Technical Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of packaged drinking water, including natural mineral water" (TR EAEU 044/2017)

I. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation has been developed in accordance with Article 52 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 in order to protect human life and (or) health, property, the environment, life and (or) health of animals and plants, to prevent actions misleading consumers about the purpose and safety of packaged drinking water.

2. This technical regulation establishes mandatory requirements for the application and execution in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter - the Union) for the safety of packaged drinking water (including natural mineral water) released into circulation in the customs territory of the Union and intended for sale to consumers, requirements for the processes of its production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as requirements for labeling and packaging of drinking water to ensure its free circulation in the customs territory of the Union.

3. If other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union) have been adopted with respect to packaged drinking water, establishing safety requirements for packaged drinking water, requirements for the processes of its production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as requirements for its labeling and packaging, then packaged drinking water, the processes of its production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as its labeling and packaging must comply with the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them.

4. This technical regulation applies to:

a) packaged drinking water related to food products put into circulation in the customs territory of the Union and intended for sale to consumers, including:

natural mineral water (including table natural mineral water, therapeutic table natural mineral water and therapeutic natural mineral water);

blended drinking water;

treated drinking water;

natural drinking water;

drinking water for baby food;

artificially mineralized drinking water;

b) the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of packaged drinking water.

5. This technical regulation establishes the requirements for labeling and packaging of drinking water that are mandatory for application and execution in the customs territory of the Union along with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Food products in terms of their labeling" (TR CU 022/2011), adopted by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of December 9, 2011 N 881, and the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Packaging Safety" (TR CU 005/2011), adopted by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of August 16, 2011 N 769, and do not contradict them.

6. This technical regulation does not apply to:

a) relations arising in connection with the geological study, use and protection of the subsoil of the territories of the Member States of the Union (hereinafter referred to as the Member States) containing deposits of natural mineral water, other relations regulated by the legislation of the Member states in the field of water use and subsoil use;

b) relations related to the study, use, development and protection of natural mineral water as a natural therapeutic resource, including in the part concerning the issuance by authorized organizations of the member states of conclusions on the therapeutic and preventive properties of natural mineral water;

c) relations related to the designation of the place of origin of packaged drinking water (including natural mineral water);

d) natural mineral water, not intended for drinking;

e) drinking water used by the authorized bodies of the member states to provide the population in case of emergency situations;

e) drinking water used to provide the population with centralized and non-centralized water supply.

II. Basic concepts

7. For the purposes of applying this technical regulation, the concepts provided for by the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (TR CU 021/2011), adopted by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of December 9, 2011 N 880, the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Food products in terms of their labeling" (TR CU 022/2011) and the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Packaging Safety" (TR CU 005/2011), as well as concepts that mean the following:

"safety of packaged drinking water" - the absence of an unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of harm and (or) damage when using packaged drinking water;

"document confirming the presence of therapeutic and preventive properties of natural mineral water" - a document issued by an organization authorized in accordance with the legislation of a member state, describing the therapeutic and preventive properties of natural mineral water, as well as containing information about the composition of natural mineral water, the place of its extraction (for example, a balneological conclusion, a medical conclusion, a medical and clinical conclusion, etc.);

"artificially mineralized drinking water" - water with a total mineralization of up to 2 g / dm, obtained on the basis of natural mineral or natural drinking water with the addition of mineral salts or obtained by restoring the mineral salt of natural mineral water using drinking water;

"blended drinking water" - water with a total mineralization of not more than 2 g / dm, not related to natural mineral water and natural drinking water, made by mixing natural mineral and natural drinking water or by mixing only natural mineral water;

"therapeutic natural mineral water" - natural mineral water with a mineralization of 10 to 15 g/dm (rarely more) or with a mineralization of less than 10 g/dm in the presence of biologically active components in it, the mass concentration of which is not lower than the norms according to Appendix N 1;

"therapeutic and canteen natural mineral water" - natural mineral water with a mineralization from 1 to 10 g / dm inclusive or with a mineralization of less than 1 g/dm in the presence of biologically active components in it, the mass concentration of which is not lower than the norms provided for in Annex N 1 to this technical regulation;

"treated drinking water" - water that is obtained from various water intakes, processed in any way, intended for direct human consumption and may contain naturally present mineral substances or specially added mineral substances, as well as carbon dioxide;

"the main composition of drinking water" - the mass concentration of the main cations (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium), anions (bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides) and biologically active components (if available);

"drinking water" means water in its initial state or after processing (regardless of its origin (atmospheric, surface, underground, etc.)), suitable for drinking and (or) cooking, intended for human consumption and does not contain sugar, sweeteners, flavorings and other food substances, except for mineral salts added as a source of anions and cations;

"drinking water for baby food" - drinking water intended for use by children, cooking and restoring dry food for children's nutrition;

"natural mineral water" - underground water extracted from aquifers or aquifers protected from anthropogenic impact, preserving the natural chemical composition and related to food products, and in the presence of an increased content of individual biologically active components (boron, bromine, arsenic, total iron, iodine, silicon, organic substances, free carbon dioxide) or with increased mineralization, it has a therapeutic and preventive effect. Mixtures of non-natural origin (mixtures of artificially prepared waters)do not belong to natural mineral waters:

groundwater from 2 or more aquifers or aquifers with different conditions for the formation of their hydrochemical types;

underground waters of different hydrochemical types;

natural mineral water with drinking water or with artificially mineralized drinking water;

"natural mineral water of natural carbonation" - natural mineral water that, when released to the earth's surface, contains native (natural) carbon dioxide and when packed, the content of natural carbon dioxide is preserved in the volume corresponding to the natural content of carbon dioxide in this natural mineral water (within the limits of natural natural fluctuations);

"natural mineral water with native (natural) gas from a source or well" - natural mineral water saturated only with carbon dioxide released from a source or well and containing more carbon dioxide than the water in the horizon from which it is extracted;

"natural drinking water" - water obtained from surface waters or from underground aquifers, which is not related to natural mineral water, in its initial state meets the requirements of this technical regulation and retains a constant composition;

"table natural mineral water" - natural mineral water with a mineralization of less than 1 g / dm, which may contain biologically active components, the mass concentration of which is lower than the norms provided for in Annex N 1 to this technical regulation;

"packaged carbonated drinking water" - packaged drinking water with the addition of carbon dioxide of non-natural origin (not from a source or well) and a mass fraction of its content of at least 0.2 g/dm (0.2 percent), for ferrous natural mineral water - at least 0.4 g/dm (0.4 percent);

"packaged drinking water" - drinking water that meets the requirements of this technical regulation, poured into a package intended for sale, or a package intended for the primary packaging of products sold to the end consumer.

III. Rules for identifying objects of technical regulation

8. The identification of the objects of technical regulation is carried out by the interested person in order to:

a) establishment of the product belonging to the scope of this technical regulation;

b) prevention of actions that mislead consumers.

9. For the purposes of classifying products as objects of technical regulation, in respect of which this technical regulation applies, the identification of products is carried out by the applicant, state supervision (control) bodies, customs control bodies, conformity assessment bodies of the member states, as well as other interested persons without conducting studies (tests) by comparing the product name indicated in the labeling or in the shipping documentation with the names of packaged drinking water, specified in subparagraph " a " of paragraph 4 and paragraph 36 of this technical regulation.

10. In order to identify products in order to prevent actions that mislead consumers, any interested person is obliged to make sure that the identified products comply with the signs provided for in paragraph 7 of this technical regulation and the information specified in the labeling and (or) in another document. Such identification is carried out by conducting studies (tests) in accredited testing laboratories (centers) in accordance with the methods of research (tests) and measurements that are established in the standards included in the list of standards containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation and conformity assessment in accordance with section IX of this technical regulation.

In addition, with regard to natural mineral water, natural drinking water, identification is carried out by comparing the indicators of chemical analysis of natural mineral water, natural drinking water from the place of water intake of such water, taking into account natural natural variations in its composition and indicators of chemical analysis of the identified water and taking into account the methods of processing natural mineral water, natural drinking water established by this technical regulation.

11. When identifying the processes of production, storage, transportation of products in order to establish their belonging to the scope of this technical regulation, any interested person is obliged to make sure that these processes are carried out for the purpose of production, storage and transportation of products specified in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 of this technical regulation. Identification of the processes of production, storage and transportation of products is carried out through a visual assessment of these processes and verification of the documentation in accordance with which they are carried out.

IV. Rules for the circulation of packaged drinking water in the customs territory of the Union

12. Packaged drinking water is released into circulation in the customs territory of the Union if it meets the requirements of this technical regulation and the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to it, and provided that it has passed the conformity assessment according to section IX of this technical regulation.

13. Packaged drinking water that meets the requirements of this technical regulation and the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to it, and has passed the conformity assessment according to section IX of this technical regulation, is marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market.IV. Rules for the circulation of packaged drinking water in the customs territory of the Union

V. Safety requirements for packaged drinking water

14. Packaged drinking water released into circulation in the customs territory of the Union, when used for its intended purpose during its shelf life and subject to storage conditions, should not cause harm to human life or health.

15. Packaged drinking water must comply with the requirements of this technical regulation and the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to it.

16. Natural mineral water according to safety indicators must comply with the requirements set out in Annex N 2 to this technical regulation.

17. Blended drinking water produced by mixing only natural mineral waters must comply with the requirements set out in Annex N 2 to this technical regulation. Blended drinking water made using natural drinking water must comply with the requirements set out in Annex N 3 to this technical regulation.

18. Natural drinking water, drinking water for baby food, treated drinking water and artificially mineralized drinking water must meet the requirements set out in Annex N 3 to this technical regulation.

VI. Requirements for the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of packaged drinking water

19. The processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of packaged drinking water must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (TR CU 021/2011), as well as with the requirements for production processes established by paragraphs 20-32 of this technical regulation, and the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to them.

20.For filling natural mineral water into the package, water from a source or well protected from anthropogenic impact, classified as natural mineral water (recognized as such) must be used in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the state on whose territory it is extracted from the ground.

Water from a source or well must meet the requirements for natural mineral water established by paragraphs 14-16 of this technical regulation.

21. The output of natural mineral water from sources or wells should be arranged based on hydrogeological conditions in such a way as to prevent the penetration of any other water into the extracted water, and when using injection devices (pumps) - to prevent the penetration of foreign water due to a decrease in the supply of natural mineral water.

22. The surfaces of pipes, pumps and other devices used for extracting (collecting) natural mineral water, in contact with it, must be made of materials that guarantee the preservation of the original properties of natural mineral water.

23. The mouth part of the water intake structure must be accessible for sanitary treatment.

24. In the territory directly adjacent to the well or source, measures should be taken to prevent contamination of natural mineral water during its extraction (collection). The area directly adjacent to the well or source should be inaccessible to unauthorized persons, which can be ensured by installing appropriate devices (for example, barriers) or building structures. Any activity that is not aimed at extracting (collecting) natural mineral water is not allowed on this territory.

25. The surfaces of technological equipment, pipelines, containers and inventory in contact with natural mineral water must be made of inert materials (for example, ceramics, glass or stainless steel) that are resistant to the effects of natural mineral water, disinfectants and other substances used in the treatment of natural mineral water.

26. For the treatment of natural mineral water, natural drinking water, it is allowed to use treatment methods that do not change the content and ratio of cations (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium), anions (bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides), as well as biologically active components in the composition of such water, including the treatment methods provided for in paragraphs 27 and 28 of this technical regulation.

27. The following treatment methods are allowed for natural mineral water:

a) separation of iron, manganese, sulfur, arsenic compounds by treatment with air and (or) oxygen;

b) complete or partial release of dissolved carbon dioxide exclusively by physical methods;

c) saturation with carbon dioxide;

d) separation of insoluble elements such as iron and sulfur compounds by filtration or decanting;

e) treatment with citric acid and (or) ascorbic acid (for ferrous waters);

f) treatment with silver sulphate (in this case, the mass concentration of silver in natural mineral water should not exceed 0.2 mg/dm);

g) ultraviolet irradiation (UV disinfection).

28. The following treatment methods are allowed for natural drinking water:

a) separation of iron, manganese, sulfur, arsenic compounds by treatment with air and (or) oxygen;

b) complete or partial release of dissolved carbon dioxide exclusively by physical methods;

c) saturation with carbon dioxide;

d) decrease and (or) increase in temperature;

e) reduction of the concentration and (or) separation of elements or radioactive elements initially present in quantities that do not meet the requirements of this technical regulation, including by filtration or decanting;

f) ultraviolet irradiation (UV disinfection);

g) ozonation.

29.The use of chlorine preparations for the treatment of drinking water intended for bottling is not allowed.

30. For the production of drinking water for baby food, only natural mineral water or natural drinking water should be used. Filling of drinking water for baby food intended for children from 0 to 3 years is carried out on production lines intended only for filling natural drinking water and natural mineral water. At the same time, it is prohibited to use production lines intended for the production of beverages for filling drinking water for baby food intended for children from 0 to 3 years old. Before the release of drinking water for baby food, production lines must be washed and disinfected.

31. When producing drinking water for baby food, it is not allowed:

a) the use of silver sulfate;

b) the use of carbon dioxide as a preservative;

c) the use of chlorine in the treatment of preparations;

d) the introduction of iodine and fluoride preparations in the production of drinking water for baby food intended for children from 0 to 3 years.

32. In the production of treated drinking water, it is allowed to use any water treatment technologies (reagent, non-reagent, mixed) that ensure compliance of treated drinking water with the requirements of this technical regulation.

VII. Requirements for packaging and labeling of packaged drinking water

33. Drinking water must be packed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of access to the contents of the package without obviously violating the integrity of the package itself or the device that closes this package.

The volume of consumer packaging of drinking water for baby food intended for children from 0 to 3 years old should not exceed 6 liters.

34. Materials in contact with drinking water during its production, storage, transportation and sale must comply with the safety requirements of materials in contact with food products.

35. The labeling of packaged drinking water must comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Food products in terms of their labeling" (TR CU 022/2011) and paragraphs 36-50 of this technical regulation and contain reliable information about the products. The nutritional value of packaged drinking water is not indicated in the labeling.

36. The labeling of packaged drinking water must contain the name of the product in accordance with paragraph 7 of this technical regulation, except for the following cases of labeling:

a) for the canteen of natural mineral water - "natural mineral canteen drinking water";

b) for therapeutic and canteen natural mineral water - "natural mineral water therapeutic and canteen drinking";

c) for natural therapeutic mineral water - "natural mineral therapeutic drinking water";

d) for treated drinking water - "drinking water";

e) for blended drinking water - "blended drinking water".

37. In the labeling of packaged drinking water, it is allowed to use words describing its origin from natural sources (for example, "spring", "from a source", etc.), only on condition that this water has the appropriate origin and is packed either without treatment, or only the methods provided for in paragraphs 26 and 27 of this technical regulation are used for its treatment, for natural mineral water, and paragraphs 26 and 28 of this technical regulation, for natural drinking water.

In the labeling of packaged drinking water, it is allowed to indicate the elements of the chemical composition with a symbol (for example: sodium - Na).

38. The marking of natural mineral water should contain the following information:

a) the purpose of natural mineral water ("dining room", "medical-dining room", "therapeutic");

b) the word "carbonated" or "non-carbonated" or the phrase "natural gasation" or "with gas from a source", depending on the origin of carbon dioxide in natural mineral water;

c) the number of the well (well numbers) indicating the deposit or the site of the deposit or the name of the source (spring, key, etc.) and its location;

d) total mineralization (in g/l or g / dm);

e) the words "basic composition:" - further, the elements of the chemical composition and biologically active components (if any) that characterize natural mineral water, and the maximum (minimum and maximum) values of their amount (in mg/l or mg/dm")are indicated;

f) the inscription: "Contains fluoride" (if the fluoride content in drinking natural mineral water is more than 1 mg/dm) and the inscription: "It is not recommended for systematic consumption by preschool children" (if the fluoride content in drinking natural mineral water is more than 1.5 mg/dm, with the exception of calcium waters (with a calcium (Ca) content of more than 10 mg/dm));

g) storage conditions and shelf life after opening - for natural mineral water in consumer packaging with a volume of 5 liters or more.

39. The invented name of natural mineral water may represent or contain a modern or historical, official or unofficial, full or abbreviated name of an urban or rural settlement, locality or other geographical object whose natural conditions exclusively or mainly determine the properties of natural mineral water (a field of natural mineral water, a field site, a source or well and another element of the field, another geographical object within the boundaries of the field), provided, that such natural mineral water is extracted within such a geographical object.

40. It is not allowed to use different invented names for natural mineral water extracted from the same well or source, except for cases when, as a result of the application of the treatment permitted by this technical regulation, natural mineral water acquires different properties compared to natural mineral water without treatment (except for the treatment methods provided for in subparagraphs "b" and "c" of paragraph 27 of this technical regulation). The manufacturer may supplement the invented name of natural mineral water with a trademark applied to a class of homogeneous products.

41. For natural mineral water of natural gasation, the amount of carbon dioxide is indicated in accordance with its natural level within natural fluctuations and taking into account technological tolerances.

42. Indications for therapeutic and preventive use and restrictions on the use of therapeutic and therapeutic-table natural mineral water are indicated in accordance with a document issued by an authorized organization of the member state confirming the presence of therapeutic and preventive properties of natural mineral water.

43. It is allowed to additionally indicate the following inscriptions in the labeling of natural mineral water in accordance with the document issued by the authorized organization of the member state confirming the presence of therapeutic and preventive properties of this water: "May have a relaxing effect on the gastrointestinal tract" and "May have a diuretic effect".

44. The marking of natural drinking water should contain the following information:

a) the word "carbonated" or "non-carbonated";

b) information about the place of water intake (name of a river, lake or other water body);

c) total mineralization (in g / l or g / dm);

d) the words "basic composition:" - then the elements of the chemical composition of natural drinking water and the maximum (minimum and maximum) values of their quantity (in mg/l or mg/dm)are indicated;

e) storage conditions and shelf life after opening - for natural drinking water in consumer packaging with a volume of 5 liters or more.

45. The invented name of natural drinking water may represent or contain a modern or historical, official or unofficial, full or abbreviated name of an urban or rural settlement, locality or other geographical object, the natural conditions of which exclusively or mainly determine the properties of natural drinking water, provided that such natural drinking water is extracted within such a geographical object.

46. The labeling of drinking water for baby food should contain the following information:

a) the words "for baby food" or other indication of the purpose of drinking water for baby food;

b) information about the age group of children for whom drinking water is intended (from 0 to 3 years or from 3 years);

c) total mineralization (in g / l or g / dm);

d) the words "basic composition:" - then the elements of the chemical composition of drinking water for baby food and the maximum (minimum and maximum) values of their quantity (in mg/l or mg/dm)are indicated;

e) storage conditions and shelf life after opening.

47. The labeling of treated drinking water should contain the following information:

a) the word "carbonated" or "non-carbonated";

b) total mineralization (in g/l or g / dm);

c) the words "basic composition:" - then the elements of the chemical composition of treated drinking water and the maximum (minimum and maximum) values of their quantity (in mg/l or mg/dm)are indicated;

d) information about the treatment method and the method of disinfection of source water that change its chemical composition and microflora, including such as filtration, antimicrobial treatment, ozonation, deionization, reverse osmosis, cooling( if used by the manufacturer): for example, "treated with UV radiation", "treated with ozone", "treated with reverse osmosis", etc.;

e) storage conditions and shelf life after opening - for treated drinking water in consumer packaging with a volume of 5 liters or more.

48. The labeling of blended drinking water should contain the following information:

a) the word "carbonated" or "non-carbonated";

b) the number of the well (well numbers) indicating the deposit or the site of the deposit or the name of the source (spring, key, etc.) of natural mineral water and (or) information about the place of water intake (name of a river, lake or other water object) of natural drinking water used for the production of blended drinking water;

c) total mineralization (in g / l or g / dm);

d) the words "basic composition:" - then the elements of the chemical composition of blended drinking water and the maximum (minimum and maximum) values of their quantity (in mg/l or mg/dm)are indicated;

e) the inscription: "Contains fluoride" (if the fluoride content in blended drinking water is more than 1 mg/dm) and the inscription: "It is not recommended for systematic consumption by preschool children" (if the fluoride content in blended drinking water is more than 1.5 mg/dm, with the exception of calcium water (with a calcium (Ca) content of more than 10 mg/dm));

f) storage conditions and shelf life after opening - for blended drinking water in consumer packaging with a volume of 5 liters or more.

49. The labeling of artificially mineralized drinking water should contain the following information:

a) the word "carbonated" or "non-carbonated";

b) total mineralization (in g/l or g / dm);

c) the words "basic composition:" - then the elements of the chemical composition of artificially mineralized drinking water and the maximum (minimum and maximum) values of their quantity (in mg/l or mg/dm)are indicated;

d) storage conditions and shelf life after opening - for artificially mineralized drinking water in consumer packaging with a volume of 5 liters or more.

50. In the labeling of packaged drinking water, additional information may be indicated in accordance with the applicable documents in the field of standardization included in the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and if they are not available - national (state) standards, as a result of the application of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured, if this information does not contradict the requirements established by the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Food products in terms of their labeling" (TR CU 022/2011) and this technical regulation.

VIII. Ensuring compliance of packaged drinking water with safety requirements

51. The compliance of packaged drinking water with this technical regulation is ensured by fulfilling its requirements, the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (TR CU 021/2011) and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to packaged drinking water.

52. The methods of research (testing) and measurement of packaged drinking water are established in the standards included in the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence-national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurement, including the rules of sampling necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of this technical regulation and the assessment of compliance of objects of technical regulation.

IX. Conformity assessment of packaged drinking water

53. The assessment of compliance of packaged drinking water with the requirements of this technical regulation and the technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to packaged drinking water, is carried out in the following forms:

a) confirmation of conformity in the form of declaration of conformity of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water;

b) state registration of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water.

54. The assessment of compliance of the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of packaged drinking water with the requirements of this technical regulation and the technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of packaged drinking water, is carried out in the form of state supervision (control) over compliance with the requirements established by this technical regulation and the technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to these processes.

55. Packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, before being put into circulation in the customs territory of the Union, is subject to conformity assessment in the form of declaration of conformity according to schemes 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d and 6d.

56. When declaring the conformity of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, applicants may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a Member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who are manufacturers or sellers or persons authorized by the manufacturer.

57. The declaration of conformity of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, therapeutic-canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, produced in series, is carried out according to the schemes 1d, 3d and 6d, the batch of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, therapeutic-canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, - according to the schemes 2d and 4d.

58. When declaring the conformity of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, the applicant may be:

a) for schemes 1d, 3d and 6d - the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer);

b) for schemes 2d and 4d-the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer) or the seller.

59. The choice of the scheme for declaring the conformity of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, is carried out by the applicant.

60. Declaration of conformity of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, to the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to it, is carried out by adopting, at the applicant's choice, a declaration of conformity on the basis of their own evidence and (or) evidence obtained with the participation of a third party.

61. When declaring the conformity of packaged drinking water, with the exception of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, the applicant:

a) forms and analyzes documents confirming the compliance of packaged drinking water with the requirements of this technical regulation, including:

protocol (protocols) of testing samples of packaged drinking water for compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation;

contract (supply contract) and shipping documentation (schemes 2d and 4d);

certificate for the management system (a copy of the certificate) (scheme 6d);

other documents at the applicant's choice, which served as the basis for confirming the compliance of packaged drinking water with the requirements of this technical regulation and other technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to it (if available);

b) carries out the identification of packaged drinking water in accordance with paragraph 9 of this technical regulation;

c) ensures that production control is carried out and takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process of packaged drinking water meets the requirements of this technical regulation (schemes 1d, 3d and 6d);

d) takes all necessary measures to ensure the stability of the functioning of the management system (scheme 6d);

e) forms, after the completion of the conformity assessment procedure, a set of documents provided for in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph;

f) adopt a declaration of conformity, which is drawn up according to a single form and rules approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 25, 2012 N 293;

g) applies a single product circulation mark on the Union market after the completion of the declaration of conformity procedure.

62. The declaration of conformity is subject to registration in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of April 9, 2013 N 76.

The validity period of the declaration of conformity of packaged drinking water produced in series is not more than 5 years.

The validity period of the declaration of conformity of the batch of packaged drinking water corresponds to the expiration date of the packaged drinking water.

63. The set of documents that served as the basis for the adoption of the declaration of conformity and the registered declaration of conformity must be kept by the applicant:

when confirming the conformity of mass-produced products - within 3 years from the date of termination of the declaration of conformity;

when confirming the conformity of a batch of products - within 5 years from the date of adoption of the declaration of conformity.

The set of documents is submitted to the state control (supervision) bodies at their request.

64. The state registration of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water is carried out in accordance with Article 24 of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011).

65. The procedure for state registration of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, the content and procedure for maintaining the unified register of specialized food products are established by Articles 25 and 26 of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (TR CU 021/2011).

In the case of state registration of drinking water for baby food, medical canteen and therapeutic natural mineral water, applicants may be a legal entity or an individual registered in the territory of a member state in accordance with its legislation as an individual entrepreneur, who are manufacturers or sellers or persons authorized by the manufacturer.

As part of the documents submitted to the authorized body for state registration of medical canteen and therapeutic mineral water, an additional document is submitted confirming the presence of therapeutic and preventive properties of medical canteen or therapeutic mineral water, issued by authorized organizations of the member states in accordance with the legislation of the member states and recognized by all member states without re-registration and additional research.

X. Marking of packaged drinking water with a single product circulation mark on the Union market

66. Packaged drinking water that meets the requirements of this technical regulation and the technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to it, and has passed the conformity assessment procedure, is marked with a single product circulation mark on the Union market.

67. Marking with a single sign of circulation of products on the Union market is carried out before the release of packaged drinking water into circulation on the customs territory of the Union.

68. A single product circulation mark on the Union market is applied to each consumer packaging of drinking water in any way that provides a clear and clear image during the entire shelf life of packaged drinking water, and if drinking water is packed in a container from which drinking water is sold to consumers, the image of a single product circulation mark on the Union market can be applied to the accompanying documentation.

69. The marking of packaged drinking water with a single product circulation mark on the Union market indicates its compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Union (Customs Union), which apply to packaged drinking water and which provide for the application of a single product circulation mark on the Union market.

XI. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation

70. The state control (supervision) of compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation in relation to packaged drinking water and the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal related to the requirements for it is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Member states.

The norms of the mass concentration of biologically active components in natural mineral water for classifying it as therapeutic-table natural mineral water or therapeutic natural mineral water

Appendix No. 1

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of packaged

drinking water, including natural

mineral water"

(TR EAEU 044/2017)

photo of the norm of the mass concentration of biologically active components in natural mineral water for attributing it to therapeutic table natural mineral water or therapeutic natural mineral water><meta itemprop=

Appendix No. 2

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of packaged

drinking water, including natural

mineral water"

(TR EAEU 044/2017)

Requirements for natural mineral water and blended drinking water made from natural mineral water

Table 1

Chemical safety indicators
photo chemical safety indicators><meta itemprop=

Table 2

Indicators of microbiological safety
photo indicators of microbiological safety><meta itemprop=

Table 3

Radiation safety indicators
photo radiation safety indicator><meta itemprop=

Table 4

Intervention levels for the content of individual natural radionuclides
photo intervention levels for the content of individual natural radionuclides><meta itemprop=

Appendix N 3

to the technical regulations

Of the Eurasian Economic Union

"On the safety of packaged

drinking water, including natural

mineral water"

(TR EAEU 044/2017)

Requirements for treated drinking water, natural drinking water, drinking water for baby food, artificially mineralized natural water and blended drinking water made using natural drinking water

Table 1

Chemical safety indicators
photo chemical safety indicators><meta itemprop=

Table 2

Indicators of microbiological safety

photo indicators of microbiological safety><meta itemprop=

Table 3

Radiation safety indicators

photo radiation safety indicator><meta itemprop=

Table 4

Levels of intervention on the content of individual natural and man-made radionuclides

photo levels of exposure to the content of individual natural and anthropogenic radionuclides><meta itemprop=

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prepared by JSC "Codex" and verified by:

Official website

Of the Eurasian Economic Union,
