of the child's body weight when swimming and (or) intended for playing in shallow water;

table-printed toy - a toy made by a printing method, with or without the use of additional game elements;

magnetic toy - a toy that has 1 or more magnets and (or) magnetic elements in its design;

(The paragraph is additionally included from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12)

soft-stuffed toy - a toy, with or without a frame, with a soft surface and filler;

a model-copy toy is a toy whose dimensions are determined on a scale of reduction compared to the real dimensions of the prototype;

manufacturer - a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur who carries out the production and sale of toys on their own behalf and is responsible for their compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

an importer-a resident of a member state of the Customs Union who has concluded a foreign trade agreement with a non-resident of a member state of the Customs Union for the transfer of toys, sells these toys and is responsible for their compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

design kit - a set of mechanical and (or) electrical (electronic) components intended for assembling various toys from it;

a magnetic element of a toy is a part of a toy that includes a fixed magnet or a fully or partially inserted magnet;

(The paragraph is additionally included from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12)

toy material - all materials included in the toy;

circulation of a toy on the market - the processes of transition of a toy from the manufacturer to the user (buyer) in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, which the toy passes after the completion of its manufacture;

an optical toy is a toy whose principle of operation is based on the use of the principles of geometric optics;

user - a child who uses the toy for its intended purpose, and a person who looks after him;

acquirer (consumer) - a natural or legal person who has the intention to purchase a toy or is purchasing it;

intended use - the use of a toy in accordance with its purpose specified by the manufacturer on the toy and (or) in the operational documents;

child - a person under the age of 14 years;

risk - a combination of the probability of causing harm and the consequences of this harm for the life and health of the child and the person looking after him;

a standard sample of a toy is a toy selected from a group of homogeneous toys of the same age (for children under 3 years, from 3 years and older), made according to the same technical document, technological process, from the same materials and to which the same safety requirements are imposed;

a person authorized by the manufacturer is a legal entity or an individual registered in accordance with the established procedure by a member state of the Customs Union, which is determined by the manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with him to perform actions on his behalf when confirming compliance and placing products in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, as well as to impose responsibility for non-compliance of toys with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union;

functional toy - a toy that is a model of a product or device used by adults, simulating the purpose and performance of its functions;

functional magnet-a magnet designed for the operation of motors, relays, speakers and other electrical or electronic parts of the toy (if the magnetic properties do not relate to the game characteristics of the toy);

(The paragraph is additionally included from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12)

chemical toy - a set for conducting chemical experiments by children, consisting of one or more chemicals and (or) reagents supplied with or without equipment;

an electric toy is a toy that has at least one function performed at the expense of electrical energy.

Article 3. Rules of circulation on the market

1. Toys are put into circulation on the market if they comply with this technical regulation of the Customs Union, as well as other technical regulations of the Customs Union, the EurAsEC, which apply to them, and provided that they have been confirmed in accordance with Article 6 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union,as well as other technical regulations of the Customs Union, the EurAsEC, which apply to them.

2. Toys whose compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union is not confirmed should not be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union and are not allowed to be put into circulation on the market.

3. Toys that are not marked with a single circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union are not allowed to be put into circulation on the market.

Article 4. Safety requirements

1. The toy must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used for its intended purpose, it does not pose a danger to the life and health of children and persons looking after them, and ensures that there is no risk:

due to the design of the toy;

due to the materials used;

related to the use of a toy, which cannot be excluded when changing the design of the toy without changing its function and main characteristics, replacing the material.

The risk when using toys should be correlated with the age characteristics of children.

2. Materials

The materials from which the toys are made must be clean (free of contamination), uninfected and comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and the standards specified in subparagraph 1.2 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

In toys for children under 3 years of age, the use of natural fur, genuine leather, glass, porcelain, pile materials (rubber, cardboard and paper), stuffing pellets with a size of 3 mm or less without an inner cover, fillers of toys like rattles, the size of which increases by more than 5% in a humid environment, is not allowed.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12. - See the previous version)

The migration of chemicals of the 1st hazard class is not allowed in toys for children under 3 years of age.

The use of secondary raw materials obtained as a result of the re-processing of used materials is not allowed in toys. For the production of toys, the use of waste from their own production is allowed.

The protective and decorative coating of toys should be resistant to wet processing, the action of saliva and sweat.

3. Toys must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used for their intended purpose, they do not pose a danger to the life and health of children, persons looking after them.

3.1. Organoleptic indicators

Toys for organoleptic indicators of hygienic safety must comply with the requirements set out in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

3.2. Physical and mechanical properties

The toy and its components, including fasteners, must withstand the mechanical loads that occur when using the toy for its intended purpose, while it must not be destroyed and must retain its consumer properties.

Accessible edges, sharp ends, rigid parts, springs, fasteners, gaps, corners, protrusions, cords, ropes and fasteners of toys should exclude the risk of injury to the child.

Leakage of liquid filler in toys is not allowed.

Moving components of the toy should exclude the risk of injury to children. The drive mechanisms should not be accessible to the child.

Toys and removable parts of toys intended for children under the age of 3 years, as well as toys that are directly attached to food products, should be of such dimensions as to avoid getting into the upper respiratory tract.

A soft-stuffed toy should not contain hard or sharp foreign objects in the filler. The seams of the soft-stuffed toy must be strong.

A toy that is in food products and (or) enters retail trade together with a food product must have its own packaging. The dimensions of this package should not cause a risk of suffocation of the child. It is allowed to place a plastic toy outside without packaging on the packaging of a food product.

The toy and its components must exclude the risk associated with suffocation of the child.

Masks and helmets for playing made of airtight material that completely cover the child's head should be designed and manufactured in such a way as to eliminate the risk of suffocation as a result of insufficient ventilation.

A toy designed to support the child's body on the surface of the water must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to be airtight, durable.

A toy that can fit a child inside and represents a closed space for him should have an exit hole that can be easily opened from the inside, and also have a surface with ventilation holes.

A toy that carries the weight of a child and is intended for riding must be strong and stable (except for two-wheeled bicycles). Toys with a mechanical or electric drive, having a freewheel mechanism or a neutral position of the gearbox, must have a braking device. Toys that carry the weight of the child's body and are intended for driving, in which the movement of the wheel is communicated directly by the child's hand or foot or through a mechanical transmission and toys with an electric drive are allowed to be made without braking devices. Toys with a chain drive must be equipped with protective shields. The support surfaces must have elements that prevent slipping.

A toy that carries the weight of a child and is not intended for riding must be strong and resistant to overturning. Suspended swings must be strong, swing seats for children under 3 years old must have a structure that prevents the child from falling.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12. - See the previous version)

A toy with a projectile released using a trigger mechanism, as well as a projectile with kinetic energy, should minimize the risk of injury to the child and (or) the person looking after him.

In constructors and models for assembly by children under the age of 10, soldering is not allowed.

A toy containing heating elements must be manufactured in such a way as to provide the following:

the temperature of all surfaces available for contact should not lead to burns during contact;

the intensity level of the integrated infrared radiation flux must comply with the hygienic safety requirements established in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

liquids, vapors or gases contained in the toy, which, when removed (if this removal is necessary for the functioning of the toy), can cause burns or other injuries, should not have elevated temperature or pressure values.

The level of local vibration in toys that have a vibration source, the sound level in the voiced toys must meet the requirements of hygienic safety established in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

Surface coloring and painting of rattle toys and toys in contact with the child's mouth is not allowed.

In desktop-printed toys, the text and drawings should be clear and contrasting with the main background. Marking of paints on paper and cardboard is not allowed.

The optical toy should be designed and manufactured in such a way as to minimize the risk associated with the correction of the child's vision.

Toys using LEDs should not have a negative impact on the child's visual organs, create harmful radiation.

The use of laser radiation systems of all types is prohibited in toys.

3.3. Flammability

Soft-stuffed toys, carnival costumes and carnival toy products (for example, beards, mustaches, wigs, masks, crowns), as well as toys that can accommodate a child, must be fireproof.

The game kit, which includes chemicals and is not related to the kits for chemical experiments, must not contain substances or reagents that can ignite when mixed, as well as form harmful vapors or gases.

The toy must not be explosive or contain components (substances, materials) that become explosive when using the toy.

The toy, including chemical toys, must not contain substances or reagents that:

they are capable of forming explosive mixtures as a result of the reaction when heated, as well as when combined with oxidizing substances;

they are capable of forming flammable or explosive mixtures of vapors with air.

3.4. Chemical properties

When using the toy, it is necessary to minimize the risk of damage to health due to the ingress of chemicals into the respiratory tract, on the skin, mucous membranes, eyes or stomach.

The level of migration and the release of harmful chemicals from toys must comply with the hygienic safety requirements set out in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

In chemical toys and play sets that include chemicals and are not related to kits for chemical experiments, it is allowed to use a certain amount of substances or reagents, if their content does not exceed the maximum permissible amount set for each substance.

3.5. Toxicological and hygienic indicators

Toxicological and hygienic indicators of the hygienic safety of toys must comply with the requirements set out in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

3.6. Electrical properties

In an electric toy, as well as on any of its components, the rated voltage should not exceed 24 V.

Parts of toys that are in contact with or are able to contact a source of electrical energy, as well as cables, wires must be insulated and mechanically protected in order to eliminate the risk of electric shock.

The intensity levels of the electrostatic, electromagnetic and electric fields of radio-controlled, electronic and electrical toys must comply with the hygienic safety requirements established in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

Cords for flying toys must be non-metallic and have dielectric properties.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12. - See the previous version)

3.7. Radiation safety

Indicators of radiation safety of toys (specific effective activity of natural radionuclides) made of natural materials must meet the requirements of hygienic safety established in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

3.8. Microbiological indicators

Microbiological indicators of hygienic safety of toys must comply with the requirements set out in Annex 2 to this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

3.9. Magnetic properties

Loose magnets and magnetic elements of toys should have a calculated magnetic flux index of no more than 0.5 Tl mm or such dimensions as to exclude ingestion and ingestion.

(The sub-item is additionally included from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12)

4. Packaging

The packaging must be safe and exclude the risk of suffocation of the child.

The toy must have a consumer and (or) group packaging.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12. - See the previous version)

If the packaging in which the toy is sold is also intended for use, then it is considered as an integral part of the toy. The scope of application of the package is determined by the manufacturer.

5. Marking

5.1. The marking of toys must be reliable, verifiable, clear, easy to read, accessible for inspection and identification.

5.2. The marking is applied by the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) and the importer.

The place and method of marking is determined by the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) and the importer.

5.3. The marking must contain the following information:

- name of the toy;

- the name of the country where the toy is made;

- the name and location of the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer), the importer, information for contacting them;

- manufacturer's trademark (if available);

- the minimum age of the child for whom the toy or the icon indicating the age of the child is intended;

- basic construction material (for children under 3 years old) (if necessary).

- ways to care for the toy (if necessary);

- date of manufacture (month, year);

- service life or expiration date (when they are established);

- storage conditions (if necessary).

5.4. Depending on the type of toy, the content of the marking includes: completeness (for sets), rules of operation of the toy, methods of hygienic treatment, safety measures when handling the toy, warning labels, assembly instructions.

The warning information must contain an indication of special precautions when used in accordance with Annex 3 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

6. The marking and technical documentation supplied with the toy are carried out in Russian and in the state language(s) of the member state of the Customs Union, if there are relevant requirements in the legislation of the member state(s) of the Customs Union.

Article 5. Ensuring compliance with security requirements

1. The compliance of toys with this technical regulation of the Customs Union is ensured by the following:

1.1. the requirements of hygienic safety of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, specified in Annex 2 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

1.2. the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (with the exception of those specified in subparagraph 1.1 of this paragraph) directly or the requirements of standards included in the List of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union is ensured on a voluntary basis.

2. Methods of research (testing) of toys are established in the standards included in the List of Standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the assessment (confirmation) of product conformity.

Article 6. Confirmation of conformity

1. Before the toys are put into circulation on the market, they must pass a confirmation of compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

2. Confirmation of the conformity of toys is carried out in the form of certification.

Certification is carried out by the certification body (conformity assessment (confirmation)) included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the certification body) according to the certification schemes 1c, 2c, 3c in accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure for applying standard conformity assessment (confirmation) schemes in the technical regulations of the Customs Union, approved by the Customs Union Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

Tests for certification purposes are carried out by an accredited testing laboratory (center) included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the accredited testing laboratory (center).

In case of non-application of the standards specified in subparagraph 1.2 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, or in their absence, the conformity of toys is confirmed in the form of certification (schemes 1c, 2c, 3c) in accordance with paragraph 5 of this article.

3. Certification of mass-produced toys is carried out according to the schemes 1c, 2c. The selection of toy samples for certification is carried out by the certification body or persons authorized by it.

Certification of a batch of toys is carried out according to the 3c scheme. A batch of toys manufactured in the single customs territory of the Customs Union is represented by the manufacturer, a batch of toys imported into the single customs territory of the Customs Union is represented by the importer or a person authorized by the manufacturer. The selection of toy samples for certification is carried out by the certification body or persons authorized by it.

4. During the certification of toys (schemes 1c, 2c, 3c):

4.1. the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer), the importer provides the certification body with a set of documents confirming the compliance of toys with the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, which includes:

the document according to which the toy was made (schemes 1c, 2c);

color image of the model(s) of the toy (s);

copies of the design documentation or technical description of the model(s) of the toy (s);

information about raw materials, materials and components, information about their manufacturers and importers (schemes 1c, 2c);

operational documents (if available);

the list of standards, the requirements of which must be met by toys from the List of standards specified in subparagraph 1.2 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union (when they are applied by the manufacturer);

certificate of conformity for the toy production management system (scheme 2c);

contract (supply contract) or shipping documentation (for a batch of toys) (scheme 3c);

4.2. certification body:

4.2.1. performs the identification of toys;

4.2.2. organizes the testing of the toy sample (samples) for compliance with the requirements specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, and analyzes the test protocol (protocols) ;

(Sub-item in the wording introduced from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12. - See the previous version)

4.2.3. analyzes the state of production (scheme 1c).

4.2.4. issues a certificate of conformity according to a single form approved by the Commission.

The validity period of the certificate of conformity for mass-produced toys is not more than 5 years, for a batch of toys, the validity period of the certificate of conformity is not set;

4.3. manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), importer:

4.3.1. applies a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union;

4.3.2. forms a set of documents for toys after completion of the conformity assessment, which includes:

the documents provided for in subparagraph 4.1 of this paragraph;

test report( protocols); results of the analysis of the state of production (scheme 1c); certificate of conformity.

4.4. certification body:

conducts inspection control of certified toys by:

conducting tests of samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and (or) analyzing the state of production (scheme 1c);

conducting tests of samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and analyzing the results of inspection control by the management systems certification body for the certified toy production management system (scheme 2c).

5. During the certification of toys, in case of non-application of standards from the List of standards specified in subparagraph 1.2 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, or in their absence (schemes 1c, 2c, 3c):

5.1. the manufacturer (the person authorized by the manufacturer), the importer provides the certification body with a set of documents for toys confirming the compliance of toys with the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, which includes:

the document according to which the toy was made (schemes 1c, 2c);

color image of the model(s) of the toy (s);

copies of the design documentation or technical description of the model(s) of the toy (s);

operational documents (if available);

information about raw materials, materials and components, information about their manufacturers and importers (schemes 1c, 2c);

description of the adopted technical solutions and risk assessment confirming compliance with the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;

certificate of conformity for the toy production management system (scheme 2c);

contract (supply contract) or shipping documentation (for a batch of toys) (scheme 3c);

5.2. certification body:

5.2.1. performs the identification of toys;

5.2.2. certifies toys directly to the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

At the same time, the certification body:

determines, on the basis of the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, specific safety requirements for certified toys;

analyzes the adopted technical solutions and assesses the risks confirming the fulfillment of the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, carried out by the manufacturer;

determines from the List of standards specified in paragraph 2 of Article 5 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union, standards that establish methods of research (testing) or, in their absence, determines methods of control, measurement and testing to confirm the compliance of toys with specific safety requirements;

organizes the testing of toys and analyzes the test protocol (protocols) ;

5.2.3. analyzes the state of production (scheme 1c);

5.2.4. issues a certificate of conformity according to a single form approved by the Commission.

The validity period of the certificate of conformity for mass-produced toys is not more than 5 years, for a batch of toys, the validity period of the certificate of conformity is not set;

5.3. manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), importer:

5.3.1. applies a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union;

5.3.2. forms a set of documents for toys after completion of the conformity assessment, which includes:

the documents provided for in subparagraph 5.1 of this paragraph;

test report (s) ;

the results of the analysis of the state of production (scheme 1c);

certificate of compliance.

5.4. the certification body conducts inspection control over certified toys by:

conducting tests of samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and (or) analyzing the state of production (scheme 1c);

conducting tests of samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and analyzing the results of inspection control by the management systems certification body for the certified toy production management system (scheme 2c).

6. The set of documents for toys must be stored on the territory of the member states of the Customs Union for:

toys - from the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) for at least 10 years from the date of withdrawal (termination) from the production of these toys;

a batch of toys - from the importer for at least 10 years from the date of sale of the last product from the batch.

Article 7. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union

1. Toys that meet the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union and have been confirmed in accordance with Article 6 of this technical regulation of the Customs Union must be marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

2. Marking with a single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is carried out before the release of toys into circulation on the market.

3. A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied directly to the toy itself and (or) the packaging of the toy (consumer, group, transport) and (or) the label, medallion, label (including a sewn label), insert sheets, and is also given in the operational documents attached to it.

(The paragraph in the version put into effect from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12. - See the previous version)

A single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire service life of the toy.

For toys consisting of several parts, a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union is applied to those parts that can be placed on the market separately.

4. Toys are marked with a single product circulation mark on the market of the member states of the Customs Union if they comply with the requirements of all technical regulations of the Customs Union, the EurAsEC, which apply to them and provide for the application of this mark.

Article 8. Protective clause

The member States of the Customs Union are obliged to take all measures to prohibit the release into circulation of toys in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, as well as the withdrawal from the market of toys that do not meet the safety requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union.

The list of products that are not considered as toys and which are not covered by the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of toys" (TR CU 008/2011)

Appendix 1

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of toys "

(TR CU 008/2011)

1.Christmas decorations, artificial Christmas trees and accessories to them, electric garlands.

2. Scale models for collecting, not intended for children under the age of 14.

3. Equipment for children's playgrounds.

4. Sports equipment, including underwater.

5. Folklore and decorative dolls that are not intended for children under the age of 14.

6. "Professional" toys installed in public places for general use.

7. Slot machines.

8. Puzzles containing more than 500 parts.

9. Pneumatic weapons.

10. Catapults and throwing devices.

11. Projectiles for throwing with metal tips.

12. Transformers for toys that are powered from the mains, chargers for batteries, including those supplied with the toy.

13. Products containing heating elements and intended for use in the educational process under the supervision of adults.

14. Vehicles intended for children under the age of 14, with internal combustion engines.

15. Toy cars with steam engines.

16. Bicycles designed for driving on public roads.

17. Games and toys operating at a rated voltage of more than 24 V.

18. Exact copies of firearms.

19. Costume jewelry for children.

20. Swimming accessories (for example, inflatable cuffs worn on the hands).

21. Protective equipment (swimming goggles, sunglasses, bicycle helmets, skateboard helmets).

22. Flying toys that are launched by a child using a rubber cord.

23. Bows for shooting, the length of which in the unstrung state exceeds 1200 mm.

24. Sanitary and hygienic products made of latex, rubber and silicone elastomers for children.

Appendix 2

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of toys "

(TR CU 008/2011)

Requirements for the hygienic safety of toys in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of toys "(TR CU 008/2011)

(as amended on March 17, 2017)

1. The requirements for the hygienic safety of toys include: organoleptic indicators (smell, taste);

physical factors (sound level, the level of electrostatic field intensity, the level of electromagnetic field intensity of the radio frequency range, the level of electric field intensity, the level of intensity of the integrated infrared radiation flux, the level of local vibration, the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides);

sanitary and chemical indicators (migration of harmful chemicals into model environments, the list of which is determined depending on the chemical composition of the material, and the norms for the release of harmful chemicals from toys);

toxicological and hygienic indicators (irritant effect on mucous membranes, toxicity index);

microbiological indicators.

If, when confirming the hygienic safety, a toy is found to be non-compliant with any of the controlled indicators, it is recognized as non-compliant, and further studies are stopped.

2. Organoleptic indicators

2.1. The intensity of the smell of the toy in natural conditions and water extraction should not exceed 1 point in toys intended for children under 1 year, 2 points - for children older than 1 year

The intensity of the smell of the sample and the water extract of toys for children older than 3 years should not exceed 2 points.

2.2. Toys intended for children under 3 years of age and toys in contact with the oral cavity should not have a taste intensity of more than 1 point.

3. Physical factors

3.1. The voiced toys must meet the following requirements:

The equivalent sound level of toys, except for toy models for sports games, must be:

for children under 3 years-no more than 60 dBA;

for children from 3 to 6 years-no more than 65 dBA;

for children over 6 years of age-no more than 70 dBA.

The equivalent sound level of toys for outdoor play, except for toys that emit a pulsed sound, should not exceed 75 dBA.

The maximum sound level of toys should be:

for children under 3 years-no more than 70 dBA;

for children from 3 to 6 years - no more than 75 dBA;

for children over 6 years of age-no more than 80 dBA.

The maximum sound level of outdoor toys should be no more than 85 dBA.

The maximum sound level of toys that emit a pulse sound should not exceed 90 dBA.

3.2. The level of the electrostatic field strength on the surface of the toys should not exceed 15 kV/m.

3.3. The level of intensity of the electromagnetic field emitted by radio-controlled, electronic and electrical toys should not exceed 25 V / m at a frequency range of 0.3-300 kHz, 15 V/m at a frequency range of 0.3 - 3 MHz, 10 V/m at a frequency range of 3 - 30 MHz, 3 V/m at a frequency range of 30 - 300 MHz, 10 MW / cm at a frequency range of 0.3 - 300 GHz.

3.4. The level of the electric field strength of the industrial frequency current (50 Hz) created by the toy should not exceed 0.5 kV/m.

3.5. The intensity level of the integrated infrared radiation flux should not exceed 100 W/m.

3.6. Local vibration levels in toys with a vibration source should not exceed 63 dB at the average geometric frequency of the octave bands of 8 Hz and 16 Hz, 69 dB - at 31.5 Hz, 75 dB - at 63 Hz, 81 dB - at 125 Hz, 87 dB - at 250 Hz, 93 dB - at 500 Hz, 99 dB-at 1000 Hz. The adjusted vibration acceleration level should not exceed 66 dB.

3.7. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in natural materials and products made from them, which are part of sets for games, sets for children's creativity, should not exceed 370 Bq/kg.

4. Sanitary and chemical indicators

4.1. The level of migration of harmful chemicals from toys into the model environment (water, air) should not exceed the norms specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Sanitary and chemical indicators required for toys
photo of the sanitary and chemical indicator required for toys><meta itemprop=

4.2. The release of harmful chemicals into the model environment (hydrochloric acid) contained in 1 kg of any toy materials, except for molded masses and paints applied with fingers, should not exceed the following standards:

antimony - 60 mg;

chromium - 60 mg;

lead - 90 mg;

arsenic - 25 mg;

mercury - 60 mg;

barium-1000 mg;

cadmium - 75 mg;

selenium - 500 mg.

4.3. The release of harmful chemicals into the model medium (hydrochloric acid) contained in 1 kg of molded masses and paints applied with fingers should not exceed the following standards:

antimony - 60 mg;

chromium-25 mg;

arsenic - 25 mg;

lead - 90 mg;

barium-250 mg;

mercury - 25 mg;

cadmium - 50 mg;

selenium - 500 mg.

5. Toxicological and hygienic indicators.

5.1. Toys intended for children under 3 years of age, as well as toys that are functionally in contact with the child's oral cavity, should not have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes.

5.2. Toys should not have a local skin-irritating effect or the toxicity index of toys, determined in an aqueous medium (distilled medium), should be in the range from 70 to 120% inclusive, in the air environment-from 80 to 120% inclusive.

6. Microbiological indicators.

6.1. The microbiological parameters of toys must correspond to those specified in Table 2.

Table 2

Microbiological indicators of toys
photos of microbiological indicators of toys><meta itemprop=

Appendix 3

to the technical regulations

The Customs Union

"On the safety of toys "

(TR CU 008/2011)

Requirements for information on hazards and measures taken when using toys that pose the greatest danger, in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of toys "(TR CU 008/2011)

(as amended on March 17, 2017)

The toy that poses the greatest danger to children and (or) to persons looking after them regarding the dangers should be accompanied by information about the dangers and measures taken when using the toy:

1. Toys that are not intended for children under the age of 3 years must have a conditional graphic designation with a warning indication of the age group. The conditional graphic designation is shown in Figure 1.

icon forbidding children under 3 to play><meta itemprop=

The elements of the conditional graphic designation must be fulfilled:

- circle and intersecting line-red or black;

- the background of the circle is white;

- the age group for which the toy is not intended, and the contours of the face are black.

The minimum diameter of the conventional graphic designation must be at least 10 mm.

2. Operational documents for suspended swings, slides for skating, rings, trapezoids, ropes and toys of similar purpose, having a crossbar, must contain installation requirements indicating the components that may pose a danger if improperly assembled and maintained.

3. A warning label " Attention! Use only under the direct supervision of adults."

The operating documents should contain precautions and instructions that if they are not followed, the users of the toy are exposed to danger.

The operating documents must contain instructions for storing toys out of the reach of children.

4. A chemical toy must have operational documents containing dangerous substances and reagents, instructions regarding the danger of their use and the need for users to take precautionary measures. The operational documents should contain information on the provision of first aid, as well as an indication of age-related targeting.

The label " Attention! Only for children over ... years old! Use only under the direct supervision of adults!". The age is indicated by the manufacturer.

5.A warning label "Contains a toy"must be applied to the packaging of a food product containing a toy.

6. Roller skates and skateboards, if they are sold as toys, must be accompanied by a warning inscription " Attention! It is recommended to wear protective equipment!".

Handling these toys requires certain skills. The operating document should contain instructions on how to use the toy carefully in order to avoid injury caused by a fall or collision, as well as instructions on the use of protective equipment (protective helmets, gloves, knee pads, elbow shields, etc.).

7. Toys for playing on the water should be accompanied by the inscription " Attention! Use in shallow water only under the supervision of adults!"

8. On the consumer packaging and (or) in the operating instructions for magnetic toys, with the exception of toys with functional magnets located in electrical or electronic parts of toys, a warning inscription should be indicated as follows:

"Attention! It contains loose magnets and magnetic elements. Use only under the direct supervision of adults. If the magnets and magnetic elements have been swallowed, it is necessary to seek medical help.".

(The item is additionally included from March 30, 2018 by the decision of the EEC Council of March 17, 2017 N 12)

The text of the List of standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of toys" (TR CU 008/2011) is provided on a voluntary basis, see the link.

The text of the List of standards containing the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of Toys" (TR CU 008/2011) and the assessment (confirmation) of conformity of products, see the link.

The revision of the document, taking into account

changes and additions, has been prepared

JSC "Codex"